
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Flag of the Day #2 – Nunavut

Filed in National by on October 6, 2021 3 Comments
Flag of the Day #2 – Nunavut

Nunavut is the Canadian territory that you’ve never heard of. That is, you’ve never heard of it unless you were paying attention in 1999 when it was separated from the Northwest Territory and ceded to an independent Inuit government. Occupying over 787,000 sq miles, Nunavut is vast but very thinly populated. Around 39,000 call Nunavut […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday October 6th 2021

Filed in National by on October 6, 2021 2 Comments

About fucking time…

Biden broaches nuclear option in standoff with McConnell

The president said it was a “real possibility” as Democrats weigh more drastic measures to address the debt ceiling.

How much bad faith does the GOP have to demonstrate until Democrats understand that they are acting in bad faith?   If this happens Coons will provide the maudlin “deep regrets and sadness” to the Morning Joe crew.  

I find it very shocking that an organization which makes being a tortured pedophile a requirement for entry is full of tortured pedophiles.  

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What ever happened to the Kathleen K McGuiness Story?

Filed in National by on October 5, 2021 14 Comments
What ever happened to the Kathleen K McGuiness Story?

Last week there were rumors flying around that KKMcG was being investigated for the very types of financial misdeeds you’d expect a State Auditor to be investigating. What ever happen to that story?

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Flag of the Day #1 – Kiribati

Filed in National by on October 5, 2021 3 Comments
Flag of the Day #1 – Kiribati

Vexillology is the study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags. That is much introduction to this series as I’m interested in making. So, here is flag #1 – Kiribati.

Kiribati is an independent island nation in the central Pacific Ocean south of Hawaii. The permanent population is…

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DL Open Thread Tuesday October 5th 2021

Filed in National by on October 5, 2021 5 Comments

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a close Biden ally, said McConnell’s position “has to stick in the president’s craw. This is something that’s been routinely done. There’s been bipartisan cooperation about working together to raise the debt ceiling, dozens and dozens of times.”

Other than Biden, has anyone come up smaller than Coons over the past month?

 McConnell crashing the economy and establishing himself as Acting President seems like a good time to ask, where is the Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus that was supposed to rise up when Coons gave the signal?     Where indeed.   Might as well ask, where is Coons’ shame?   Where is Coons’ self-respect to go around still lamenting McConnell’s lack of bipartisan spirit?  I mean, really Chris.  C’mon, Man.  

Norway takes climate change seriously.

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DL Open Thread Monday October 4th 2021

Filed in National by on October 4, 2021 5 Comments

Feeling tired is a common experience. It can be caused by disrupted sleep habits, a change in routine, or late stage capitalism. I think there are enough dots of paint on the canvas now to make out the painting.

Pandora papers, Trump-ified republicanism, anti-science, Glorious Moderation, debt-limit roulette, the so-called labor shortage, old incurious politicians, the burning planet… these scourges are all wind-chimes being rung by the same ill-wind. That wind is the death throes of western capitalism.

How long will it take to die? Too long. What will replace it? Who the fuck knows?

Happy Monday.

The leaked files reveals that Tony and Cherie Blair saved £312,000 in property taxes when they purchased a London building partially owned by the family of a prominent Bahraini minister.

The former prime minister and his wife bought the £6.5m office in Marylebone by acquiring a British Virgin Islands (BVI) offshore company. While the move was not illegal, and there is no evidence the Blairs proactively sought to avoid property taxes, the deal highlights a loophole that has enabled wealthy property owners not to pay a tax that is commonplace for ordinary Britons.

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Meet Wilmington’s Kevin Kelly

Filed in National by on October 2, 2021 1 Comment
Meet Wilmington’s Kevin Kelly

REV speaks with Kelly who has some good ideas about how to fix Wilmington. I don’t follow Wilmo politics very closely, but I found it interesting how Kelly threads the needle between being an old school Irish pol and a forward looking progressive. E143 – Wilmington Rescue Plan (w/Kevin Kelley) Former city councilman, mayoral candidate, […]

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Breaking: Steve Smyk Doesn’t really thinks some of his Leg Hall Colleagues Cheated to Win – He is Just Pandering

Filed in National by on October 2, 2021 2 Comments
Breaking: Steve Smyk Doesn’t really thinks some of his Leg Hall Colleagues Cheated to Win  – He is Just Pandering

A tipster has informed me that Smyk doesn’t actual buy into the “big lie” that Trump won the election or that Delaware elections are shot through with fraud.  Rather he is just pandering to the electorate which he regards as child-like idiots.      

