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Drinking Liberally: Going Rogue

Filed in Delaware by on May 26, 2009 45 Comments
Drinking Liberally: Going Rogue

I am the new coordinator for the Delaware chapter of Drinking Liberally.  Unfortunately, the national chapter has not been able to get their act together to give me access to the web interface that will allow me to send a real announcement to all chapter members.  So… This Thursday evening at 8PM we will be […]

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Tone Deaf or Payoff?

Filed in Delaware by on May 22, 2009 40 Comments

There are rumors swirling around the Delaware Republican Party that they have a new communication team.  This is the team that will be tasked with redefining the tarnished brand that is “Republican” and to reframe the debate into something that will resonate with Delaware voters.  Quite a task. Who is up for a job like […]

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Research Trip to Kauai

Filed in National by on May 18, 2009 6 Comments

I just got an incredible deal on tickets to Kauai for the summer, so I plan to do some research on Dave Burris’ assertion that we should all take up shovels against paying for roadwork. The story goes like this: There was a flood that washed out a bridge to the Polihale State park in […]

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About Saturday

Filed in Delaware by on May 14, 2009 45 Comments

As of this moment, I am still uncertain about for whom I will cast my vote in the Democratic Party Chair election.  I have had compelling conversations via email and phone with a number of people, including one of the candidates (and I expect the other to call soon).  People that I trust and care […]

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Setting Up a Shell Company In Panama, So Easy an Intern Can Do It

Filed in International, National by on May 13, 2009 3 Comments

Public Citizen brings us this video explaining how easy it is to avoid paying taxes on your corporate income.  The video was created to explain the impact on tax avoidance if the US signs on to the Panama Free Trade Agreement.  Apparently the whole process is streamlined and secret in Panama (John McCain’s home country) […]

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Uncle Thurm Still Holds the Keys

Filed in Delaware by on May 13, 2009 52 Comments

Thurman Adams has struck again.  This time he and his committee failed to vote HB5 out of Thurm’s committee by a vote of 2-4.  The Senators that are in favor of discrimination based on sexual orientation are: Tony DeLuca Thurman Adams Nancy Cook Gary Simpson This vote will be remembered when it is time to […]

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UPDATED: School Board Elections Results Thread

Filed in Delaware by on May 13, 2009 15 Comments

Congratulations to the winners and thanks for undertaking this important job. Also a special thanks to Pandora for getting DL off the dime on the school board coverage. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OK, place your bets, hail your victories and blame your defeats on voter apathy. Appoquinimink looks like Cerwinske loses to Abrams (unofficial) Brandywine Siskin beats Ramseur […]

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Have a Peaceful Mothers Day

Filed in National by on May 10, 2009 6 Comments

This video was sent along to us by one of our faithful readers.  I had no idea how Mothers Day started, but now that I know, I’m sure Hube’s head will explode. Peace. [youtube][/youtube]

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The Governor Responds to the Kowalko/Geek Plan (sort of)

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2009 19 Comments

We got this email from Joe Rogalsky on Friday in response to our letter to them: My apologies for the delayed response, things have been a little hectic down here today. You’re right, the Governor always welcomes suggestions about ways Delaware can meet the historic challenges facing us. There are many parts of his proposal […]

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Tornoe Cartoon on Carper

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2009 11 Comments
Tornoe Cartoon on Carper

Or is it directed at us?  Either way, me likey. If you like this cartoon, make sure to shoot an email to the editors at Community Publishing ( and tell them that Rob Tornoe rocks.  Thanks for letting us publish the cartoon, Rob.

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Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2009 39 Comments

I recently saw a huge Markell supporter who is also a State employee. I asked him how he was feeling these days. “Disillusioned” was his response. It seemed to me that he wanted to really rip into the Governor, but that he still had residual goodwill from the election that kept him from screaming. I […]

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Ken Salazar to Annex Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on May 8, 2009 11 Comments

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Ken Salazar Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor Last night Ken Salazar was on the Daily Show and about 4 minutes in he claims that he wants to make the whole state of Delaware into a national park. Funny stuff. […]

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UPDATED: The Budget Middle Way

Filed in Delaware by on May 5, 2009 42 Comments

I have an email out to the Gov’s office asking for his take on the Kowalko/Liberalgeek plan. I have to think that the sheer practicality of some of the suggestions made will carry some weight. – jason330 Governor Markell has always said that the last thing that he wants is to have to cut state […]

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