
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 16th 2021

Filed in National by on November 16, 2021 6 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday November 16th 2021

Everybody hates Joe Biden because gas is expensive, so he passed some gimmicky pork barrel bill to try and buy back some approval points.  That’s what the very objective DC press corps is saying, so it must be true.

Kevin Goff, the defendant’s lawyer in the murder trial of Ahmaud Arbery keeps trying to make the trial about his own racism.  “How many ministers are there in the Arbury family?” Said Goff,  “The seats in the court’s public gallery are different from the courtside seats in the Lakers game.”

Steven Bannon is a fine upstanding member of the Republican Party. Liz Cheney has been removed from the Wyoming GOP. In these days of glorious bipartisanship, I guess that means Coons will be reaching out to Bannon instead of Cheney going forward (?)

The UK is still being haunted by its ill-conceived, Brexit vote.

Johnson Says It’d Be ‘Legitimate’ to Suspend Brexit Deal Over Northern Ireland

Boris Johnson said it would be “perfectly legitimate” for the U.K. to suspend part of the Brexit deal with the European Union, though his government still wants to negotiate a solution to their escalating trade spat.

The U.K. is demanding a major overhaul of the divorce agreement it signed with the bloc, arguing that its implementation is causing significant harm to businesses and communities in Northern Ireland. Johnson has repeatedly threatened to suspend parts of it by using Article 16 of the so-called Northern Ireland protocol, if the bloc doesn’t agree to rewrite it.

Yet doing so carries the risk of severe retaliation from the EU. On Monday, the bloc’s top negotiator, Maros Sefcovic, told Irish lawmakers that any such move would call into question the EU’s broader trade deal with the U.K., signed at the end of 2020 to ensure tariff-free commerce.




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DL Open Thread Monday October 15th 2021

Filed in National by on November 15, 2021 5 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday October 15th 2021

I am very happy to be living in an era bipartisan cooperation in which everyone puts the country first and petty tribalism doesn’t run the show.   But can the current golden age of Coonsian bipartisan cooperation and happiness survive the Colorado River drying up for good?  I sort of doubt it.

Also today… only 16% of Americans are hard line anti-vaxers. But they sure get a shit ton of media attention.

And speaking of airtime, UD Alum Lydia Cole joins Rob in the bunker to talk about current protests and what demands need to be made to make sure that sexual assault is taken seriously on campus.

And finally, if you never want another decent night’s sleep, read this article El Som linked to over the weekend and marvel at how hard republicans are working to install trump as President for life, while Democrats can’t be bothered to lift a finger to stop it.

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Don’t get excited about the Bannon Indictment

Filed in National by on November 13, 2021 4 Comments
Don’t get excited about the Bannon Indictment
Bannon’s case is assigned to Judge Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee. He clerked for Clarence Thomas

As Scott Lemieux notes at LGM. It it is entirely predictable that Judge Nichols will invent some broad new form of executive privilege that applies retroactively, contemporaneously, and prospectively to anyone who has ever had a conversation with Donald Trump.

Nichols has been a member of the Federalist Societysince 2003.

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Americans walking away from humiliating, low pay jobs in record numbers

Filed in National by on November 13, 2021 1 Comment
Americans walking away from humiliating, low pay jobs in record numbers

When owners and vulture capital firms treat workers like disposable cogs, while hoarding all the profits for 30 years, something’s gotta give. A record-high 4.4 million people, or 3% of workers, quit their job in September, according to the Labor Department’s latest Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey released Friday. And there’s reason to believe […]

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Fox News’ Gutfeld praises Rittenhouse for killing protesters and doing “what the government should have done”

Filed in National by on November 12, 2021 2 Comments

Rittenhouse is going to walk. I think we all know that. The reality we have to confront is that this is not an isolated event. The right is organized and has a robust, well organized revolutionary infrastructure. GREG GUTFELD (HOST): People say that Rittenhouse never should have gone to Kenosha. The dead guys shouldn’t have […]

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Who is the “Democratic Base” voter that the Democratic Party continues to abuse?

Filed in National by on November 11, 2021 2 Comments
Who is the “Democratic Base” voter that the Democratic Party continues to abuse?

