
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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DL Open Thread: Monday, July 12, 2021

Filed in National by on July 12, 2021 5 Comments
DL Open Thread: Monday, July 12, 2021

If it seems like the political fundraising never ends, it is because the political fundraising never ends.  And yet, I love this appeal from Sarah McBride.  “Big wins start early”

I have heard a number of TV weather types speaking openly of climate change. Better late?

Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 will begin on Friday July 23, 2021 and ends on Sunday August 8.  As a kid I LOVED the Olympics.  Now Jim McKay is dead and they only seem to cover sports that the USA is sure to medal in.  #boring  #oldguycomplaints

Part of me likes the real life proof of Darwinism being carried out in lower Wingnutia, but the idea that these dumb meat sacks are breading a super variant that wants to overwhelm my vaccinated body bothers the fuck out of me.  

Speaking of dumb meat sacks, Brazil’s President has out Trumped Trump.

And speaking of Semi-Dictators, Nicaraguan President and one time Ronald Reagan Boogeyman, Daniel Ortega, is fucking up. 

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Billionaires in SPAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!  

Filed in National by on July 11, 2021 4 Comments

The waste and ridiculousness of the Bezos v Branson space race is revolting.  Two guys spending piles of money on a very expensive 90 minute amusement park ride while the planet burns is too awful for me to fathom.   On the bright side (?) Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show on CBS, is […]

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Q: Which is better Nothing or Very Very Little?

Filed in National by on July 9, 2021 7 Comments

Here is a thoughtful & thought provoking podcast from REV & Co.

Tye, Rob, and Karl recap the 2021 legislative session, talking about the win and the many losses of the year, what they mean, and what needs to be done going forward.

Show Notes:


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Breaking: Sydney Australia’s Two Week Lock Down Extended Another Week

Filed in National by on July 7, 2021 0 Comments

Delta Variant is tearing through New South Whales. SYDNEY, July 7 (Reuters) – The leader of Australia’s New South Wales (NSW) state on Wednesday ordered a week-long extension of Sydney’s COVID-19 lockdown, warning new cases are bound to rise as the country’s biggest city grapples with the highly infectious Delta variant. Sydney, home to a […]

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DL Open Thread – Wed July 7th 2021 – All Gosar

Filed in National by on July 7, 2021 1 Comment

I have to keep reminding myself that Gosar was elected and is a reflection of some portion of Arizonans. Liz Cheney calls Paul Gosar a despicable liar for saying Capitol Police ‘executed’ protester Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) blasted fellow Republican Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) for placing blame for the death of a woman during the […]

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Boris Johnson – Not so smart

Filed in National by on July 6, 2021 0 Comments
Boris Johnson – Not so smart

London (CNN)UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set out his plan to lift most of England’s remaining coronavirus restrictions by mid-July, despite warnings from some experts that the current surge of Delta variantcases across the country means such a move is premature. Johnson said Monday that the “continuing effectiveness” of the vaccine rollout allows England […]

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DL Open Thread – Tuesday July 6th 2021

Filed in National by on July 6, 2021 3 Comments
DL Open Thread – Tuesday July 6th 2021

This “still on holiday” open thread is brought to you by the idiot who paid for a banner to fly over the beach here two times a day that reads: Everyone Knows #TrumpWon I’m not taking a picture of it and posting it because ‘Everyone Knows’ that’s what the idiot wants to happen. Anyway, I […]

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DL Open Thread – Monday July 5th 2021

Filed in National by on July 5, 2021 3 Comments
I get that he has to say stuff like this: 

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Sham Marijuana Legalization Has Failed – Long Live REAL Marijuana Legalization

Filed in National by on July 2, 2021 3 Comments

Lacking social equity provisions, sham weed legalization failed in Delaware. Good. Next time bring back a real legalization bill by cutting the corrupt Delaware way out altogether.

As of today, it is legal to grow marijuana plants in your home or yard in New Mexico: up to six of them each, according to a law passed in a special session of the state legislature, with a cap of 12 plants per household. People 21 or older may possess up to 2 ounces (56 grams) of marijuana, and the smell of marijuana is no longer probable cause for cops wanting to search property, including vehicles.

New Mexico is the new model. Cut out the cops and fucking capitalist ghouls and let’s demand actual legalization. Not some bogus bullshit legalization.

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Why Trump is Running

Filed in National by on July 2, 2021 0 Comments
Why Trump is Running

Trump says he has made a decision but based on Alby’s open thread – I think the 5th District of NY has made the decision for him. He must run again. Being a candidate allows him to raise money and siphon it off for debt coverage. The prospect that he mightbe President of the United […]

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Q: How do you know when staffers don’t like someone?

Filed in National by on June 30, 2021 9 Comments
Q: How do you know when staffers don’t like someone?

A: They let a photo like this get taken.

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Rest in Justice: Jim Young, Founding PDD Member and Great Guy

Filed in National by on June 30, 2021 1 Comment

Jim was one of the early Howard Dean Meetup-ers and helped us get PDD off the ground when the Dean campaign ended. He was a clear thinking, tough-minded liberal who always took on more than his fair share.

I got this notification from 9th RD Chair, Kevin Caneco.

It is with great sadness, I bring news tonight that Jim Young, lion of the 8th RD, has passed.

Jim was a long time member and leader within the Delaware Democratic Party, and more importantly, a loving Dad, neighbor, and community leader.

I remember meeting Jim when I first joined the RD and how welcoming he was to me and my family. He wanted to tell me all about the MOT community and to make sure I supported the local library! Jim was one of a kind, a quiet, competent, driven individual who had nothing to prove in a world where egos can seem to be everywhere. He cared about his community, his country, and his party. I will miss Jim, and I know you all will as well.

As more information comes out about his services, we will be sure to pass it on.

Kevin Caneco

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DL Open Thread June 30th 2021 – Openest of Open Threads

Filed in National by on June 30, 2021 1 Comment

Yeah, this open thread last sold 8 years ago for $290,000 but we have had a lot of interest in it. A lot.

We’ll be looking at multiple offers and even though it is listed at $350,000 we think it might go for $425,0000.

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