
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Coons “Infuriated” With Biden

Filed in National by on September 27, 2021 2 Comments

Nota bene – this is Biden’s bill. Lowlife motherfuckers like Coons and his fellow moderates are trying to fuck up Joe Biden’s bill.


Coons expected Biden to start twisting House progressives’ arms during their White House meeting last week. But we’re told by sources in the progressive camp and another senior Democratic aide that the president has neither asked progressives to drop their demand that the reconciliation bill pass in tandem with BIF, nor pressed them to accept a stand-alone vote on BIF this week — at least not yet. This has infuriated Coons.

Via Eschaton & Politico which uses “moderates” in place of Coons but since Coons paragon of moderates, I went ahead and fixed it.

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Republicans are working hard today to steal the next election

Filed in National by on September 27, 2021 1 Comment

It is not controversial to say that Republicans are laying the groundwork for stealing the 2024 election.  It isn’t “hand wringing” – it is a simple statement of fact.  It is happening in the open.  The jokey “election audit” in Arizona was part of it.  The dumbassery scheduled for Milford tomorrow is part of it.

Throw enough sand into the gears of democracy, allow angry imbeciles to stew in some ginned up outrage for long enough, and they are more than half-way there.

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Coons’ “LOOK AT ME!” Bipartisanship is Directly Damaging Joe Biden

Filed in National by on September 27, 2021 4 Comments

By promoting a false media narrative about “moderates” vs “progressives” Coons is directly fucking over Biden. Josh Marshall lays it all out. For months we’ve had this intra-party debate presented as one between “progressives” and “moderates.” Often that gets personalized as AOC and Bernie versus Joe Manchin or Kyrsten Sinema. This is demonstrably false.

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DL Open Thread Monday September 27th 2021

Filed in National by on September 27, 2021 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday September 27th 2021

Coons’ Super Secret Bipartisan Caucus coming out of hiding any minute now.  

However, in reaching across the aisle and creating the bipartisan committee, Coons said it has been “thrilling” to see how important climate change has become to Congress members.


Coons really is a fucking piece of shit. Providing cover to the GOP by flogging this bipartisan nonsense morning noon and night.  While McConnell continues to state in plain English that Republicans will never provide a single vote for anything significant.

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Steve Smyk Still Walking Around, Showing His Creeper Face in Public

Filed in National by on September 23, 2021 48 Comments
Steve Smyk Still Walking Around, Showing His Creeper Face in Public

Some sexual harassment gets you a mug shot in the NJ and some never gets mentioned. This is from El Som, way back back in June.   If you have a subscription, read away. We’ll start with some fair use: A lawsuit filed by a female former Delaware State Police trooper accuses police officials of […]

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Sorry. Joe Biden Sucks at Being President

Filed in National by on September 22, 2021 0 Comments

Joe just doesn’t have that it takes to go toe to toe with the radical moderates like Senator Chris Coons and Senator Joe Manchin who are committed to making him a one termer. He might have been a good President 30 years ago, but in the era of extremely toxic centrism and moderation…not so much.

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Are Democrats Political Masochist?

Filed in National by on September 22, 2021 4 Comments

Why do Congressional Democrats always lose?  At this point it is logical to conclude that they get off on it.  The humiliation sessions are too regular, too ritualized to not be consensual.  It is all too easy to picture Coons, figuratively, bent over and chained to a desk while McConnell applies the figurative lash to […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 22nd 2021 – All Amazon

Filed in National by on September 22, 2021 3 Comments

To “celebrate” Amazon’s tax subsidized boxwood opening, here is a roundup of Amazon headlines from around the world. FWIW – One of the chilling headlines below is the most chilling.  I wonder if we will agree on which? Amazon’s future on display with Boxwood opening Amazon reaches agreement with trade unions in Italy MILAN, Sept […]

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Yes, Virginia – Julianne Murray’s AG Campaign is SUPER Racist

Filed in National by on September 21, 2021 1 Comment

She isn’t trying to hide the fact that she is running on a retrograde anti-black agenda with bloody shirt waving worthy of a KKK-type candidate.  Just look at the torrent of thinly veiled racism documented by TownSqauredelaware.com 

The ONLY real crimes are street crimes:  

“…important quest to make the streets and neighborhoods all over Delaware safe again.”

“…will work with law enforcement to keep violent criminals off the street.”

“…People are scared to walk the streets, they’re afraid to drive to Wilmington,”

“There’s so much that has to be done to make our streets safe again,”

It is us (whites) against them (blacks):

“…want an attorney general who will protect their rights and freedoms rather than attempt to take them away and impose a ‘woke’ agenda,”

“…Jennings declined to prosecute protestors arrested following the George Floyd shooting in Minneapolis.”

“… not prosecuting violent protesters.”

“…(will side) with the victims of crimes — not the criminals”

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 21st 2021

Filed in National by on September 21, 2021 8 Comments

I really have no stomach for the news. It’s all Biden getting hit in the kisser with McConnell and Manchin’s cream pies. Like this one, for example. Mitch McConnell says the GOP will vote for the US to default on its debt That’s bonkers, but Biden forced his hand, I guess.   Also…. WANKER CAUCUS […]

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Julianne Murray’s ‘Patriots for Delaware’ to Explain Why Republicans Keep Losing Statewide in Delaware

Filed in National by on September 20, 2021 6 Comments
Julianne Murray’s ‘Patriots for Delaware’ to Explain Why Republicans Keep Losing Statewide in Delaware

Why do Republicans keep losing statewide by such lopsided margins in Delaware? Nefarious interference by the ghost of Hugo Chávez? DEGOP candidates and polices are widely hated by voters? I guess we’ll find out soon. They have “proof.”

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DL Open Thread Monday September 20th 2021

Filed in National by on September 20, 2021 11 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday September 20th 2021

Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 takes a step closer.  (Which means the same idiots just took two steps backwards).

A ‘Missing White Girl!’ story dominated the weekend.  Meanwhile Native American women are missing, murdered and sexually assaulted at rates as high as 10 times the average in the United States—crimes overwhelmingly committed by individuals outside the Native American community.

Ted Lasso is a very good TV program.    And yet, I’m a little queasy about how streaming services model is taking over TV.

Floor is yours. I’m sure there is some campaign news someone wants to break here.

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Has Murray’s “Tough on Blacks” AG Campaign Run Into Possible Legal Problems on Day One?

Filed in National by on September 18, 2021 10 Comments
Has Murray’s “Tough on Blacks” AG Campaign Run Into Possible Legal Problems on Day One?

A Facebook commenter noticed something fishy about Murray’s campaign. “Patriots 4 Delaware” is not a nonprofit PAC but a for-profit corp whose registered agent shares Murray’s firm’s address.  This is prima facie evidence that she is breaking campaign finance laws already. Murray’s firm is small.  Murray plus two other lawyers.   One would have to […]

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