
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday October 13th 2021

Filed in National by on October 13, 2021 11 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday October 13th 2021

Our “health insurance” system has been nothing more than “employees can’t leave” insurance for employers.  Even with that cudgel aimed at their heads, millions of Americans are saying “fuck this shit” and leaving their crap jobs. As pandemic life recedes in the U.S., people are leaving their jobs in search of more money, more flexibility […]

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REV Special Podcast & McGuiness’ Lawyer Previews Defense at Bail Hearing

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021 3 Comments
REV Special Podcast  & McGuiness’ Lawyer Previews Defense at Bail Hearing

Steven Woods said:

  • The dozens of whistle blowers are all simply liars
    • Witness Intimidation charge is pure fiction.”
  • Hiring the girls may have bee wrong but not illegal.
    • Delaware law does not prohibit the hiring” &
  • Hiring the campaign consultants in question was legal for Markell (or Minner), why not McGuiness?
    • the contractor in question has performed policy development services for other elected officials in Delaware before, including a former Governor.”

Check out this SPECIAL Podcast Episode from REV

State Auditor Kathy McGuiness has been compromised (indicted) to a permanent end (up to 13 years). Join us on a journey through Kathy McGuiness’s background, her crimes, and how this fits into the larger world of the Delaware Way.

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Flag of the Day #6 – Federal Bureau of Prisons

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021 1 Comment
Flag of the Day #6 – Federal Bureau of Prisons

The flag of the Federal Bureau of Prisons doesn’t have much going for it, but I guess that’s kinda the point. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) is supposed to be boring.  There should be nothing flashy or headline grabbing connected with an agency charged with running facilities ranging from minimum-security “country club” facilities like […]

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I (heart) DL Readers

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021 1 Comment
I (heart) DL Readers

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DL Open Thread Tuesday October 12th 2021

Filed in National by on October 12, 2021 21 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday October 12th 2021

Wow. Big news day yesterday. It almost feels anticlimactic to reveal who the next Governor of Delaware will be. Anyway, no need to slow roll it. Barring some scandal that prevents Carney from finishing his lack luster interregnum, the next Governor of Delaware will be…

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Kathy McGuiness Perp-Walked Down to Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution (figuratively speaking)

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021 69 Comments
Kathy McGuiness Perp-Walked Down to Baylor Women’s Correctional Institution (figuratively speaking)

It looks like they have her stone cold busted.  If guilty – she should get the 13 year max, but I doubt she’ll see the inside of a prison cell.   Jails are for black people found with $5.00 worth of pot on them. This is the thread for the “major public trust indictment” coming […]

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Flag of the Day#5 – Lewes Delaware

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021 4 Comments
Flag of the Day#5 – Lewes Delaware

The Lewes Delaware town flag is a for profit, commercial venture. The flag was designed by Alan Keffer, a Lewes resident, in 1991 (note the copyright notice on most online images). As far as municipal flags go it is ok.   It is 1000 times better than the City of Mesa Arizona’s flag but it […]

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DL Open Thread Monday October 11th 2021

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021 5 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday October 11th 2021

The good, reasonable and sane Democratic Party is continually stabbed in the back by lefty Dems who are rude and strident.  They turn the 5% of “persuadable” voters in the middle off and thereby swing elections to the Republicans by being unpleasant and uncompromising.

Are you familiar with that fairytale?  Or worse, did that nonsense speak to you?

In that fairytale, so popular in the American media, the heroes are the moderate Democrats.  They are very high-minded and guided by dispassionate logic and cold reason.  They would be doing great if not for the progressives tripping them up.

That is all bullshit, of course.  It is the moderates who are stabbing the party in the back.

The moderate’s treachery is two-pronged.  They stab the party in the back by constantly forcing Dems to water down very popular policies* and they stab it in the back when they simply stay home and don’t vote in mid-terms at the same rate that liberals do.

That’s right.  It is the salt of the earth centrist democratic voters who don’t turn out during mid-term elections.  Yes, you dummy.  Here – read this. 

Other stuff probably happened.  Tomorrow I am going to reveal the identity of the next Delaware Governor.   So if this open thread wasn’t your cup of tea, you may find some Earl Grey waiting for you tomorrow.  Who the fuck knows?

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day.

*Sinema Wants to Cut $100 Billion in Climate Funds, meanwhile six Arizona counties are at risk of being uninhabitable in the near future due to climate change. But whatev’s. Moderation must be served.

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Kathy McGuiness Indicted: Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 11, 2021 41 Comments
Kathy McGuiness Indicted: Open Thread

Might as well morph this thread into an indictment thread now that the State Auditor has been indicted.  That press conference by AG Jennings was something.  She didn’t hold back about the public trust being violated.  As you scroll through this existing thread, you will see all the particulars about the charges.  But here’s the […]

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Flag of the Day #4 – Angola

Filed in National by on October 8, 2021 3 Comments
Flag of the Day #4 – Angola

For me, the national flag of Angola is the most stridently revolutionary.  It is elegantly split horizontally into a lower black half signifying mother Africa, and an upper red half signifying the blood of the MPLA (Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola) revolutionaries who wrested the country from Portugal and defeated capitalist proxies in an ensuing civil […]

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Flag of the Day #3 – Denmark

Filed in National by on October 7, 2021 6 Comments
Flag of the Day #3 – Denmark

The flag of Denmark or “Dannebrog” as the Danes call it, has the distinction of being the oldest national flag in continuous use. It also has the distinction of being literally handed down by God from his heavenly throne during battle to help the Danes rally and beat the (then) pagan Estonians at the battle Battle of […]

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This fundraising letter from the “Longhurst/Poore team” landed in my mailbox today.

Filed in National by on October 6, 2021 14 Comments
This fundraising letter from the “Longhurst/Poore team” landed in my mailbox today.

Here is the PDF: Dear Friend.pdf I’m not in the Longhurst/Poore team’s district, but must have been added to their marketing list because I am on the 9th RD committee.    

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The Corporate State of Delaware

Filed in National by on October 6, 2021 6 Comments

The tiny state has long been a hotbed for corporations. Can mounting public pressure push the state to change its centuries-old ways? Bookmark this from The American Prospect.  It catalogs all of Delaware’s corporate sins, and  exposes some of the Delaware Way to a reality check.  

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