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Another Great Local Company

Filed in National by on November 20, 2008 9 Comments

If you are in the publishing business and want to work in Delaware, you have the opportunity to work at one of the top 10 publishing companies to work for in America.  Prestwick House, a publishing firm in Smyrna, placed #4 in the nation for best publishing companies to work for.  I wonder if one […]

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Why Carney, Why Now?

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 18, 2008 23 Comments

Ruth Ann Minner must appoint John Carney to the position of US Senator as soon as Joe Biden steps down.  Joe Biden is currently number 5 in seniority in the Senate.  This is a big deal for Delaware.  Joe got his pick of committee assignments, choice accommodations and a bully pulpit for his (Delaware’s) issues. […]

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Tommywonk on

Filed in National by on November 16, 2008 4 Comments

A few weeks ago Tommywonk asked me to help him record some video of him discussing the economy for  I happliy helped him and we sent the video off to Purple States.  Here is the result.

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My Advice For Governor Palin. Seriously.

Filed in National by on November 14, 2008 21 Comments

Governor, if I may, I’d like to suggest how you move your political career and your life.  You need to find a way to channel your skills and energy into somethin g hat is worthwhile.  Looking to 2012 isn’t building your brand, it is trying desperately to hold on to what was lost. For the […]

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Here’s Why Donviti Isn’t Going to Work at The White House

Filed in National by on November 12, 2008 8 Comments

Wow.  The New York Times has a story up on what the Obama administration (I loved typing that) is asking potential applicants for in the way of embarrassing stuff.  Emails, blog posts, Facebook, etc.  Could you make the grade?  I actually wonder if this will make a difference in the increasing level of connectedness and […]

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Indistinguishable From Magic

Filed in National by on November 10, 2008 3 Comments

There is a saying about technology that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.  The idea is that if you don’t understand (at least in a general sense) all of the technologies that lead up to the iPod, an iPod seems like a magical device.  I have been thinking about this quote for close […]

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A Cure For AIDS?

Filed in National by on November 9, 2008 12 Comments

A German doctor has cured a man of AIDS using a therapy that is most often used for leukemia patients.  In the procudure, the patient had a bone marrow transfusion from an HIV resistant marrow donor.  This could be huge. Just my luck, free love will probably make a return at just about the time […]

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Scenes From Election Night

Filed in National by on November 9, 2008 2 Comments


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Stories From The Grocery Store Line

Filed in National by on November 8, 2008 64 Comments

Mrs. Geek was at a grocery store this morning and came back with this story: A mother and her adult daughter (with children) were in line in front of Mrs. Geek.  when the total of $158 came up. the daughter swiped her ATM, but it wouldn’t process the transaction.  Daughter went over to the nearby […]

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First With The Holiday Joy

Filed in National by on November 7, 2008 12 Comments
First With The Holiday Joy

It was like Christmas on Tuesday plus Burris got the jump on us last year with the Christrmas theme, so this year we aren’t taking any chances.  Enjoy.

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Chris Lu Heads Transition Team Staff

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008 3 Comments

The Executive Director of the Obama senior transtion staff is Chris Lu.  For those of you that weren’t paying attention in February, Chris was in charge of the Delaware campaign leading up to Super Tuesday.  I caught up with him after Obama’s win in Delaware on Super Tuesday.  I almost feel bad about my snarky […]

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Georgia On My Mind

Filed in National by on November 6, 2008 3 Comments

Wow.  The word out of Oregon is that Jeff Merkley (D) has won the Senate seat.  Believe it or not, Mark Begich can still win in AK, as there are still several hundred thousand votes to count.  I have also seen a report that says that Al Franken has pulled ahead in MN. Oh My.  […]

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Filed in National by on November 5, 2008 6 Comments

I admit it, I did not see Obama give his famous speech at the 2004 convention.  I was out of the country and I didn’t want to give up a day in London for a late night watching TV.  Nonetheless, I chose Obama as “my guy” the day that he announced.  I have never regretted […]

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