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Who Will Run and How Do They Stack Up?

Filed in National by on January 26, 2010 34 Comments

With Beau Biden’s withdrawal from the Senate race yesterday, we have a lot of scrambling going on. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of each of the prospective Democratic candidates.

First, let’s dispense with Lt. Governor Matt Denn. I spoke to him yesterday. He isn’t going to run. His two kids come first in his life, and not seeing them for days at a time would be an abdication of his most important role. But let me say for the record, he would be my first choice.

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It’s Worse Than That, It’s Dead Jim

Filed in National by on January 21, 2010 187 Comments

Well Nancy Pelosi has just come out to say that there aren’t enough votes for the Senate bill in the House.  So the Kill the Bill people have won.  I am sure that Jane Hamsher is sitting on a barstool next to Jim DeMint slapping each other on the back about how much they just […]

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Ask Dr. Liberal: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Biden

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2010 8 Comments

Dear Dr. Liberal,

Since Tiger Woods seems to be on the cusp of declaring himself to be a sex addict, do you think that means he would have sex with me?


Ready for Wood(s)

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Letters From Haiti

Filed in National by on January 18, 2010 20 Comments
Letters From Haiti

We all have a desire to help the people of Haiti in any way that we can. Joanne Christian used an already scheduled trip to The Dominican Republic to volunteer at a 20 bed hospital in Santo Domingo that was helping 2,000 Haitian victims. At some point, she decided that she should get some names of these people so that their family will know that they got out, although there is a likelihood that some of the people here have died of their injuries, or soon will. Images after the jump.

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Ask Dr. Liberal: Fast Food Edition

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2010 19 Comments

Dr. L,

Should I eat a McDonald’s Mac Snack Wrap ™ sandwich?

Greenwood Gourmand

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Ask Dr. Liberal: What’s Up With Obama?

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2010 59 Comments

Dear Dr. Liberal,

Am I right to be mad at Barack Obama for selling out to all the Democratic douchnozzles and Republicans fucktards in Congress? He does seem to have squandered the victory that we delivered to him in November and some of my liberal friends have already jumped off the bus.

Wondering in Wilmington

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The Return of Ask Dr. Liberal

Filed in National by on January 13, 2010 5 Comments

Is your political party adrift?  Your marriage in crisis?  Your prize Holstein under-producing or your teenager not getting you while your shaman, priest or large animal vet stands idly by?  Don’t worry.   The Doctor is in. Dr. Liberal is back to answer your most pressing questions.  Pour the doctor a cup of your thoughts […]

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Why Colbert Rules the World

Filed in National by on January 12, 2010 2 Comments

Stephen Colbert takes on Harry Reid’s “negro” comment. Do not drink liquid around this clip.

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I’m Gumby Dammit!

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 3 Comments

Over the weekend, Art Clokey, the creator of Gumby died.  So for your enjoyment, here are a few Gumby clips. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube]

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Race and Speech Patterns

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 15 Comments

Harry Reid has come under fire for his statements about the benefits of President Obama’s speech patterns.  The statement in question is that then-candidate Obama didn’t speak in “the negro dialect” unless he wanted to. I am a little torn on this issue.  There is a dialect, one could call it an accent, that could […]

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The Best (or Worst) or 2009

Filed in National by on January 6, 2010 4 Comments

Again, I have to begin the year apologizing for not getting this results posted for our end-of-year polling. The results have been tallied and here they are (after the jump)

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Markell and O’Mara Unveil Recycling Effort

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2010 36 Comments

Today, Governor Markell and DNREC Secretary Colin O’Mara unveiled their plan to implement a statewide recycling plan that will change the way that Delawareans dispose of recyclable materials.

Recycling would remain voluntary for homes and businesses under the plan, but curbside services and special containers would be universally available. Commercial haulers and municipal governments that collect trash would be required to provide curbside pickups.

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Some Tea Partiers Are Just Bad Spellers (and Racists)

Filed in National by on January 4, 2010 4 Comments

Remember this past summer, when we were all debating whether or not the tea-party movement was racist or not? One of the interesting parts of the movement was creative sign spelling.

Today brings us news that the two issues are related (as if we didn’t have some supicions all along).

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