
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Coons Helped Trump Appoint Crank Judges Who Are Attacking Biden’s Ability to Govern

Filed in National by on January 6, 2022 0 Comments

Thanks Coons! The reactionary hacks Republicans have nominated to lower federal courts have been overrunning Biden administration policy with no serious legal basis. One obvious reason they’re doing this is that they know the Court that is theoretically in charge of enforcing its own precedents isn’t going to do anything about it:

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WaPo Puts it all in a Nutshell

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022 6 Comments
WaPo Puts it all in a Nutshell

This one (longish) sentence sums up how utterly fucked we are.

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Slow Motion General Strike Continues – Record 4.5 million Americans quit jobs in November

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022 14 Comments
Slow Motion General Strike Continues – Record 4.5 million Americans quit jobs in November

The jig is up. Late stage capitalism simply does not work for workers. A very large number of younger workers have lost all faith in the notion that capitalism exists to benefit them in some way. To that I say, FUCK YEAH.

[Pictured: A super-capitalist exploiter looking like a slapped ass.]

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Trump Cancels Jan 6th Presser

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022 0 Comments

It is tough to imagine that he was influenced by anything rational. But there you have it. On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump announced that he canceled a press conference at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida that was scheduled for January 6, 2022, the one-year anniversary of the Capitol insurrection. Trump said in his statement […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday December 5th 2022 – Our Media is Totally Fucked, and Fucking Us Over

Filed in National by on January 5, 2022 1 Comment

The structural advantages that conservatives enjoy in our electoral system are well known. (The Electoral College giving the losing candidate two victories, the Senate not representing a majority of Americans, the supermajority requirement imposed by the Senate filibuster, etc).  Writing for the New York Times,  Osita Nwanevu looks  beyond those advantages to point the finger […]

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Lisa Blunt Rochester Outed – In Need of a Primary Challenge

Filed in National by on January 4, 2022 23 Comments
Lisa Blunt Rochester Outed – In Need of a Primary Challenge

The report released by RootsAction.org, titled “Meet The PINOs: “Progressive In Name Only,” targets Democratic Reps. Madeleine Dean (Pa.), Donald Norcross (N.J.), Jimmy Panetta (Calif.), Joseph Morelle (N.Y.), Lisa Blunt Rochester (Del.) and Brenda Lawrence (Mich.). (snip) The group accused the six lawmakers named in the report of often acting “more like corporate centrists” on […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday January 4th 2022

Filed in National by on January 4, 2022 10 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday January 4th 2022

Just when I say I’m maintaining my media black out Middletown gets hit with a snowstorm trapping me in my house in front of my computer.   FWIW – these are the “news” things I noticed. BREAKING: NY Attorney General Letitia James has subpoenaed Ivanka Trump and Don Jr for testimony and documents in the […]

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DL Open Thread Monday Jan 3rd 2021

Filed in National by on January 3, 2022 9 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday Jan 3rd 2021

Happy snow day!  This is being typed on Jan 3rd at 00:05 so I’m just going to assume that majestic, powdery dunes of snow have piled up outside of our doors whilst we snoozed.  Right?  No?  Dang.

Well, let’s see.  What’s new?  First of all – my 2021 media blackout is now my 2022 media blackout.  I know El Som’s knees are beginning to give out from carrying me, but I don’t have the heart to watch Biden’s floundering as his fellow corporatist Democrats bury knife after knife in his back.  At least by undermining Biden they aren’t setting the table for a full scale GOP takeover of congress.   Wait… yes they are.  Never mind.

Anyway, It is hard to be interested in the fortunes of a political party (or a country for that matter) that demonstrates so little interest in continuing as a going concern.

And yet, I have a brain and a conscience and they urge me to action.  So I guess I’ll get involved with the Working Families Party.   What the heck.  The Empire State has a decent liberal party and it makes their Democratic Party a better party.  (Chuck Schumer not withstanding.)

I’ll also continue to get most of my news from El Som’s posts, from the Delaware Call and from REV’s excellent Podcast series – The Highlands Bunker.

If you are an incorrigible lefty haven’t listened to the most recent episode, just do it.

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This New Jersey State Trooper Really Wanted to Fucking Shoot or Arrest Antonio Brown for Something

Filed in National by on January 3, 2022 4 Comments
This New Jersey State Trooper Really Wanted to Fucking Shoot or Arrest Antonio Brown for Something

A Tampa Bay player quit during a game. That’s not a crime,  but look at this NJ State Trooper trying to figure out a way to shoot him. Here is the clip. Notice the cop.    

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Is it “clap louder” season already?

Filed in National by on January 1, 2022 0 Comments

I can’t wait for Chris Coons to tell me to clap louder for our gloriously middle-of-the-road Democratic candidates and the inevitable victory of glorious bipartisanship. As usual Eschaton said it best: Hey It’s An Election Year Again, already!One school of thought is that people not on the payroll need to clap louder, the other is […]

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Urge President Biden to Declaring a Climate Emergency

Filed in National by on December 31, 2021 0 Comments
Urge President Biden to Declaring a Climate Emergency

Cheers to the “Occupy Biden” Peeps. Biden is a corporate lackey, so there is no way he is going to declare a climate emergency. Nevertheless, you guys are doing import work. The movement’s primary goal is to urge President Biden to issue an executive order declaring a climate emergency and mandating that all federal government […]

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Jiz-lean (sp?) Guilty on 5 of 6 Counts

Filed in National by on December 29, 2021 5 Comments

Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s own private Delaware (but for underage girls) has been found guilty.

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DL Open Thread Monday December 27 2021

Filed in National by on December 27, 2021 2 Comments

I am still in vacation mode having enjoyed the first Christmas in four years without Trump as President.   I should have turned over the open thread to El Som, but didn’t.

So I scanned the headline and it was the usual collection of Covid variant stories.  (Not much news worthy there. Omincron is bad, but only really bad if you are still an anti-vax/pro-disease partisan.)

Desmond Tutu died.  He seemed like a good man who helped his country out a lot when it needed a lot of help.

And yesterday was the one year anniversary the Trump tweet-storm that kicked off his plans to mount a coup on Jan 6th of 2020.  Read all the smoking gun tweets and marvel at the fact that Trump is still walking around a free man.

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