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Overreacting to ACORN

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 18, 2009 75 Comments

I am a little disturbed by the latest round of ACORN bashing in Washington this week.  After a pair of conservative actors staged their own sting operation to see if ACORN employees would help them operate an illegal business, there have been a slew of actions taken.  ACORN has lost business that they had with […]

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Castle and Biden to Play Chicken?

Filed in Delaware by on September 17, 2009 2 Comments

Senate Guru has a nice post up about some of the potential gamesmanship between Beau Biden and Michael Castle in the next month or so. Beau is due back this month from Iraq and Castle has been sitting on the pot for way too long.  Senate Guru’s guess is that neither of them wants to […]

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Self-Control Issues

Filed in National by on September 15, 2009

I have largely stayed out of the whole “bring your guns to the rally” movement. I think it’s dumb and I think that it is a form of intimidation, but I’m not too worked up about it.

But I did get worked up about Joe Wilson calling the President a liar on the house floor during the joint session of Congress.

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Yikes! The Delaware Blogosphere Has Lost Another

Filed in Delaware by on September 14, 2009 6 Comments

I just surfed over to Delaware Watch and saw that Dana Garrett has posted a goodbye of sorts.  He has apparently decided to hang the blog up for a while, as he has a new job.  I can relate, as I have been unable to get the inspiration to post lately (other than what we […]

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Liberalgeek’s Revenge

Filed in National by on August 31, 2009 9 Comments

I was listening to some news this morning and someone commented that the banking stocks are back up to almost pre-crash prices.  I immediately remembered that I had been lambasted by Jason330 about my investment advice to him to buy Bank of America stock.  that was on February 20th when BofA was trading at $3.79. […]

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And Now a Word From Tom’s Sponsors…

Filed in National by on August 25, 2009 17 Comments
And Now a Word From Tom’s Sponsors…

Kilroy better take heed of my skilz!


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Why The News Journal Sucks!

Filed in National by on August 24, 2009 20 Comments

I don’t know if you missed it, but DelawareLiberal has been mentioned in the News Journal twice in the past two weeks. Both times, we were trotted out to smack us around. The most egregious was the mention on Sunday about our recent change in personnel.

The other mention seems trivial, but it is a little more insidious. Smitty saw it and pointed it out to us. The discussion of DL was that we were trading in baseless rumors.

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Two Democratic State Reps Make People of Influence List

Filed in Delaware by on August 21, 2009 10 Comments

In Delaware Today’s list of the People of Influence, two of our Democratic State Representatives make the grade, Schwartzkopf and Kowalko. Pete Schwartkopf was named for his influence in politics. The Rehoboth Beach legislator sponsored the bill that made sports betting legal in Delaware, and he continues to be a powerful voice for the Del […]

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Why The US Attorney Scandal Was a Scandal

Filed in National by on August 20, 2009 5 Comments

There was a lot of chatter back when the US Attorney scandal was going on about how these guys served at the pleasure of the President, so there was nothing wrong with firing a bunch of them for potentially partisan reasons.  Across the river, in New Jersey, there is a heated battle for Governor.  The […]

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Jason and Geek On The Air

Filed in Delaware by on August 18, 2009 59 Comments

We are going on the air at 9AM for 3 hours.  Be sure to call in and give us some ideas about how to burn through 3 hours of talk radio.

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Crazy Eileen Must Never Have Been a Mother

Filed in National by on August 17, 2009 48 Comments

I have been thinking about what you have to believe to be a birther. It must be hard to keep your head in it.

You have to believe that Obama’s Mother was crazy. You have to believe that she was quite pregnant and willingly flew to Kenya. She had to fly for something like two days on two or three different airlines. She had to fly like 3 segments on PanAm and 2 or 3 on East African Airways.

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DelawareLiberal Takes Over the Airwaves on Tuesday

Filed in Delaware by on August 17, 2009 28 Comments

On Tuesday morning Jason and I will be hosting the Al Mascitti show on 1150AM WDEL from 9AM to Noon.  We hope to have a report from Unstable Isotope on Netroots Nation, a call from John Kowalko and, of course, your calls. What suggestions do you have for topics of discussion?

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Why You Should Come on Saturday

Filed in Delaware by on August 11, 2009 13 Comments

I was having lunch at the Iron Hill Brewery with a friend when my phone rang. The caller ID said that it was “home” calling.
“Hi Honey.” Silence.
There was a slight catching of the breath on the other end of the line.
“The doctor called… It’s cancer”

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