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Ted Kennedy Has a Malignant Brain Tumor

Filed in National by on May 20, 2008 37 Comments

News is breaking that doctors have discovered a malignant brain tumor in Senator Kennedy.  Kennedy has been in the hospital since Sunday when he suffered a seizure in Hyannisport.  The most common treatment for this kind of tumor is radiation and chemotherapy.

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Wind Power Call to Arms

Filed in National by on May 20, 2008 6 Comments

It is another week and it is time to call your Senator.  Please ask them to bring HCR38 out of committee and to the floor for a vote.  I’m sure you all know lots of good reasons, but if you would like a refresher check out our Choose Wind page for information on who we […]

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Please Stand By

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 19, 2008 2 Comments

I am upgrading the software that runs this site in the next half hour. Please stand by. Update:  All done!

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DelawareWatch Goes Moderate

Filed in Delaware by on May 17, 2008 42 Comments

Dana Garrett has apparently been bothered by a number of comments on his blog lately.  As a result, he has started moderating comments.  I guess you’ll have to somewhere else if you want to challenge Dana’s views on the world. We had an issue a few weeks ago where a single poster was doing bad […]

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The Burris Reveal

Filed in Delaware by on May 15, 2008 41 Comments

Dave Burris posted the rest of the story on the subpoena to Mike Matthews for the source of the Bill Lee photo.  The short answer is that there was a threatening note sent to Bill Lee’s family that photos like this were going to start coming out starting this week.  Here’s the quick analysis: There […]

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Harris McDowell is Having a Bad Legislative Session. And That is Good.

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2008 20 Comments

Program Note: Tune into WDEL around 10:00am tomorrow to hear Tyler Nixon discussing McDowell’s latest afront to the public trust with Al Mascitti. Today Harris McDowell III tried to ram through legislation that would direct Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) proceeds from greenhouse gas “cap and trade” to the SEU. Several of our astute readers […]

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O’Reilly Remix

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2008 0 Comments

I laughed an uncomfortable laugh the other day when Mike Matthews posted the original video of O’Reilly going off. It has now made the rounds with Colbert doing his version last night. Now this: [youtube][/youtube] This is NOT safe for work.

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Is John Edwards Trying to Finally Play Kingmaker?

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2008 27 Comments

Update: It’s official.  Edwards endorses Obama. Can we have this end now?  Please? There are rumors swirling indicating that John Edwards is heading to Michigan to endorse Barack Obama at 7PM tonight. I guess this is a good thing, but I really would have preferred him to do this a few weeks ago and save […]

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UPDATED: Congrats Tommywonk!

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2008 28 Comments

Tommywonk has been announced as the representative of the Delaware Blogosphere to the Democratic National Convention. The rest of us at will be spending the rest of the day crying in our beers. Editor’s Note: This comment from a kos diarists bears repeating, because it ties Tommywonk’s trip to Denver to Truth Teller’s concern […]

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What Will We Do Without Falwell?

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 13, 2008 9 Comments

I am so confused.  Without Jerry Falwell around, how will I know the real reason that Myanmar and China have both been hit with natural disasters this week.  It can’t just be random, can it?  I need someone to explain.

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Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2008 85 Comments
Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Go check out Down With Absolutes. Apparently Dave Burris has demanded Mike’s source for a photo that he posted last week of a possibly intoxicated Bill Lee in a Dewey Beach watering house. Apparently Dave has threatened that a subpoena will be coming Mike’s way if he doesn’t give it up soon. So what the […]

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Here’s What You Can Do To Help Get The BWW Deal Done

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 12, 2008 0 Comments

I have updated the Choose Wind page to reflect where we are and what we need to do to push this process along.  You can make a difference here.  Please review the page and call your Senator and pass the information along to your friends so that they can call. We are down to just […]

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Copeland Vows to Stop Attending SEU Meetings

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2008 51 Comments

I must have hit a nerve with my post earlier. Charlie Copeland dropped me an email to fill me in on his stance after he spoke to Tyler Nixon. I was unaware of the expiration of the SEU oversight board. I spoke with Tyler Nixon about it earlier today, and I will no longer attend […]

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