
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Park City Kathy Snubbed by Fellow Scumbags

Filed in National by on September 17, 2021 10 Comments
Park City Kathy Snubbed by Fellow Scumbags

McGuinness apparently asked to speak to a Republican Women’s group about her anticipated run for Gov, and got a big “Fuck no, you are a Democrat.” I know, right.  So many confused motherfuckers crowded into one sentence.      

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DE “Patriots” for Favor of Fucking Shit Up – In this case elections

Filed in National by on September 17, 2021 23 Comments
DE “Patriots” for Favor of Fucking Shit Up – In this case elections

These fucking shithead Republicans are going around saying that Delaware elections are fraudulent.  Can’t we pass something that makes Republicans have a tough vote between these nut jobs and the truth?   Our Dems in Dover need to show a lot more fight.  

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 15th 2021

Filed in National by on September 15, 2021 19 Comments

How uninterested is the GOP in actually governing? They really could care less about the actual work of government. By all outward appearances, they are only interested in fucking shit up and being dicks. It is really astonishing to think about. I mean I’m thinking about it in terms of this California recall, but so […]

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Can someone check in on Rick Jensen?

Filed in National by on September 14, 2021
Can someone check in on Rick Jensen?

COVID is coming for MAGAfuckhead radio hosts like it is Colin Bonini being called to supper.   I have’t listened to Jensen for years, but I have to think that he is still watching Sean Hannity every night and parroting everything he hears over the airwaves everyday. (The easiest job in radio, provided you have no scruples.) Which means he is debating the undebatable science around vaccinations, and generally passing along wingnut anti-vax nonsense under the dishonest ruse of “just asking the question.”

So…should someone check in on Jensen?

In recent weeks, several popular conservative talk radio hosts — including Phil Valentine of Nashville, Tennessee, and Marc Bernier of Daytona Beach, Florida, both longtime fixtures in their communities — died from Covid-19 after vocally opposing vaccination or questioning its value.

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 14th 2021

Filed in National by on September 14, 2021 12 Comments

Distinction  Without a Difference Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, long-groomed for the role by conservative groups, picked by Donald Trump, then rammed into the chair by the GOP House Leader in the final days of Trump’s administration, said in a lecture Sunday that she is concerned that the public may increasingly see the court […]

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DL Open Thread Monday September 13 2021

Filed in National by on September 13, 2021 11 Comments

I’m sure Chris Coons could find some middle-ground here.  Maybe republicans can consider poisoning only half of the well?

Republican candidate Larry Elder, who has the best chance of unseating Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom in California’s gubernatorial recall election, is already preparing to dispute the results with escalating talks of “voter fraud” in the days leading up to election day.

Why is Manchin described as a “moderate” in this story?

Joe Manchin, the moderate Democrat standing in the way of Joe Biden’s signature $3.5tn spending bill, insisted again on Sunday he would not support the package, declaring the price tag too high and White House efforts to speed its passage too hasty.

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How are Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine requirements for schools & workplaces being covered on Fox News?

Filed in National by on September 11, 2021 0 Comments

Here is a roundup via Media Matters. Basically, Biden is Josef Mengele, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Hitler rolled into one. Fully vaxed-up anti-laxer, Sean Hannity warns “you will be canceled” and the government will target “your loved ones” if you don’t get vaccinated. (I hope nobody tells him about the real consequences.)  Fox’s Will Cain compares vaccine […]

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Andrew Sharp Joins REV to talk about the Delaware Independent

Filed in National by on September 10, 2021 2 Comments
Andrew Sharp Joins REV to talk about the Delaware Independent

E140 – Covering Them Fairly (w/Andrew Sharp) Journalist Andrew Sharp joins Rob in the bunker to talk about Delaware Independent, a new independent outlet covering western Sussex County and Kent County. Also discussed: the role of objectivity and bias in covering local stories and how the media should cover the police. Show Notes: Subscribe to […]

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Hear Coons explain how Glorious Bipartisanship and “Faith” are going to fix climate change

Filed in National by on September 10, 2021 0 Comments
Hear Coons explain how Glorious Bipartisanship and “Faith” are going to fix climate change

If you want to hear Coons tell Notre Dame University a bunch of nonsense wrapped in horseshit about how glorious bipartisanship and “faith” are going to cure climate change, you can watch the live stream here.  

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The 9/11 attacks were wholly preventable

Filed in National by on September 9, 2021 1 Comment
The 9/11 attacks were wholly preventable

Strange how the media celebration of the anniversary doesn’t mention how Bush utterly screwed up.  

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I like this Jill Biden goes back to the classroom story

Filed in National by on September 8, 2021 2 Comments
I like this Jill Biden goes back to the classroom story

Who could dislike someone who can turn the world on with her smile?  How are the GOP haters going to hate someone who can take a nothing day and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile? Like many educators this fall, Jill Biden headed back to the classroom at Northern Virginia Community College Tuesday as the […]

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An appalling example of the degeneracy of the idle rich

Filed in National by on September 8, 2021 7 Comments

Ben Dupont’s great great uncle. Irénée du Pont (1876-1963) was the former president of the DuPont company, head of the family trust, and reported racist, anti-Semite, and extreme right winger. According to Gerard Colyb’s book Du Pont Dynasty: Behind the Nylon Curtain, this fine fellow built a palace in Cuba, called Xanadu, where he collected […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 8th 2021

Filed in National by on September 8, 2021 3 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday September 8th 2021

Coons Scores a 9.5 and a Perfect 10 on the Impotent/Empty Rhetoric Scale

I’ve been on Twitter a little more lately, but only follow a couple of accounts.  One is written for Senator Chris Coons.  The author of these tweets has mastered relating utterly pointless pronouncements with a tone of breathless outrage.  Just check out these two winners.

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