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OMFG! Obama in Philly

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 19, 2008 13 Comments
OMFG!  Obama in Philly

Wow. Now I wish I had blown off my book club to see Obama. He drew 30,000 people to see him deliver a speech at Independence Hall. It was the largest crowd that he has drawn in the campaign (and that is saying something). Let’s put this in context. Tonight in Philly there was a […]

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This Blog Will Be Unmanned and Unwomanned For The Next 90 Minutes

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008 0 Comments

We will be liveblogging the debate from 8:00 – 9:30.  Please join us by clicking on the liveblog link at the top of the page.  Bring your adult beverage of choice (except you Mat Marshall!).  It is always a fun time.

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Pardon the Interruption

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008 1 Comment

Sorry for the little technical glitch. No, your office didn’t start blocking the site, there was a technical issue which has been rectified.

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Programming Note: Liveblogging the Debate Tonight

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008 3 Comments

Please join us for some spirited debate of the debate tonight by coming to out liveblog page. I can’t speak to who will be there, but it is always fun.

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This is Why We Don’t Believe Them

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 16, 2008 5 Comments

Whenever the issue of erosion of civil liberties comes up in conversation, someone will invariably pipe in with some line about how much improved our security as a nation is. “Look at how many terrorist attacks we have prevented!” I have always had this feeling that most of the attacks that we have prevented are […]

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Last Chance to Support the Autism Society of Delaware

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 14, 2008 1 Comment

That little widget on the right has bee staring at you for almost a month now.  You still haven’t clicked it and made a donation…  The walk is this weekend and it will really help a segment of our population that can use all of the help they can get. The Autism Society of Delaware […]

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How Not to Interact on a Blog – The Rob Foraker Story

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 9, 2008 13 Comments

I don’t know how he does it. Rob Foraker keeps finding old posts here (and in other places, I suspect) and posting irrelevant stuff where no one will find it. As evidence, I present this comment. The original post was made on June 13th, 2007. Rob has posted on this comment twice in the past […]

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LiberalGeek Question of the Day

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 9, 2008 19 Comments

With all apologies to Donviti, I have a question.  Can we all agree that Ethanol is a failure and that we need to bail out on it before we tar all alternative energies as bad ideas? I believe that we make mistakes.  Ethanol is one of them and the sooner we cut bait on it, […]

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I Wish Al Gore Had Been Appointed President

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 9, 2008 12 Comments

Al Gore has a new slideshow on climate change.  He has some stunning updates to his Inconvenient Truth.  It is a 28 minute video, but it is chock full of good data and some pretty funny commentary.  Even better, it can be downloaded and there is even an iPod ready download.

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The Problem With The Super Delegate Counter

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 8, 2008 9 Comments

Apparently, today Hillary lost a pledged superdelegate and Obama picked up quite a few (from 246-216 v. 245-221, today).  This gets Obama to only a 24 delegate deficit.  The problem is that I cannot seem to find the damn supporting documentation on the numbers.  If anyone knows where that data might be, I’d love to […]

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David Vitter’s Judgment Sucks All-Around

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 8, 2008 4 Comments

David Vitter (R-LA) was trying to get away from reporters questions about an affair with a prostitute as fast a possible.  So fast, in fact, that he ran over a sign.  Impaired judgment becomes you, Senator. [youtube][/youtube]

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The Delaware Dem’s Newest Delegate

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 7, 2008 0 Comments

Rob Carver was elected to be a Barack Obama Delegate on Saturday.  I interviewed Rob on Super Tuesday.  It bears watching it again.  Good work Rob![youtube][/youtube]

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Holy Cow! Hillary Gets Around.

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 6, 2008 1 Comment has used Hillary’s schedule and news reports from her years as First Lady to compile this interactive map of her travels.  Now that’s the kind of traveling I would like to do.  I now feel like a travel slacker.  Now word on whether you can search the map for sniper fire incidents.  I want […]

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