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Delaware Watch: Back Online

Filed in Delaware by on January 3, 2010 5 Comments

Dana Garrett has done what we have long hoped Jason330 would do, and what some wish Dave Burris wouldn’t do… He has returned to blogging. Welcome back, Dana.

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Good News, Bad News for Beau Biden

Filed in National by on January 2, 2010 32 Comments

It was a bad December in Sussex county in the last two weeks of the month, while they should have been enjoying family and friends, Sussex citizens were fretting about crimes.  There was an abduction and murder of a young girl just over the state line in Maryland (her body was found on Christmas day).  […]

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The Great Big End of Year Polling Post

Filed in Delaware by on December 29, 2009 23 Comments

This has been a year of transition. We saw in 2009 the first non-white President take office, markets came crashing down, jobs lost, political parties realigning themselves and lots of people angry about either what they want their government to give them or what they don’t want from government. Blogs have sprung up and blogs have shut down and some have been reshuffled. An entire industry has departed Delaware, and new ones are showing some green shoots through the scarred landscape.

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Republicans Score Political Points, Kill Jobs

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2009 8 Comments

This just in from the News Journal, an important partner for the wind turbine tower construction project has pulled out of a partnership with Delawind.  You may remember that Delawind was attacked by the right-wing here in Delaware because one of their principles is John Carney.  Delawind had applied for financing from the state to […]

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Nominations Being Accepted: End Of Year Polling

Filed in Delaware by on December 18, 2009 38 Comments

It is time, once again, to submit your nominations for our end of year polling.

  • Scandal of the Year
  • Post of the Year
  • Biggest Policy Screwup of the Year
  • Comment of the Year
  • Rookie of the Year
  • Blog of the Year
  • NEW! Biggest Loss of a Blog

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Food Bank Donations Down

Filed in National by on December 14, 2009 2 Comments

We are having our War on Christmas party on this Friday at CW Harborside at 7PM.  We will be collecting donations for the Food Bank of Delaware to help them out.  I just saw a tweet from the Food Bank.  They are currently down over 12 tons from last year at the same time.  I […]

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Wow. Just Wow.

Filed in National by on December 12, 2009 14 Comments

Looks like the always interesting Michael Steele did a photo shoot with the Republican party interns. Please don’t drink liquid while viewing the pictures.

Bottom line, Michael Steele has no idea ‘what up’ with the Asian guy.

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More on The War on Christmas Party

Filed in Delaware by on December 11, 2009 13 Comments

Over the past week, I have told several people about our War on Christmas party.  I have been very surprised that I had to explain it to many people.  Apparently, it is somewhat of an inside joke on the Internet.  I guess it is good that most people haven’t been tricked into this whole War […]

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Wait… I Thought That Christians Were Under Attack

Filed in National by on December 10, 2009 14 Comments

We get wacky visitors here all the time talking about how Christmas is under fire, or that liberals are trying to take God out of everything… Then this. North Carolina’s constitution is clear: politicians who deny the existence of God are barred from holding office. Opponents of Cecil Bothwell are seizing on that law to […]

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A Modest Healthcare Proposal

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 6 Comments

I would love to see an interim law get passed for heathcare reform that drops all elected legislators from their government healthcare as of January 1st.  This will give legislators a few weeks to find their free-market healthcare options and sign up.  I wonder how many of them would be unable to get insurance due […]

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Moving Toward Foreclosure in Delaware?

Filed in Delaware by on December 8, 2009 8 Comments

A few months ago, I was composing a post on the new foreclosure program that brought together a number of non-profits and the Delaware courts for the purpose of avoiding foreclosures.  Unfortunately, that post still sits in my “drafts” list due to my stupidity. But today, I am bringing you some of the details of […]

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Appoquinimink Referendum Today

Filed in Delaware by on December 8, 2009 1 Comment

If you are in Appoquinimink School District, you have a unique opportunity today. You can vote for a school district referendum that doesn’t increase your taxes. The polls are open. Get out there and vote.

For more information on the referendum, check out the district’s website here.

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Announcing the DelawareLiberal War on Christmas Party

Filed in National by on December 2, 2009 31 Comments
Announcing the DelawareLiberal War on Christmas Party

As you all know, this is the time of the year that we liberals like to get our war on.  The war on Christmas has been a tradition since Bill O’Reilly made it up out of thin air.  This year we are hoping to get the better of Christmas and we are going to celebrate […]

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