
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday October 26th 2021

Filed in National by on October 26, 2021 8 Comments

The Next Generation of Delaware Leadership is Almost Exclusively Female

Lisa Blunt Rochester is probably going to replace Carper amicably (although I’d prefer a violent primary battle).  Sarah McBride clearly has statewide potential and ambitions.  Kathy Jennings must be considered in that group.   Will Chris Coons continue to rot in place and defy the manifest will of Delaware’s voters?  Betting on Coons being allowed to pull a Bill Roth is a long shot. Coons is no Roth. That means only Matt Meyer  has path to a future statewide office.

I’m not saying the matriarchy will be any more enlightened of progressive than what we’ve had, but I’m not sad. The guys…

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Bipartisanship Resplendent!

Filed in National by on October 25, 2021 0 Comments

If Biden gets his infrastructure bill passed, I hope they call it the

“Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill!”

because whatever Manshins and Skinamax are, they ain’t Democrats.

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DL Open Thread Monday October 25th 2021

Filed in National by on October 25, 2021 1 Comment
DL Open Thread Monday October 25th 2021

Florida Governor Ron Desantis, gearing up for a run to be the worst person in the world, has invited  all vaccine resisting cops to relocate to Florida.  Because as awful as Florida is, it can always be worse.   Ron DeSantis Offers Bonuses To Anti-Vax Cops To Come Work In Florida HuffPost| The Florida governor […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday October 24 2021

Filed in National by on October 24, 2021 9 Comments

The For Profit ‘Patriots for Delaware’ Event was a Bust I’m gonna say today’s event was a bust. * I haven’t seen any media coverage of it. * No one in my timeline has mentioned it. * And this sad video shows the grass in front of the stage mostly empty while one of their […]

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Breaking: Complete Text of House Resolution Calling for Removal of State Auditor

Filed in National by on October 23, 2021 7 Comments
Breaking: Complete Text of House Resolution Calling for Removal of State Auditor


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DL Open Thread Sunday October 23rd 2021 – Leader of DEGOP Blames Demons Employing “Bio-Weapons” for Her Covid Diagnosis – Claims to Be Battling the Disease With Prayer and Ivermectin

Filed in National by on October 23, 2021 11 Comments
DL Open Thread Sunday October 23rd 2021 – Leader of DEGOP Blames Demons Employing “Bio-Weapons” for Her Covid Diagnosis – Claims to Be Battling the Disease With Prayer and Ivermectin

Witzke is the public face and the leader of the second largest political party and Delaware.  And she is 100% coo-coo bananas.

Lauren, If you think it is real, and you think it will damage you, then I hereby put my liberal curse on you. Ex-post facto, coitus interuptus!!

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Slow Motion General Strike Continues Apace in Middletown

Filed in National by on October 22, 2021 1 Comment
Slow Motion General Strike Continues Apace in Middletown

The Middletown Burger King 10/22/21

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Not Breaking: Chris Coons is a Lowlife Piece of Shit

Filed in National by on October 22, 2021 0 Comments

We all know that America is wholly fucked. Many blame the GOP, but the GOP is just being the GOP that Democrats allow it to be. Democrats like Chris Coons. A Democratic senator questioned the timing of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s fiery speech last week trashing Republicans over negotiations about raising the federal debt […]

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Highlands Bunker – REV probably talking with 45 year old white “girls” from Hockessin, right?

Filed in National by on October 22, 2021 0 Comments
Highlands Bunker – REV probably talking with 45 year old white “girls” from Hockessin, right?

Google is your friend, haters.   E147 – Step With Us (w/Lakeshia Nix, Keandra McDole, Kira Savvy) Activists Lakeshia Nix, Keandra McDole, and Kira Savvy join Rob in the bunker to talk about how tragedy got them involved with the fight for justice against police violence, and what they are working on now. Show Notes: More […]

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Lots of Optimism – But the Az Senator who is Out Coons-ing Coons is Still a Wild Card

Filed in National by on October 21, 2021 1 Comment

Simema is vying to be the Coonsiest Coons that ever Coons-ed:: The Wall Street Journal today reports that Sinema “has told lobbyists that she is opposed to any increase” in taxes on high-income individuals, businesses, or capital gains. Her opposition is reportedly “pushing Democrats to more seriously plan for a bill that doesn’t include those major revenue increases.” If […]

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This crazy-ass motherfucker has actual followers. Many of them.

Filed in National by on October 20, 2021 3 Comments
This crazy-ass motherfucker has actual followers.  Many of them.

This is a few days old, but it is worth reflecting on the full narcissistic shitheadedness of Trump’s statement on the passing of Colin Powell.   And to pre-empt any idiot who wants to argue “but you don’t like Colin Powell, so Trump must be right.”    First of all – go fuck yourself.   Secondly, one crumb of truth in Trump’s statement doesn’t rescue it from being the insane ravings of a dipshit with the mind of a dim bulb seventh grader.  Thirdly, go fuck yourself once more.   

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DL Open Thread Tuesday October 19 2021

Filed in National by on October 19, 2021 10 Comments

I kind blanked on the open thread this morning.   (My apologies to our dear readers and generous patrons.). Anyway, here are a couple stories from the blog Lawyers Guns and Money to go with your morning coffee. WHAT AMY CONEY BARRETT’S AMERICA WILL LOOK LIKE If you like people having their miscarriages investigated, you’ll […]

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No Delaware Legislators Signed This Letter

Filed in National by on October 18, 2021 9 Comments

Ernesto B. Lopez, a chickenshit
Dave G. Lawson, a candy-ass pussy
Colin Bonini, a fat sack of nothing
David L. Wilson, a drippy fart
Brian Pettyjohn, spinless twerp
Gerald W. Hocker, a limp-dick loser
Bryant L. Richardson, a scab-covered homunculus

No of these so-called “Patriots” had the guts to sign this letter calling for “audits” in all 50 states and the decertification of the 2020 election results.  They are all talk.

Dozens of state lawmakers from around the country have signed onto a letter falsely referring to the 2020 elections as “corrupted” and insisting on “forensic audits” in all 50 states.

The letter also calls for states to “scrub” their voter rolls, and…

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