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John Kowalko to Host Energy Efficiency/Conservation Workshop

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2008 1 Comment

John Kowalko is a much better public servant than I can ever hope to be.  He sent me a list of initiatives and services to his constituents last week.  He asked me to get some of it up to get the word out on programs available to help Delawareans deal with issues affecting their lives.  […]

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Markell: Reforming Democratic Politics in Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2008 5 Comments

Part 3 of our interview has us covering Jack Markell of what his candidacy is doing to change the dynamics of the Delaware Democratic party. [youtube][/youtube]

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Markell: On Open Government

Filed in Delaware by on October 4, 2008 2 Comments

In part 2 of our interview with Jack Markell we ask about open government issues, including the desk drawer veto. [youtube][/youtube]

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Markell: On Education

Filed in Delaware by on October 3, 2008 6 Comments

This is part 1 of the series.  More will be forthcoming and I finish processing them.  Since I’m turning in for the night, you’ll have to wait for tomorrow to see part 2. [youtube][/youtube]

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Liveblog the Veep Debate

Filed in National by on October 2, 2008 13 Comments

Tonight we will be liveblogging the debate with Palin and … ummm… crap.  The guy from Delaware…  Oh well, you know who I mean.  The Guy with Obama.  I wish I could remember his name.  Nevermind him.  Join us by clicking here or on the Liveblog link at the top of the page. It’ll be […]

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Sure, She’s Hot, But Would You Die For Her?

Filed in National by on October 2, 2008 2 Comments

It is tough being a Pakistani widower.  Pakistans President has had a fatwa issued against him because he lavished praise on Sarah Palin for being hot.  Kavips is next!

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KHN Starts Hitting Castle on Financial Sevices Contributions

Filed in Delaware by on October 1, 2008 6 Comments

Nancy has the full presser, but here is a taste of it: During a candidate’s forum sponsored by the Medical Society of Delaware, Castle was asked about corporate financing of political campaigns. “I was surprised by his answer,” Hartley-Nagle said. “The first part of his response was the fact that corporations do not finance federal […]

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Strap In

Filed in National by on September 29, 2008 99 Comments

The bailout package has failed.  The Dow is currently down 525… Enjoy the ride. Update:  It occurs to me that this could be a case of crying wolf!  Several times in the past 7 years, we have been faced with ultimata from the Bush administration.  “You must pass this, or else” has gotten us killed […]

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Good Signs for the Market

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 9 Comments

Last night, George W. Bush gave a speech in prime time on the state of the economy and the proposed bailout.  He used some words that I think are unprecedented: The government’s top economic experts warn that, without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold. […]

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Obama Voters of the World Unite!

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008 22 Comments

The Economist is running an electoral college style online poll.  In it, electoral votes are awarded by country and allocated in a winner take all fashion.  Currently Obama has a slight edge of 6,216 to 13.  I’m not sure that this actually helps Obama, but it is sure fun. McCain is winning in Bulgaria by […]

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Good Obama News Abounds

Filed in National by on September 24, 2008 21 Comments

Today’s ABCNews/WaPo poll shows that Obama has opened up a 9 point lead over McCain.  Why is he up? Just 9 percent of those surveyed rated the economy as good or excellent, the first time that number has been in single digits since the days just before the 1992 election. Just 14 percent said the […]

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New Feature: Get Local

Filed in Delaware by on September 22, 2008 1 Comment

In keeping with our commitment to providing more local politics, we have added a new widget on the right sidebar.  This widget will have the last five local stories easily accessible and still allow us to write fast and furiously on why Sarah Palin’s lipstick caused the current economic crisis.  You can also click on […]

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Anti-Kowalko Push Polling Resumes

Filed in Delaware by on September 21, 2008 8 Comments

I just got this letter from John Kowalko: One of the things I take most seriously in life is my responsibility and sworn obligation to serve the best interests of the people of Delaware and my constituents in the 25th District. I am therefore recounting some recent events to expose what I honestly believe is […]

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