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Patriotism as a Cudgel

Filed in National by on November 2, 2009 30 Comments

I was watching the World Series game 2 the other night. At the 7th inning stretch the announcer said over the loudspeaker that the stadium should rise and remove their hats for the singing of God Bless America. As they started to prep for the song to start and the crowd was quieting down, I heard a shouted demand from the crowd.

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Drinking Liberally: Death Panel Edition

Filed in Delaware by on October 29, 2009 33 Comments
Drinking Liberally: Death Panel Edition

This ThursdayTonight, Drinking Liberally will be hosting an event at Homegrown Cafe in Newark.  In honor of Halloween and the Summer of Spittle, we will be sponsoring a costume contest that will be judged by our own Death Panel. Homegrown Cafe 126 East Main Street, Newark, DE 19711 October 29th at 7PM Come out and […]

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Congratulations All Around for Fisker

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 10 Comments

The press conference/Pep rally for the announcement that the Boxwood Rd. auto plant has just concluded. We will now refer to the plant as the Fisker plant. I am still in a state of shock. It was a tour de force of Delaware politicos. Huge kudos are in order for Governor Markell for his attention to this issue and for putting together this event. Getting Joe Biden was the perfect touch.

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Spending Your Money Smartly

Filed in Delaware by on October 19, 2009 13 Comments

There are some upcoming events that Democrats and Liberals should consider spending their hard-earned money to support.

On November 10th, The Delaware Democratic Party is hosting their annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at the Chase Center on the Waterfront in Wilmington.

On November 13th is a fundraising dinner for the 25th districts state representative (and the top progressive in the house) John Kowalko.

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Art Downs Hospitalized

Filed in Delaware by on October 15, 2009 9 Comments

According to DelawarePolitics and Dana Pico, Art Downs had a heart attack today. Art is a contributor at the ill-named, Common Sense Political Thought site and often comes around spewing right-wing talking points and bamboozlement, but love him or hate him, he is a member of this community. I wish him well.

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Accidental Listening: Vigilante Edition

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 16 Comments

I was accidentally listening to Rick Jensen a few minutes ago. He had the Mother of a boy from Kirk Middle School on the phone talking about the problem that her 7th grader had with being set-up by some bullies in the school. It is a heartbreaking story and deserves its own “helpkyle” website. Sadly, Rick’s weak mind is unable to think rationally.

Rick suggested something like this:

It amazes me that in this day and age that these kids that victimized your son haven’t had their names put out on the Internet. I’m not suggesting that you do it [Kyle’s Mom], but someone could put these kids names on the Internet, where it will stay forever. And it will come up every time they try to get a job or go to a school.

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Cathcart Wants It Both Ways

Filed in National by on October 13, 2009 14 Comments

Dick Cathcart is really pissing me off. Today, he published an opinion piece in The News Journal that tries to rewrite recent history.

He [Bryon Short] and just about 100 percent of his Democratic colleagues voted in favor of the package, whereas just about every member of the House Republicans voted against the tax and fee hikes.

Guess what? The Republicans could have scuttled every one of the tax and fee hikes. Every. Single. One.

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Filed in Delaware by on October 6, 2009 81 Comments

Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.) will be running for Vice President Joe Biden’s old Senate seat in Delaware, according to a source connected to the congressman, instantly giving Republicans the opportunity to flip a traditionally-Democratic seat in their column.

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Sanity From the Federal Bench

Filed in National by on September 30, 2009 4 Comments

When I discussed legalizing sports betting with Governor Markell a few months ago I asked what the chances were that we would be legally allowed to do it. He told me that they had submitted the question to the State Supreme Court for review. That report came back with some positive results for the administration, suggesting that it would be legal by the state constitution.

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Kowalko on TV Tonight

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 25, 2009 1 Comment

This evening, WHYY debuts their new Delaware-oriented news magazine “First”.  This is apparently a replacement for their daily “news no one watches.” On the debut episode, John Kowalko is featured to discuss the state budget mess (past, present and future).  Tune in at 10:00 to see what’s happening in Delaware and get some insight from […]

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Guest Post: Kowalko’s Open Letter to Delaware’s Delegation

Filed in National by on September 24, 2009 13 Comments

Dear Senators Carper, Kauffman and Congressman Castle,

As a Delaware State legislator whose focus and efforts are dedicated to the best interests of all Delawareans just as your efforts have always been focused, I am writing you to ask you to reconsider the consequences of your vote to cut-off “housing and community grant funding” to ACORN.

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Steve Newton Comes to the Aid of ACORN Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2009 3 Comments

Steve has a post up about a sting on the Delaware office of ACORN. A blogger/reporter from Kansas called the Delaware office to get some assistance from them to avoid foreclosure.

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Teabaggers on Parade

Filed in National by on September 18, 2009 11 Comments

The other night Anderson Cooper had Mark Williams on his show. Mr. Williams is one of the leaders of the tea party protests. Unfortunately for Williams, Cooper had done some homework before the interview.

Cooper: What you’re saying makes sense to me here when I’m hearing what you say but then I read on your blog, you say, you call the President an Indonesian Muslim turned welfare thug and a racist in chief.

Williams: Yeah, that’s the way he’s behaving.

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