
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Democrat Party’s Joe Biden is Divisive

Filed in National by on March 12, 2022 4 Comments

Y’ALL!! BIDEN should use the godlike powers of the US Presidency to make gas $0.99 and 9/10ths per gallon. Also…bomb the fuck out of RUSSIA, and …Also …N0 mo0Re aNAL s3X in the elemnt-ry CLasSR00Ms!!

I wish I was a GOP candidate for literally any office. I could clean up.

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The Greatest White Privilege of Them All

Filed in National by on March 12, 2022 7 Comments

Eschaton reminded me of this truth – You can’t convict rich white people of crimes.  That’s a pretty big privilege.  Even when they are stone cold guilty,  wealthy white people can use the “I didn’t know it was a crime” defense.  You have to be simultaneously rich and white to have that defense available to you.

Only once in my lifetime has that defense failed, and that was the rich white guy preyed on underage girls.   I guess it is hard to claim that you didn’t know preying on underage girls is a crime with a straight face.

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Senator Chris Coons’ Old Prayer Breakfast Buddy Says Ukraine is Bombing Its Own Cites

Filed in National by on March 10, 2022 1 Comment

Maria Butina, who became friends with Senator Chris Coons and other conservative oligarchs at the NRA sponsored National Prayer Breakfast was once part of Russia’s wide-ranging Russian effort to influence U.S. politics. Arrest by the FBI in July 2018, Butina spent 15 months in a federal prison and was deported in October 2019. After returning […]

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From a Strategy Perspective – You Really Have to Hand it to Republicans

Filed in National by on March 10, 2022 0 Comments

They’ve perfected a system for making stuff they don’t like both toxic for low info voters and frequently illegal. They take anything that seems like it contains “liberalism” (from abortion, to action on climate change, to teaching the truth that slavery was bad) and make it an “ideology” that children need to be protected from. Next up for this spy-ops treatment…being gay.

LAURA INGRAHAM (HOST): When did our public schools, any schools, become what are essentially grooming centers for gender identity radicals? As a mom, I think it’s appalling, it’s frightening, it’s disgusting, it’s despicable. Florida just passed a bill to keep this type of sexual brainwashing out of schools. Democrats, though, claim the bill is bigoted, branding it as the “Don’t Say Gay Bill.” Well, nice try. The real controversy, though, isn’t this bill. It’s that schools are peddling gender ideology when our international rankings in math, science, and reading are down across the board.

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Remember When Senator Chris Coons Worked So Hard to Get All of Those Trump Judges Seated?

Filed in National by on March 10, 2022 1 Comment

Nichols was one of those cases where Coons joined with Republicans and voted “Yea” to move the nomination out of Committee then “Nay” in the full vote when it didn’t fucking matter.   A federal judge appointed by Donald Trump has, for now, just effectively destroyed the main case against a January 6 defendant by […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday March 9th 2022

Filed in National by on March 9, 2022 4 Comments

Some of you may remember when I was asking the hive mind about buying an EV vs and internal combustion automobile. Well I bought the EV and it has been great. Yesterday a co-worker told me he spent over $90 to fill his GMC pickup. He gets 16 miles per gallon and is very mad […]

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What is Senator McBride Waiting For?

Filed in National by on March 8, 2022 7 Comments
What is Senator McBride Waiting For?

I mean other than waiting until after Family Leave crosses the finish line, can anybody give me a good reason why McBride shouldn’t run for Governor?

It is International Women’s Day – a day set aside to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, after all.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday March 8th 2022

Filed in National by on March 8, 2022 3 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday March 8th 2022

Just take a look at this graph.  We’ve got the most expensive third-world health outcomes money can buy! In Delaware we have a congressional delegation fully in the pocket of the for profit multi-billion-dollar health care industry. Our local legislators, to be honest, are no better.  They’ve all been bought off  and bribed in exchange for […]

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DLOpen Thread Monday March 7th 2022

Filed in National by on March 7, 2022 8 Comments
DLOpen Thread Monday March 7th 2022

Let me ask you, the smartest political observers in Delaware, other than Paul Baumbach’s “Death with Dignity” legislation, Sarah McBride’s “Paid Family Leave” and Senator Pinkney’s SB149 to amend LEOBOR – are any elected Dems trying to actually get anything done? I only ask because it doesn’t seem like anybody has a burning desire to do […]

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Why are young people not joining the Democratic Party?

Filed in National by on March 6, 2022 4 Comments

Is it because the Democratic Party sucks ass?   The centrist agenda, which is based on the primacy of the private sector and private markets and the importance of the military and law-enforcement, has left us with a public-health system utterly unable to handle the COVID pandemic. It’s left us with a legacy of racist […]

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It is on. Find your candidates and work your ass off.

Filed in National by on March 2, 2022 0 Comments
It is on.  Find your candidates and work your ass off.

The Highlands Bunker. Your local RD. This little blog. The Delaware Call. Network Delaware. Delaware United. WFP, and many more larger and smaller streams of progressive action in Delaware. As they join together and flow in the same direction toward Election Day they can build into a river of change. We saw that happen last time. It works but it depends on you getting your boots wet.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday March 2nd 2022

Filed in National by on March 2, 2022 15 Comments

Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union last night. I didn’t watch it. As political bloggers go, I guess I am pretty awful. I suppose some other stuff happened too. Be a flower song would you, and let me know in the comments if I missed anything interesting. Thanks!

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Dirty Liberals Slashing Joe Biden’s Tires

Filed in National by on March 1, 2022 1 Comment

If you listen to Coons and members of his Toxic Centrist Caucus you will come to believe that all of Joe Biden’s problems are rooted in “liberals” and “progressives” asking for too much and not being convincingly sad enough when they got no part of what they asked for.

Also this->  Bye Bye Roe V. Wade!

Huzzah for the party of sober moderation! Vote for the Democrat Party because…. uh…reasons!

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