Somebody asked if I could succinctly describe democratic base voters. I did, but they didn’t like the answer, so they took a powder. Good riddance. That’s fine but it is important to define terms so for everyone knows what I am talking about when I correctly observe that “the Democratic Party has spent the last 27 years abusing, berating and doing everything it can to drive the enthusiasm OUT of its base voters.“. So here is some “politics 101” for anybody who needs it.

First of all, “base voter” whether Democratic or Republican isn’t a demographic. Base voters don’t live in a certain zip code. Political scientist define base voters as voters who have a high degree of political participation and a strong connection to the espoused values of a political party. Therefor they are more likely to 1) show up on Election Day and 2) vote the “straight ticket.” Political scientist further describe “base voters” as being more interested in strengthen a party’s…

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“INFLATION PANIC!” is corporate pushback against rising worker power

Filed in National by on November 11, 2021 2 Comments

Whenever the corporate media moves en masse like this, it’s a good idea to slow down and consider what’s actually happening,

The inflation freakout is all about class conflict. In fact, it may be the fundamental class conflict: that between creditors and debtors, a fight that’s been going on since the foundation of the United States.

That’s because inflation is often good for most of us, but it’s terrible for the kinds of people who own corporate news outlets….

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The unassailable truth about Democrats

Filed in National by on November 10, 2021 3 Comments
The unassailable truth about Democrats

Click to See the Whole Thing 

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Trump White House records can be given to Capitol attack panel, judge rules

Filed in National by on November 10, 2021 0 Comments

The House panel should immediately release the documents to the full house and the public. Congress is the people’s house. Executive privilege arguments are bullshit. The people don’t owe that specious argument one minute’s consideration.

A federal judge in Washington has ruled that hundreds of pages of White House records from the Trump administration can be turned over to the House committee investigating the deadly 6 January attack on the Capitol, defying objections from Donald Trump.

The decision, handed down late on Tuesday by the US district judge Tanya Chutkan, clears the way for the National Archives to start transmitting the records requested by Congress as early as Friday, though attorneys for Trump immediately vowed to appeal the ruling.

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REV Talks w/ Becca Cotto

Filed in National by on November 9, 2021 0 Comments
REV Talks w/ Becca Cotto

This Highlands Bunker episode starts a little slow but builds freight train like momentum.  From her web site:  I am running because I believe we should all live in a just and equitable society where: Every child from Pre-K and up has a free quality education Everyone has affordable healthcare We all live and work […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 9th 2021

Filed in National by on November 9, 2021 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday November 9th 2021

27 years ago today, the Republican Party won control of both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate in midterm congressional elections.  It marked the first time the GOP held both houses in 40 years.

Republicans accomplished this by consolidating and energizing their base voters and have worked that strategy for the past 27 years.  Meanwhile, the Democrats have berated, abused and done everything to drive all energy and enthusiasm OUT of the Democratic base voters for the past 27 years.  One electoral strategy seems to work.  The other is lacking.  I will leave you to figure out which seems to be more effective.   

Also in today’s open thread:
– Ted Cruz trolled the US media again
– Steve Smyk is still walking around a free man, and
– Speaking of people brazenly showing their criminal faces in public, what ever happened to Dem’s stopping the indicted auditor from auditing while under indictment? . Oh yeah… Pete Schwartzkopf likes her.

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Our media is now just rich people interviewing each other

Filed in National by on November 8, 2021 7 Comments
Our media is now just rich people interviewing each other

Peter Eleftherios Baker is an American journalist and author. He is the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times and a political analyst for MSNBC. His net worth is estimated to be well over $1 million.

Andrea Mitchell is an American television journalist, anchor, and commentator for NBC News, based in Washington, D.C. She married her second husband, then Federal Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan, on April 6, 1997, following a lengthy relationship. Her personal net worth is estimated at over $8 million.

This is what passes for “analysis” in the United States:

Andrea Mitchell: Peter Baker, is the congressional Democratic Party just too liberal for the country?

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“A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.”

Filed in National by on November 8, 2021 0 Comments
“A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.”

I think of the amazing things would could accomplish as a people and a species if we were not hobbled by being chained to such brazenly stupid people.   If we don’t have the mental acuity to think beyond labels such as “progressive” and “liberal”  and instead think in terms of “people who generally favor some tangible benefit for the vast majority of people” – what hope do we have?

Read the essay by Carlo M. Cipolla that Alby mentioned last week.   It explains so much about Republican Banditry and our national stupidity.

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