
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Brady Resigns!

Filed in National by on August 7, 2021 2 Comments

Is that a headline we even want to see? REV hosts a great conversation on the topic. (If you haven’t, def support through a Patreon donation)


Carper Resigns!

Why isn’t anyone calling for Carper to step down?

E136 – Stop Asian Haters (w/Yejoon Koh, Erika Gutierrez

Activists Yejoon Koh and Erika Guttierez join Rob in the bunker to talk about Gerald Brady’s racist comments as Asian women, the Delaware American Asian Voice group, and what it takes to bring new activists into the movement.

Show Notes:

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DL Open Thread Wednesday August 4th 2021

Filed in National by on August 4, 2021 13 Comments

So did Cuomo have a lot of sex  with women who liked his style of retrograde sexiness, or was the sexual harassment an end in itself?  Not that it matters.  I’m just curious.  Fuck that guy.  Get out already.

Speaking of stepping down.  My pillow guy says that his China symposium is so airtight that Biden will just step down and hand the White House keys to Trump when he see it.  (Just like the founders envisioned.)

In Ohio’s 11th house  district the Dem primary was the election and voters picked the Clintonite insider over the woman AOC had been campaigning for. I’m sure this will be taken as a rebirth of holy bipartisanship and the end of the squad.

Tennessee has a lot of junk tourist attractions.

The News Journal runs a provocative headline: Hundreds of millions in tax dollars built Wilmington’s Riverfront, was it worth it? I don’t know if it was worth it because I don’t have a subscription to the NJ but I trust one of you nice people will let us know in the comments.

If God had intended man to fly, he would have given us a well regulated airline industry.  (Psst…Air travel doesn’t seem like it is “back” yet.)

Apropos of nothing, I have a new Coons theory. I contend that Coons watches a lot of cable news and thinks that the panels are an accurate representation of what Americans are thinking.

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UPDATE: Slow Motion General Strike

Filed in National by on August 3, 2021 2 Comments
UPDATE: Slow Motion General Strike

 The Middletown Taco Bell remains closed.    

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DL Open Thread Tuesday August 3rd 2021

Filed in National by on August 3, 2021 11 Comments

August was originally called Sextilis in Latin because it was the sixth month in the original ten-month Roman calendar. The pre-empire Romans basically took January and February off and just had a long gap in their calendar. March was the first month of the year until January and February were added by Numa Pompilius around 700 BC. In 8 BC, Sextilis was renamed in honor of Emperor Augustus. Other later emperors tried to rename months after themselves but they didn’t stick. October and December remain mis-numbered relics of Rome’s languid youth.

August 8th is “Happiness Happens Day” and August is Happiness month. Both were established by Secret Society of Happy People (SOHP) which is an organization that celebrates the expression of happiness. Founded in August 1998, the society encourages thousands of members from all around the globe to recognize happy moments and think about happiness in their daily life. They dropped the “Secret” from their name at some point.

I’ve been thinking about happiness a lot lately because I can’t stop thinking about what a paradise we could build in this country if the GOP and Fox News were committed to happiness instead of misery.

Read on for Open Thread Headlines.

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What’s in the infrastructure deal? What’s not in it?

Filed in National by on August 2, 2021 2 Comments

Via Vox, here are the areas that would get major new spending: Transportation projects: The bill would spend $110 billion in new funds for road, bridges, and related projects. It also would commit $39 billion for public transit — which the Biden administration described as “the largest federal investment in public transit in history” — […]

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DL Open Thread Monday August 2, 2021

Filed in National by on August 2, 2021 13 Comments

Gerald Brady Resigns!

…is a headline that I still haven’t read anywhere. I find that odd, but I find a great deal of Delaware politics odd.

BTW, do you know who Brady wrote that crazily racist, misogynist shit too? It has been kind of lost in the soup, but the intended recipient was none other than…

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What would the GOP have to do for Coons to lose faith in bipartisanship?

Filed in National by on August 1, 2021 0 Comments

That’s a rhetorical question. The Congressional Republicans are now in open rebellion against our constitutional democracy. There is literally nothing his friends in the GOP could do that would undermine Coons’ idiotic and dangerous faith in bipartisanship.

Already Distorting Jan. 6, G.O.P. Now Concocts Entire Counternarrative

No longer content to absolve Mr. Trump, (congressional Republicans) concocted a version of events in which those accused of rioting were patriotic political prisoners and Speaker Nancy Pelosi was to blame for the violence.

Their new claims, some voiced from the highest levels of House Republican leadership, amount to a disinformation campaign being promulgated from the steps of the Capitol, aimed at giving cover to their party and intensifying the threats to political accountability.

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Coons is a real hero of profits… uh…I mean…”innovation”

Filed in National by on July 29, 2021 13 Comments
Coons is a real hero of profits… uh…I mean…”innovation”

Socialized pricing will have a “devastating impact on… uh….innovation.  Yeah, that’s it… innovation”.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday July 28th 2021 – The 1/6 Commission

Filed in National by on July 28, 2021 11 Comments

Will there come a point when the media’s bothersiderism breaks down under its own absurd weight? I thought that the 1/6 insurrection riots, for example, might allow the media to get out from under the “he said, she said” reporting that always gives Republican claims equal legitimacy when paired up th truth. Well, nope.  Nothing […]

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LMAO! Coons, you scamp!

Filed in National by on July 27, 2021 3 Comments
LMAO!  Coons, you scamp!

Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), a close ally of President Biden, said Friday he would support a bipartisan infrastructure package even if negotiators drop a proposal to significantly increase funding for public transit, a top Democratic priority. Hilarious. Top Democratic priorities are really just a bunch of nonsense anyway. AMIRIGHT?

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DL Open Thread, Tuesday July 27th 2021

Filed in National by on July 27, 2021 13 Comments

We’ve been entirely too soft on Vaccine resisters

CNN)Justice Department lawyers have determined that federal law doesn’t prohibit public agencies and private businesses from requiring Covid-19 vaccines — even if the vaccines have only emergency use authorization, according to an opinion posted online Monday.

The opinion from the department’s Office of Legal Counsel paves the way for more federal agencies and businesses to require vaccinations.

Just when it seemed like some sanity was creeping in…

Sean Hannity assures audience he’s “not urging people to get the COVID-19 vaccine”

Sean Hannity issues stern rebuke to those calling him “pro-vaccine”: “Why are they saying something I didn’t say?”


Some things are beyond snark.

Donald Trump Jr Most Popular Among Republicans

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DL Open Thread Monday July 26th, 2021 – Happy Monday!

Filed in National by on July 26, 2021 11 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday July 26th, 2021 – Happy Monday!

Gerald Brady Resigns!

…is a headline I thought I’d be writing this morning.  Oh well. Soon. In the meantime, click through to read about Trump’s incoherent, ill-informed ramblings, and how all asshole pubic figures should be accosted loudly and frequently. Especially public figures named Tucker Carlson.

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Good Evening! Did Gerald Brady resign today?

Filed in National by on July 22, 2021 6 Comments
Good Evening!  Did Gerald Brady resign today?

No? Really? Hmmm.. That’s strange. On a related note – what do Democratic “leaders” mean when they say “We will not tolerate this.” Because it seems to mean “We will tolerate this.”

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