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Who is Steve Smyk Accusing of Cheating? Must be Spiros

Filed in National by on October 1, 2021 4 Comments
Who is Steve Smyk Accusing of Cheating?  Must be Spiros

As reported by Chris Kenny’s ‘Delaware Live’ Steve Smyk thinks Delaware elections are riven with fraud. That Smyk thinks Delaware elections are fraudulent in the abstract is one thing, but he has made a serious accusation that has implications in the real world.  Who is the State Senator or Rep he is accusing of having […]

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With No Black People Around to Hassle, Beat Up, or Kill – State Trooper Forced to Harass 14-yr Old Girl

Filed in National by on September 30, 2021 4 Comments

If you think cops are just out to fuck with people, this story will not disabuse you of that notion.

Arden residents allege verbal harassment by a state trooper

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Breaking: Steve Smyk thinks some of his Leg Hall Colleagues Cheated to Win – But Who?

Filed in National by on September 29, 2021 12 Comments
Breaking:  Steve Smyk thinks some of his Leg Hall Colleagues Cheated to Win – But Who?

This creep-show, Smyk, spoke to an audience of a-holes, crackpots and lunatics who think Trump is still President of the United States. Rather than inform them what they are doing is flatly un-American and anti-constitutional, Smyk agreed with them that election fraud is a problem in Delaware. However, he stopped short of naming names and saying who, among his Leg Hall colleagues cheated their way to electoral victory.

“There’s no one silver bullet” to solving the problem of election fraud, Smyk said. “It comes down to all of you. Too many people have enjoyed their freedoms and they don’t recognize we’re about to lose them.”

Via Delaware Life 

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 29th – “Both Sides”

Filed in National by on September 29, 2021 10 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday September 29th – “Both Sides”

From 1642 to 1651 the English fought a series of civil wars that ended with King Charles v1.0 killed and King Charles v2.0 in exile. Having suffered under successive horrible Kings, the first thing the English did after getting rid of the King was look around for a new King. Except for a few kooks and crackpots, nobody could conceive of a country without a King in charge. As a fish is unaware of the fact that it lives in water -the English were unaware of the fact that monarchy was not some inviolable natural law, but in fact bullshit.

Bothsiderism, Glorious Moderation, The Benevolent Virtues of Centrism, these are all lazy but widely accepted paradigms. They are world-views based on nothing but consensus. They may have worked to explain the world for a while, but they could not be more toxic now. That’s the bad news. The really bad news is that it takes generations to change consensus world view…and we don’t have 50 years, let alone generations.

After seemingly hammering Republicans for blocking debt ceiling, NBC News host Chuck Todd then falsely blames “both parties”

In a frustrating display, NBC News host Chuck Todd came so close to giving an accurate presentation on the facts of the debt ceiling debate in Congress — in which Republicans are obstructing a necessary measure to avoid the U.S. government defaulting on its debts and plunging the economy into a catastrophic meltdown.

But at the end, he reverted back to a both-sides framing that had no basis in reality.

“As we expected last night, we got another clear example of just how dysfunctional Congress is right now,” Todd said on Tuesday’s edition of MSNBC’s MTP Daily. “As Mitch McConnell promised they would, Senate Republicans blocked a bill to temporarily fund the government and raise the debt ceiling. That leaves the government heading toward a shutdown on Thursday, and a much more catastrophic fiscal crisis in just weeks.”

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 28th 2021 – Patriots Proof Goes Poof!

Filed in National by on September 28, 2021 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday September 28th 2021 – Patriots Proof Goes Poof!

Notice the difference?  When first announced they breathlessly claimed “We have proof!”   Now, it is just “initial findings”.   I guess stringing along nit wits isn’t just for pillow purveyors anymore.  Or maybe Julianne Murray figured out that going full-blow J6 insurrectionist isn’t a great look for an AG candidate? Sept. 17 Yesterday: h/t […]

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