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Interesting Name in Obama’s New Hires

Filed in National by on June 16, 2008 22 Comments

I just got an email today about the new people that Obama has hired to head into the general election.  Among the names was one Patti Solis Doyle in the position of “Chief of Staff to the Vice Presidential Nominee.”  Perhaps this means nothing, but Mrs. Doyle was the Campaign manager for Hillary’s campaign before […]

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Blue-Gold Football Game Next Saturday

Filed in National by on June 14, 2008 1 Comment

I haven’t made much of a secret of the fact that I am always interested in helping out disabled children. When one of our regular readers asked me to post on the upcoming Blue-Gold game, I was almost embarrassed that I hadn’t thought of it myself. I went to one of these games years ago […]

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Worst. Decision. Ever?

Filed in National by on June 14, 2008 18 Comments

McCain is making a play for the crazy-ass neocon vote again. On the campaign trail yesterday, he turned up the rhetoric about the Supreme Court’s decision in Boumediene v. Bush that detainees (which I think is an invented word) have the right to Habeas Corpus. The Supreme Court yesterday rendered a decision which I think […]

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Delaware Liberal Summer Book Club: It’s On

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on June 14, 2008 5 Comments

OK, I know some won’t like it, but we are going for Obama’s Audacity of Hope as the first book.  We will arrange for a date to get together (real or online) sometime after the 4th of July.  In a hat tip to Disbelief, I will commit to have the real meeting (if it happens) […]

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Bush Or McCain: On Women’s Health Issues

Filed in National by on June 13, 2008 2 Comments

My Dad sent me this video after reading the “I’m Voting Republican” post by Cassandra. We could make this an ongoing game of Who Said It? I love the format. [youtube][/youtube] See how you do on the quiz.

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Tim Russert is Dead

Filed in National by on June 13, 2008 15 Comments

Tim Russert has died of a heart attack at the age of 58.  The long hours of this campaign season can’t have been healthy.

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Is Hillary Finally Free?

Filed in National by on June 11, 2008 6 Comments

I wonder how many of Hillary’s life and political decisions were tied to a desire to be President. Would she have left Bill? Would she have voted against the war? Would she have triangulated her position on welfare and poverty? I’m serious.  She has amassed a huge amount of political capital and I think is […]

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If You Liked Kucinich’s UFO, You’re Gonna Love Jindal’s Demon

Filed in National by on June 11, 2008 4 Comments

Word is that Piyush “Bobby” Jindal, the Governor of Lousiana, is a leading contender for McCain’s Veep spot.  Word came out today, that he helped with an exorcism of a demon from a friend in college.  The actual essay that he wrote describing the scene is subscription-only, but the excerpt reads like some sort of […]

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Filed in National by on June 10, 2008 27 Comments

Does anyone really believe that Fox News isn’t a tool of the conservatives in America? h/t C&L

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Adventures in Parenting

Filed in National by on June 9, 2008 17 Comments

My 11 year old son has gotten to the point that he requests WSTW be played when we are driving somewhere. Tonight as we drove to the Bear/Glasgow YMCA for a quick swim, I started listening to the lyrics of the song playing on the radio. The song is “I Kissed a Girl,” a techno-rock […]

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Filed in National by on June 6, 2008 9 Comments

There is no other word for it. The Bush administration is now threatening the Iraqi’s with denying access to $50,000,000,000 in the Federal Reserve if they don’t agree to US occupation indefinitely. This is the stick that Bush is using to coerce the Iraqis to commit to the plan that I posted yesterday. The threat […]

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Teleprompter Training Required

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 3 Comments

This video is just so painful to watch. [youtube][/youtube] This is why people are going to run away from McCain.  He doesn’t have any sense of style or presentation skills.  Why even put crap like this up on youtube?  It is so poorly done that it will not cause anyone to do anything.. except maybe […]

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Cutting Off One’s Nose

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 6 Comments

I have to hand it to Taylor Marsh. She was a Clinton supporter for a long time. She vowed to oppose McCain, but doubted that she could “support” Obama. Today, she took on the Dominique’s among her readership. If anger is going to be the guide for some of Hillary’s supporters, inspiring them to vote […]

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