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Obama v. McCain in Terms of Technology

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 4 Comments

PC Magazine has compiled a list of top technology issues and where the candidates stand on them.  Among the list is Net Neutrality, H1B visas and intellectual property protection.  As technology advances we are going to need a President that can understand and adjust to the changing landscape.  I think this is another place where […]

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1,000 Years in Iraq

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 15 Comments

Finally. I was afraid that America would never be a colonial power. But now, word comes from a report leaked to The Independent that there is a deal to keep US troops in Iraq indefinitely, irrespective of what the results of the election in November. The terms of the impending deal, details of which have […]

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Insurance Commissioner Debate Tomorrow

Filed in National by on June 5, 2008 2 Comments

Brian Selander will be filling in for Rick Jensen tomorrow and will be hosting a debate with the three candidates (Reed – D, Savage – D and Brady – R) for insurance commissioner from 2:00 to 3:30 on WDEL.  It will be good to have Selander back on the air, albeit for a short stint.

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Fun With Google

Filed in National by on May 30, 2008 2 Comments

Did you know that if you google “polar bear expert” Jason is the 4th hit.  Jason fares much better than McDowell does on Google.  In fact, If you search for “McDowell energy expert” Jason is the top hit as a polar bear expert.  I love that. Even Google is on to you Harris!

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Liberalgeek Reporting from the SEU Meeting

Filed in National by on May 29, 2008 16 Comments

I was able to make it to the SEU meeting today to see where this task force is going.  Charlie Copeland was not in attendance, but there was no problem getting a quorum this time.  It was better attended than the previous one in terms of the public as well.  There were about 25 people […]

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Drinking Liberally This Thursday: Updated

Filed in National by on May 28, 2008 6 Comments
Drinking Liberally This Thursday: Updated

Although the location of this month’s Drinking Liberally has not yet been finalized, this Thursday, May 29th is the day. Mark your calendars. Several of us are already planning to go and it will be JFK’s birthday, so there will be lots to celebrate. Watch this space for more info as it becomes available. Update: […]

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Winter Soldier: Iraq

Filed in National by on May 27, 2008 1 Comment

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The DelawareLiberal Summer Book Club

Filed in National by on May 26, 2008 26 Comments

With Memorial Day here already I would like to throw this out to everyone.  There has been a discussion going on about a book club around DelawareLiberal.  I think summer is an excellent time to give it a try. Here’s what I propose: One book per month, starting now. This summer’s theme should be The […]

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Report From New England

Filed in National by on May 25, 2008 4 Comments

I am in Connecticut for the weekend visiting friends, just a mile from the Quinnipiac River (I may go drink from it for luck). Yesterday we spent the day with the kids at Lake Compounce Amusement Park. It was apparently Autism Awareness Day at the park and I spent some time talking to some of […]

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Is America Ready to Vote for an Indian-American?

Filed in National by on May 22, 2008 4 Comments

John McCain is interviewing potential Veeps this weekend and one of the possibilities is Bobby Jindal.  Jindal is a 2nd generation Indian-American.  Let me say that the title is a bit of a joke, because we are looking at an African-American, an Indian-American, a woman and the oldest man to be elected President for the […]

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Sorry for the Inconvenience

Filed in National by on May 21, 2008 1 Comment

Oh man! I have been in hot water with the crew here all week. I did an upgrade to WordPress that went well, except for the fact that it was ridiculously slow whenever we wanted to post. And when I say slow, I mean go make a pot of coffee and have a cup while […]

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Why The Long Primary is Good for Obama

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 21, 2008 27 Comments

Take a look at this article over at HuffPost about the benefits of this long primary for Obama.  It does warm my heart. This new engagement in the Democratic contest is a bonanza for our prospects this fall. In Indiana, the combined Democratic primary turnout was 129% of the total voter that John Kerry got […]

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Liveblogging Tonight

Filed in National by on May 20, 2008 8 Comments

If you are around this evening, we will be liveblogging with our TV’s, adult beverages and a few of our readers.  Please join us by clicking on the Liveblog link at the top of the page.

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