
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Treasonous State House Lawyers – Lock Those Motherfuckers Up

Filed in National by on January 27, 2022 1 Comment

Not all enemies of the constitution wear Gravy Seals cosplay costumes. Some wear nice suits and expensive ties.

(CNN)Federal prosecutors are reviewing fake Electoral College certifications that declared former President Donald Trump the winner of states that he lost, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.

“We’ve received those referrals. Our prosecutors are looking at those and I can’t say anything more on ongoing investigations,” Monaco said in an exclusive interview.
The fake certificates falsely declaring Trump’s victory were sent to the National Archives by Trump’s allies in mid-December 2020. They have attracted public scrutiny amid the House’s January 6 investigation into the pressure campaign that sought to reverse Trump’s electoral defeat.

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Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from Supreme Court

Filed in National by on January 26, 2022 11 Comments

Dumb. He should have made it contingent on a replacement being confirmed by the Senate. Justice Stephen Breyer to retire from Supreme Court, paving way for Biden appointment Justice Stephen Breyer will step down from the Supreme Court at the end of the current term, according to people familiar with his thinking.

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Mehmet Oz v. David McCormick Primary Air Wars – Momentum Builder or Character Killer?

Filed in National by on January 26, 2022 0 Comments
Mehmet Oz v. David McCormick Primary Air Wars – Momentum Builder or Character Killer?

New Jersey Celebrity Chef Mehmet Oz and Connecticut hedge fund executive David McDickhead must both have very deep pockets.  If you own a TV you know that the US Senate wannabes and their proxies have been throwing mountains of cash at TV ads in the Philly area. The primary is scheduled for May 17.  At this […]

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Jerry Falwell Jr. Cuckold Fetish Rumors Watch Wrap Up – Coda

Filed in National by on January 26, 2022 8 Comments
Jerry Falwell Jr. Cuckold Fetish Rumors Watch Wrap Up – Coda

When you think this is all wrapped up, the consummate attention whores go out whoring for more attention.  In this episode Jerry and Becki streisand effect themselves in an interview with Vanity Fair. I will probably not read that interview, but get a load of this nugget:

“Because of my last name, people think I’m a religious person. But I’m not,” Falwell Jr., 59, told Vanity Fair in the interview,.

AH, YES! It was the name. It wasn’t going around for 30 or so years pretending to be a religious person that gave people that erroneous impression.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday January 26 2022

Filed in National by on January 26, 2022 14 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday January 26 2022

Ukraine continues to dominate the little bit of news I consume. There’s lots of reason to believe that Russia quite seriously intends to use a mechanized offensive along several lines of attack to cut off parts of Ukraine and install a new government in Kiev. – VIA LGM I hear something like that and think, […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday January 25 2022

Filed in National by on January 25, 2022 1 Comment
DL Open Thread Tuesday January 25 2022

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What does Putin want?

Filed in National by on January 24, 2022 40 Comments

If you think that Putin isn’t deploying 100,000 troops, short-range ballistic missiles, and elite spetsnaz operators on the Ukranian border for nothing, this explanation of what Putin actually wants makes sense. We continue not to know what Vladimir Putin intends nor wants with his massive military buildup around Ukraine, accompanied by diplomatic demands, primarily on […]

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DL Open Thread Monday January 24th 2022

Filed in National by on January 24, 2022 8 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday January 24th 2022

I listened to football this Sunday.  A good radio play by play announcer is an artist.  These games didn’t need a good play by play announcer to be interesting.  Bills/Chiefs was probably the best football game I have ever listened to.  But a playoff game shouldn’t be decided by a coin flip.  Allow both teams […]

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We can’t fix shit

Filed in National by on January 23, 2022 5 Comments

When I was in my 20’s the United States of America was still widely admired around the world. Sure the CIA got involved in some bad shit, but the country’s heart was always in the right place, and when it decided to do something (like defeat Nazi Germany, go to the moon, or eradicate polio) by God that shit got done. Now we suck. Can’t get anything done, AND our heart is in the wrong place.

…The endless cycles of one step forward, two steps back, on numerous issues takes its toll. Brief windows open up and then the powerful backlash forces step in.
Fanatical devotion to the status quo is, sadly, considered to be the height of seriousness in The Discourse. I’d even be more accepting of this if it was merely, “the status quo, but a bit more convenient,” but often it is impossible to stare down even the trivial forces that impose large burdens on the rest of us.

I mean, “we” can’t even fix spam calls. There are also the related cycles of, “YOUNG PEOPLE AND PEOPLE OF COLOR WILL SAVE US,” followed immediately by, “oh no, not like that.”

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Slow Motion General Strike Continues Apace in The UK

Filed in National by on January 22, 2022 6 Comments
Slow Motion General Strike Continues Apace in The UK

Workers pushing back against the abuses of late stage capitalism is officially a thing.   Which means it is only a matter of time until capital organizes its assholes and lackeys (like Senator Chris Coons (D-DE) for example) to introduce some sort of bipartisan bills making it illegal to quit your suck-ass job.

Brits are quitting their jobs at a rate not seen in over a decade, new data shows, highlighting the struggles companies are facing when it comes to staff.

Sanjay Raja, chief UK economist at Deutsche Bank, said analysis of official data suggests people are resigning at the highest rate since 2009 with “historically elevated levels of workers leaving the labour market entirely”.

The data shows that the so-called “Great Resignation” happening around the world in the wake of the pandemic is not just anecdotal. In the US, where the government produces official data on the so-called ‘quit rate’, a record 4.5 million people resigned in November.

Employers across the UK complain of struggling to both hang on to and recruit staff.  Redundancies in the UK are at their lowest level since the mid-1990s, while the level of open vacancies is the highest on record.

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The Loser’s Plan to Win

Filed in National by on January 22, 2022 0 Comments

After losing to Joe Biden, all of Trump’s moves were designed to create enough discord and chaos to allow Pence to stall the electoral college certification. Read the never-issued Trump order that would have seized voting machines The Jan. 6 select panel has obtained the draft order and a document titled “Remarks on National Healing.” […]

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Darius Brown Verdict – The Highlands Bunker Take

Filed in National by on January 22, 2022 2 Comments

Here is a pod for your ears brain and soul. I haven’t listened yet, but will return to the comments to give it a 1 to 5 rating. (1 being equal to a Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust Pizza and 5 being equal something so transcendently luminescent it is nigh on impossible to discuss with any heretofore devised human language.)

The Jerkyville Soviet is back in session as Tye Grier joins Rob in the virtual bunker to talk about the Darius Brown verdict and controversy, the role of leadership in dealing with ethics issues, and some upcoming collaboration between local groups.

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Bones Bugalu

Filed in National by on January 21, 2022 0 Comments

I don’t know anything about Gabriel Ríos other than what I just read in wikipedia [(born 1978 in San Juan, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican-Belgian singer songwriter currently residing in Belgium and New York.] and the fact that he is responsible for this bop which I first heard as a track on a Putumayo […]

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