
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Monday November 8th 2021

Filed in National by on November 8, 2021 2 Comments

Yesterday was the 77th anniversary of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt winning an unprecedented fourth term in office. With the benefit of historical hindsight, we now know that he won by continually watering down his bold agenda to appeal to centrists and corporate interests. That is the only way Democrats have ever won nationally. It is […]

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Save it for the rubes, Coonsie

Filed in National by on November 6, 2021 2 Comments

Coons takes his holy bi-partisanship act to Glasgow Scotland today. His ready to disclose the top secret Republicans traveling with this afternoon at 1:00pm. This show of bipartisanship (if is happens) will surely fix the climate crisis. Coons visits climate change conference to advocate bipartisan solutions Senator Chris Coons is part of a bipartisan delegation […]

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Election Analysis

Filed in National by on November 5, 2021 20 Comments

The nothing that Biden has accomplished is too far to the left and that scared the white Virginia people.  So now he needs to be mean to AOC in public and accomplish even more nothing, so Democrats can run on nothing in the mid-terms and win by not being scary leftists.   

Put me on TV!  I can do this.   


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Is There a Christo-Fascist/White Power Cell Operating Within the Delaware State Police?

Filed in National by on November 5, 2021 8 Comments

Having lost to Chris Coons by 59.4% to 37.9%, Delaware’s most prominent Republican and the defacto leader of the DEGOP,  Lauren Witzke, now claims to have asked the Delaware State Police to work with her to “retrieve the people’s stolen property” by overturning the election and installing her as Delaware’s “rightful” Senator. While it is ludicrous […]

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Witzke Needs to Be Locked Up Under DE Code Title11, § 1245A

Filed in National by on November 4, 2021 12 Comments

Where the FUCK is Kathleen Jennings on this?   Witzke needs to be charged and locked up…today! So far, can find nothing re: State Police response to the Crazy Lady….however, I did find this gem – By someone named “Herkie”, in a comment section on something called ‘nationalzero.com‘: “First, I have always said that republicans […]

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Republicans Do GOTV 24/7/365 – Democrats Do GOTV on Election Day

Filed in National by on November 3, 2021 10 Comments

For the GOP, everything is “Get out the Vote” .  Every lying facebook post, all the dumb anti-mask rallies,  and every policy decision.  It is all about getting the base fired up.  Republicans never say “but we might lose some moderate Republicans” because they know the moderates will come along. What choice do they have?

Democrats dither, delay and debate.  Democrats think the base will come along, because what choice do they have?  Democrats can’t acknowledge the base because they would push them off their message of obsequious unending compromise.   Also we nominate wishy-washy centrist who couldn’t put together an inspiring message if all the pieces were numbered and came with IKEA directions.  It makes us bad at the pace and volume of modern politics. 

The Trumper won in Virginia and is close in New Jersey.  Good news for Trump.

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Virginia Voters Seem Evenly Split – Princess Blanding’s Third Party Bid Could Play a Factor

Filed in National by on November 2, 2021 8 Comments

538’s latest polls show 47.9% for Youngkin, 47% for McClintonite, and 1-2% for Princess Blanding of the Liberation Party. (The Center Square) – Although most of the talk around Virginia’s 2021 gubernatorial race has focused on Republican Glenn Youngkin and Democrat Terry McAuliffe, voters will have a third name to choose from on their ballots […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday November 2nd 2021

Filed in National by on November 2, 2021 1 Comment

You’re Doing It The Wrong Way – Via Eschaton Republicans claim they’d support a thing if only the Democrats would do it the right way, New York Times reporter types it up. Some business groups and G.O.P. proponents of a paid leave program believe that if it had been broken out and negotiated with Republicans, the […]

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DL Open Thread Monday November 1st 2021

Filed in National by on November 1, 2021 5 Comments

It feels strange to be a “blogger” who is also observing a pretty airtight news blackout. It is kinda like being a movie critic who has sworn off movies. Today for instance. You, dear reader, will have to fill in my gross ignorance of current events. As a starting point, here are some items that I have a vague awareness of.

– There is a Gov’s race in Virginia that Republicans are…

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Billionaires Tax Being Worked on by Dems

Filed in National by on October 27, 2021 8 Comments

Democrats, led by Senate Finance Committee chairman Ron Wyden of Oregon, are hammering out the details of a proposed “billionaires tax.” The plan would tax the unrealized capital gains of people who hold $1 billion in assets or have earned $100 million or more in income for three years, and focus only on publicly traded […]

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FWIW – I like Mitch

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021 9 Comments

His FB post raises a lot of questions in my mind. With Lopez hanging up his skates, who was that district designed for? What gay enclave was drawn out of the 6th? Is this really MORE Dem friendly than the old 6th? But my biggest question is why all the anti-Mitch energy?

I mean, I gave him tons of shit and called him a “genuine Ralph Abernathy” when he was being the mouthpiece for the LGBTQ pac that had the gall to support Mike Ramone – but that shit was richly deserved. In hind site, Mitch himself would probably admit that. (Also, after all that shit, they didn’t do it twice.)

Other than that incident, I’ve found him to be a decent, honest, hard working Democrat.

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The coordinated attack on our elections is an attack on our constitutional democracy

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021 3 Comments
The coordinated attack on our elections is an attack on our constitutional democracy

I hate to give the Patriots for Delaware any oxygen, but this can’t be laughed off or ignored.  Witzke is a clown and out-right screw-ball, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a well-funded, coordinated attack on our democracy going on in Delaware.  This shit needs to be repudiated LOUDLY by every public official, Republican […]

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Help Delaware’s Best State Rep – Support the Great Pumpkin Fundraiser

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021 0 Comments
Help Delaware’s Best State Rep – Support the Great Pumpkin Fundraiser

Autumn is here, and while the temperature may be dropping, Team Madinah is warming up for the 2022 Election Cycle. Put on your coziest sweater, and join us as we enjoy the change of seasons with cider, s’mores, and supporting the reelection of State Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton! Donate Up to $600 HERE 

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