
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DEGOP In Exile Comes Out of Hiding to Support a Celebrity Fraud

Filed in National by on December 10, 2021 18 Comments
DEGOP In Exile Comes Out of Hiding to Support a Celebrity Fraud

Check out the losers and has-beens sponsoring this $1,000 per plate fundraiser for the New Jersey celebrity running for Senate in PA. I mean Mike Castle… Mike Castle for fuck sake.

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Flag of the Day – North Dakota

Filed in National by on December 10, 2021 2 Comments
Flag of the Day – North Dakota

I don’t know much about the the flag of North Dakota other than the fact that the design is an almost exact copy of the unit banner carried by the state’s troop contingent in the Philippine–American War. (per wikipedia)

I only put it here to trick you into listening to this week’s Highlands Bunker, which deals with a film called Welcome to Leith

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Slow Motion General Strike Continues Nationally

Filed in National by on December 9, 2021 4 Comments
Slow Motion General Strike Continues Nationally

Job openings in the U.S. approached record levels in October while the number of people quitting eased off its record pace but remained historically high, the Labor Department reported.

If you want a low paying, de-humanizing grind – you are in LUCK!

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Coons to Deploy His Patented Bipartisan Savoir Faire on Manchin & Sinema – We are Fucked

Filed in National by on December 9, 2021 1 Comment
Coons to Deploy His Patented Bipartisan Savoir Faire on Manchin & Sinema – We are Fucked

Biden’s “Build Back Better” has been trimmed to the bone in part because Coons signaled a willingness to give up half of the projected $400 billion plan prior to day one.

Now, with Senate action scheduled in the coming weeks Machine and Sinema are threatening additional cuts. But don’t worry. This WaPO article is here to let you know that Chris Coon is on it.

“Relationships, understanding where another senator is coming from and being respectful of their frame and their concerns is the best way to be persuasive with any senator,” said Sen. Christopher A. Coons (D-Del.)

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Experienced Ass-Kisser, Pucker’s Up for Prolonged Ass Kissing

Filed in National by on December 6, 2021 5 Comments
Experienced Ass-Kisser, Pucker’s Up for Prolonged Ass Kissing

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., will resign from Congress to become CEO of Trump’s fledgling “Media & Technology Group” next month. Nunes, who boasts of being a dairy farmer, will begin his new career despite having no apparent prior experience working in the tech industry or as an executive.      

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Slow Motion General Strike

Filed in National by on December 5, 2021 0 Comments
Slow Motion General Strike

This item was found by alumni DL contributor, Nemski.

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When America Surrenders to Fascism, Will You Stay or Go?

Filed in National by on December 3, 2021 7 Comments
When America Surrenders to Fascism, Will You Stay or Go?

The item below was posted to the “Even More Patriotic Patriots for Delaware” FB page. I agree with the sentiment 100%. The Democratic Party “leadership” doesn’t have any fight in it, mostly because they are doing ok, and suppose they will continue to do ok event after the end of democracy. Many of them are […]

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Flag of the Day – Haiti

Filed in National by on December 2, 2021 1 Comment
Flag of the Day – Haiti

I mentioned Haiti in the last one of these, and as it happens – Haiti’s flag as an origin story.  This is it, in brief. Sugar cultivation in what was then Saint-Domingue was a real shit show for the slaves – but GREAT for the French Barrons, merchants and traders who amassed fortunes! What was […]

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Flag of the Day – Barbados

Filed in National by on December 1, 2021 4 Comments
Flag of the Day – Barbados

The Babados flag consists of a triband of two bands of ultramarine, which are said to stand for the ocean surrounding the country and the sky, separated by a golden middle band, which represents the sand. A black trident head, commonly called the broken trident, is centred in the golden band, and the fact that […]

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Delaware is the Ghislaine Maxwell of States

Filed in National by on November 30, 2021 0 Comments
Delaware is the Ghislaine Maxwell of States


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Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Delaware GOP…

Filed in National by on November 30, 2021 10 Comments
Ladies and Gentlemen, Your Delaware GOP…

Witzke is the de facto leader, and most visible member of the Delaware Republican Party. There are a lot of things to not like about Coons.  Being a self-proclaimed baby eating Satanist isn’t one of them.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 30th 2021

Filed in National by on November 30, 2021 3 Comments

Nearly three years ago my Mom was able to die with dignity in her own home in a way that was nearly identical to her expressed wishes.  It was pure luck.

She had an end of life directive and a DNR that kept her out of the hospital. That wasn’t the lucky part.  Her…

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The Beatles

Filed in National by on November 29, 2021 3 Comments
The Beatles

Anybody else watching the making to the ‘Let it Be’ album documentary on Disney+ ? I found it utterly fascinating.  Grizzled music industry veterans (at 29 yrs old) trying to re-discover the fun of playing together and get a live album across the finish line. Billy – Simply an amazing keys player and very cool […]

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