liberalgeek's Latest Posts
Kowalko Announcement Today
John Kowalko, the Democratic candidate in the 25th District, will announce his candidacy at 11:00 AM at the Newark Senior Center. Come on out to hear John give ’em hell.
Fundraiser Tonight in Townsend
If you are anywhere near Townsend this evening, swing by the Blackbird Community Center at 6PM to help support Rick Griffiths, the endorsed Democratic candidate to replace Dick Cathcart in the 9th district. The cost is $20 per person and includes pizza, sodas and desserts. There will be a few Democratic candidates in attendance and […]
Breaking: Ted Stevens Plane Crashes
Former AK Senator Ted Stevens is believed to have been a passenger on a plane that crashed in Alaska. Also on board was former NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe. 5 of the 9 passengers are reported dead.
Kowalko Addresses Toxic Chemical Reform
If you didn’t get a chance to read the Jeff Montgomery articles on tainted groundwater, put down that glass of water and read it now. Seriously, put down the water. You come away from that series feeling like a passenger that has no knowledge of boats, but just found out that your ship is sinking […]
Navarro Gets the Democratic Nod
After months of wrangling, last night the New Castle County Democrats endorsed Trinidad Navarro for New Castle County Sheriff. This marks a huge victory for Navarro, as his primary opponent, Michael Walsh, has been New Castle County Sheriff since Ronald Reagan was first elected. It will be interesting to see if Walsh stays in the […]
Late Night Video: Double Rainbow, Dude!
[youtube][/youtube] You really have to see/listen to the whole thing. h/t Brad Wasson
Shadow Campaign for Treasurer
There has been a rotten thread running through the Treasurer’s race this year. The thread is that one campaign is trying to destroy their opponent on the way to the Democratic nomination. This is unbecoming of the two fine candidates that are competing to battle Colin Bonini in the fall. Sadly, the force behind this shadow campaign of destruction is so close to one of the candidates that the solution isn’t as simple as firing a staffer.
9th District Democratic Candidates Abound
Last night the 9th district Dems met with the potential candidates to run against John Marino to replace Dick Cathcart. Rick Griffiths is the endorsed candidate and has been ramping up his campaign for months. Yesterday, Rebecca Walker filed to primary Rick. Walker has faced off against Cathcart twice in the past and had yielded […]
Hire the Qualified
There is a new movement that has come from some of the people active in the Delaware social media scene to preempt some of the awful discrimination that is now facing the unemployed and others. In an economy that now has 5 unemployed workers for every open job, some employers have started putting disqualifiers in […]
Christina Just Got More Transparent
Last night the Christina School District elected their new school board president, John Young. John is a friend of DelawareLiberal and has been a tireless advocate for transparency in the Christina School District over at his aptly named, Transparent Christina. Congratulations, John.
A Path to Good High-Paying Jobs in Delaware
You may not know it, but there is a jobs bill in Dover that can’t seem to get a vote. Speaker Gilligan has been dragging his feet on putting the jobs bill on the floor. I am a little amazed by that fact, since it is a jobs bill that doesn’t even have a fiscal […]
Mayberry This Ain’t
I’m not sure how closely you have been following the race for Sheriff in New Castle County. As small-time elections go, this one has the makings of the most interesting primary in New Castle County. Long-time Sheriff, Mike Walsh has held the office since Reagan was elected President. He is being challenged by NCC police […]
Poor Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen is running for reelection as a Tennessee Representative, in Harold Ford’s old seat. He won in 2008, in part due to the endorsement of Barack Obama. Race is an issue in this district, and Cohen is facing an African-American former Memphis mayor. In this painful video, some of his supporters have composed a […]
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