
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday The Ides of February 2022

Filed in National by on February 15, 2022 5 Comments

Open thread will be late today due to supply chain interruptions related to the closing of the Ambassador bridge which links Detroit and city of Windsor, Canada. Talk amongst yourselves.  Here are some possible topics: Hopefully this is the last Winter Olympics. Trump Organization’s accounting firm says 10 years of financial statements are unreliable Texas […]

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DL Open Thread Monday February 14 2022 – Guess the Flag

Filed in National by on February 14, 2022 5 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday February 14 2022 – Guess the Flag

Happy Valentines Day! Enjoy your S&M thruples, or whatever. Groovy Baby! The science of Mascot Matchups ™ deals with probabilities. It isn’t perfect. It hasn’t “solved” the NFL in the same way IBM’s Deep Blue has solved chess, or the way the GOP has “solved” politics in America. The trucks protests in Ottawa are two […]

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Political Norms Don’t Work for Dems

Filed in National by on February 13, 2022 24 Comments

Joe Biden (and to be honest most Dems and all DC beltway types) still cleave to 1980’s political norms. So when a “scandal” breaks, its all “OH MY! HEADS MUST ROLL!”

Whereas Republicans operate on 2020 political norms. So when a “scandal” breaks (up to and including scandalously trying to overthrow the republic) they say “LOL.  Nothing matters! Fuck You.”  And presto! No scandal.

I know many Dems, even commenters here, feel good about themselves and believe that they are destine to live eternity in heaven because they have the right norms.   That’s comforting, I suppose.

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DL Open Thread Sunday February 13 2022

Filed in National by on February 13, 2022 8 Comments

Last week I asked what actual policy goals centrist like Coons are trying to enact.  The answer is that there are no goals other than to cool the passions of the left and ensure that all political outcomes are far right of center thereby further enriching the rich and keeping existing class structures in place. […]

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DL Open Thread Saturday February 12 2022

Filed in National by on February 12, 2022 3 Comments

Crack Pipe Joe is now cowering in the corner begging Tucker Carlson to stop kicking him. It is truly pathetic and perhaps not a great strategy going into midterms. Someone in the Democratic Party’s “leadership” must have said “Maybe if we apologize harder and compromise more ardently, the Fox News personalities will come around.” Another […]

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Listen to the Highlands Bunker – NOW WITH 20% MORE BRAIN POISON!

Filed in National by on February 11, 2022 1 Comment

“If all the right people hate me, I’m doing my job.” REV may or may not have said that. But it sounds like something he would say. E162 – Call Me Madinah (w/Madinah Wilson-Anton) State Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton joins Rob in the bunker to talk about the retirement of John Kowalko, what is going on […]

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Senators Blackburn and Coons “Spitting Mad”

Filed in National by on February 10, 2022 3 Comments

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R–TN) is incensed that President Biden is not including Republicans in the search for the next Supreme Court justice. “The Biden White House is not even consulting with Republican Senators,” she complained on Fox today. “They’ve sent the message that Republicans Senators are irrelevant. … They want to just put the people […]

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Don’t Be a Wanker

Filed in National by on February 10, 2022 33 Comments
Don’t Be a Wanker

If you aren’t fucking joining your fucking RD committee, or working for a fucking candidate you believe in, or all your activism takes place in the comments section of some dumb blog, you are just wanking. WFP is hosting a training on how to run a grassroots campaign this Saturday: Every day, our political system seems […]

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Trump is a scourge that keeps on scourge-ing

Filed in National by on February 10, 2022 15 Comments
Trump is a scourge that keeps on scourge-ing

I blame Hillary Clinton, and Democrats for nominating her. The worst candidate ever, defeated by the second worst presidential candidate ever.


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The Brazen Criminality of Delaware’s “Auditor”

Filed in National by on February 9, 2022 17 Comments
The Brazen Criminality of Delaware’s “Auditor”

This is fucking nuts.

As reported by WDEL’s DJ McAneny here is the exchange between Trey Paradee and Kathy McGuiness AFTER Paradee pointed out that Park City was trying to shift half-a-million dollars from general funds towards “contractual services”   (Sen Lawson interjecting some dumb bullshit has been removed by me.)

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DL Open Thread Wednesday February 9th 2022

Filed in National by on February 9, 2022 13 Comments

Ho hum. The NYT doesn’t think Trump breaking the law is much of a story. On Tuesday, Times reporters Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman co-authored their newspaper’s first attempt to define the contours of bombshell news by The Washington Postabout the National Archives and Records Administration recovering documents illegally removed from the White House […]

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Shama Lama Ding Dong

Filed in National by on February 8, 2022 28 Comments
Shama Lama Ding Dong

Read RAE KRANTZ’ coverage of the sham RD4 session in the Delaware Call.  Then become a patron. ….a group of people who had previously decided that racism was not a big deal was in charge of deciding between a woman of color and a white man to represent their district in the upcoming election. In […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday Feb 8th

Filed in National by on February 8, 2022 11 Comments

Here is a bunch of stuff that happened. Biden Says Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Won’t Go Forward if Russia Invades Ukraine Biden sounded a little Trumpy in the coverage of this development: WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Monday said the U.S. would “bring an end” to the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline if […]

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