
Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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Tell me again…

Filed in National by on June 21, 2021 3 Comments
Tell me again…

From Kit Lewis on FB: · Tell me again how the insurrection wasn’t planned in advance. Because I wonder what the lead time was for the design and production of these MAGA Civil War t-shirts with the exact date on them. There were hundreds out there. So yeah. Tell me again how this was just […]

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Coons Working Overtime to Fuck Up Biden’s Infrastructure Plan – Press Finds Liberal Democrats at Fault

Filed in National by on June 21, 2021 4 Comments

To be aware is a curse. Just check out these headlines.

Democrats Split on Biden Infrastructure Bill


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DL Open Thread Monday June 21st

Filed in National by on June 21, 2021 4 Comments

Biden should seriously say “Arizona Conservatives, DO NOT get vaccinated. Do not wear masks.  That is an order from your duly elected President.”   I don’t think there is any other way to get through to these fuckwits.  

In other Covid news, Everybody knew Trump was an idiot fucking up our Covid-19 response. But Johnson only seemed to be playing the role of a fucking idiot for grins.  He wasn’t play acting.

But first, I’d take Amtrack up on this deal if I had a month off.

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Witzke vs Reality

Filed in National by on June 20, 2021 14 Comments
Witzke vs Reality

Christians are so persecuted in America. Christians are forced to practice their religion in secret. They are exiled, executed by beheading and by being fed to beasts. Their families are broken up and they are forced into servitude. They are unable to buy or own property. They are systematically denied civil protections. Abused by police. Offered no protections from the courts. It is pretty horrible to be a Christian in America. It’s like Nazi Germany meets the slave owning south.

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Trump backs Murkowski challenger, says GOP incumbent has ‘got to go’

Filed in National by on June 19, 2021 2 Comments

Murkowski is a key member of Coons’ Super Secret Bi-Partisan Caucus which I’m sure is going to spring into action and save America with glorious BiPartisanship any minute now.

Former President Donald Trump formally endorsed Alaska Republican Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka Friday, saying in a statement that GOP incumbent Lisa Murkowski “has got to go!”

Trump said earlier this year that he would not endorse Murkowski in next year’s election, even vowing to travel to The Last Frontier to campaign against the woman he called a “disloyal and very bad Senator.”

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DL Open Thread Wednesday June 16 2021

Filed in National by on June 16, 2021 1 Comment
DL Open Thread Wednesday June 16 2021

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued a statement Thursday in recognition of Juneteenth Independence Day which – astonishingly – did not mention bipartisanship.

Newly elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Ed Litton, is a “moderate” because he doesn’t think dark-skinned people are sub-human animals. His election exposed a rift in the SBC, as a solid 49% of Southern Baptist think dark-skinned people are sub-human animals. [They wonder why the denomination has lost more than 2 million members since 2006.]

El Salvador has become the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, which could start a trend across Latin American countries. “The market will now be focused on adoption through El Salvador and whether other nations follow,” said Richard Galvin of crypto fund Digital Asset Capital Management in a report by Reuters. “This could be a key catalyst for bitcoin over the next two to three years.”

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DL Open Thread Tuesday June 15th 2021

Filed in National by on June 15, 2021 3 Comments
DL Open Thread Tuesday June 15th 2021

You have to admire Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell candor. Ooh wait… this isn’t candor. McConnell knows something that Democrats don’t. He knows that there is an election coming up. PLEASE WAKE THE FUCK UP DEMOCRATS… this is what firing up your base and thinking about turnout looks like. #saveusbipartisanship!

Banking giant JPMorgan has been sitting on about a half-trillion-dollar stockpile of cash – demands more tax breaks. #Measly$500billion

Bally’s now has the ability to get out of Dover Downs at a moment’s notice. #Poof!

Delaware Shakespeare has used the covid time to redefine what it means for a cultural arts organization to be truly community-based. #Readthewholething.

Steve Smynk still brazenly shows his face in public. #GoodOldBoys

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Hon. Christoper J. Mugwort Coons, Esq. You’ve been Called Out

Filed in National by on June 15, 2021 0 Comments

Whether he knows it or not, Atrios really is the nation’s leading Coonsologist.

The Sensibles

Start with a proposal that does 80% of the job, whittle it down to 60% to make it cheaper just because, cut that in half to please Republicans who won’t vote for it anyway, throw in some additional complication and means testing to please random “moderate” Democrats, and you’re left with something that is complicated and confusing that you’re unable (or justifiably unwilling) to take credit for.  Then spend another 3 months “debating” it just to give time for people all over the spectrum to point out why it’s shit.This is what the supposedly sensible, moderate, grown up politicians do. Then they can blame The Left because twitter user TrotskyChavez420 tweeted, “fuck the pigs.”

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What Does Debbie Harrington’s Move to Leadership Signal for the 9th?

Filed in National by on June 14, 2021 5 Comments
What Does Debbie Harrington’s Move to Leadership Signal for the 9th?

As Alby noted in an open thread, the Delaware Democratic Party leadership is now white-male-free.

New party chair Betsy Maron becomes the first woman to lead the party, and Coby Owens and Debbie Harrington, the first and second vice-chairs, are the first African Americans to hold those positions.

That’s all great, but what does it mean on the ground?

The primary to face Kevin “I’m not one of THOSE Republicans”  Hensley is more or less on hold until after the district lines are redrawn.  However, it is not too early to see the same perennial losers milling about near the starting line.

Perennial losers sounds mean spirited, but I don’t know what else to call the people who keep winning primaries but losing to the mediocrity that is Hensley.

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Jeff Bezos Has A Tiny Penis

Filed in National by on June 14, 2021 1 Comment
Jeff Bezos Has A Tiny Penis

I think it is self-evident.  

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DL Open Thread Monday June 14th 2021

Filed in National by on June 14, 2021 4 Comments
DL Open Thread Monday June 14th 2021

Netanyahu is out. Reached for comments, Chris Coons of the Likud Party said, “I’m Sad”

The downside of learning about all this corrupt shit Trump’s DOJ tried to pull, is that it is more for the Biden DOJ to ignore and sweep under the carpet.  #Bygones!

It is day #165 of 2021, and the good old USofA has enjoyed 270 mass shootings this year.  That’s 1.63 mass shootings per day, so we are on track to reach 597 mass shootings.   ‘MURICA #1 !

Unless Dems get some shit done, voters will remove them.   “The bad Republicans were bad”  doesn’t cut it.  

This BHL graphic is not connected to any story. I just like it, and hope she uses the tag line. #radicalhonesty!

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Biden’s Sophie’s Choice

Filed in National by on June 10, 2021 2 Comments
Biden’s Sophie’s Choice

Biden Admin: Our only red lines for the infrastructure plan are inaction and raising taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year.

McConnell, Manchin & Coons: Pick one.

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DL Open Thread Wednesday June 9th 2021

Filed in National by on June 9, 2021 7 Comments
DL Open Thread Wednesday June 9th 2021

I sometimes wonder if Coons is trolling me personally with the breathless hyperbole. Read on to see how Coonsian Bipartisanism just saved America.

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