A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Drinking Liberally at the Beach

Filed in National by on July 8, 2011 6 Comments

The third installment of Drinking Liberally at the Beach will be on Thursday, July 28, 2011, beginning at 7:00 PM. The location is the same, but the venue will be different. Hugh Fuller has opened the back of the Purple Parrot and has created a beach biergarten with a separate menu from the rest of […]

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Primary for Insurance Commissioner

Filed in Delaware by on July 5, 2011 83 Comments

Mitch Crane, former Acting Director of Consumer Services and Investigations under Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart, filed paperwork today that will enable him to raise money for the Democratic nomination for Insurance Commissioner in next year’s election. A formal campaign announcement will be made in January. Crane, who lives in Lewes, is a lawyer and […]

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Independence Day?

Filed in National by on July 1, 2011 14 Comments

So I wonder what these people will be celebrating on Monday? According to a new poll by Marist, more than a quarter of Americans couldn’t correctly identify the country from which the United States declared its independence. While 74 percent correctly named Great Britain, 20 percent said they weren’t sure and six percent named other […]

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Let the Recall Elections Begin

Filed in National by on June 24, 2011 7 Comments

The first ads are up and running in Wisconsin in an attempt to flip the state senate to Democratic control. The labor-backed progressive group We Are Wisconsin has launched its first television ad of the upcoming recall elections, targeting state Sen. Sheila Harsdorf (R-River Falls). Harsdorf is one of six Republican state senators facing recall […]

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Time to End the Wars

Filed in International, National by on June 21, 2011 7 Comments

The US Conference of Mayors did something on Monday that they haven’t done in over 40 years. They passed a resolution calling for an accelerated end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is important to me at least is that the last time the Conference acted on this subject, we were mired in […]

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Let’s Hear It for Evolution

Filed in Science and Health by on June 20, 2011 11 Comments

The 2011 Miss USA “scholarship” pageant was held last night in Las Vegas. Out of the 51 contestants, only two of them said that they believed in evolution. Out of all the contestants in last night’s Miss USA pageant, only two affirmed they thought evolution should be taught in schools. The winner, 21-year-old Alyssa Campanella […]

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More Like This, Please

Filed in National by on June 16, 2011 2 Comments

I want to see this occur 150,000+ more times within the next year. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysKAVyXi0J4&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

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Weiner Pulling Out

Filed in National by on June 16, 2011 55 Comments

According to various news sources, Anthony Weiner will resign today. This has become a distraction for the Democrats. He needs to get his act together and then he can make a comeback.

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This Weiner is Roasted

Filed in National by on June 12, 2011 27 Comments

New pictures of Rep. Anthony Weiner have been published by the website TMZ. Enough of this weenie roast. Whether Weiner is seeking “counseling or not, it’s time for him to do the right thing for his constituents and resign. I don’t care if Jon Stewart thinks he’s one of the good guys, he’s a creep […]

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Can A Progressive Also Believe in G-D

Filed in National by on June 10, 2011 49 Comments

It’s a simple question and it grew out of some of the comments that were left on my post regarding circumcision. As a progressive/liberal, I also believe in G-D. I attend synagogue regularly, I serve on its board of directors, and I teach in its religious school. I also believe in evolution and the Big […]

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A Little Off the Top, Please

Filed in National by on June 8, 2011 97 Comments

My parents always told me that we as Jews were a very optimistic people. We cut it off before we know how long it’s going to be. In California, a group of “intactivists” want to ban circumcision altogether. This is just a dumb-headed idea and shows the problem with citizen initiative process. When a group […]

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Another Sign that the Apocalypse is Near

Filed in National by on June 2, 2011 1 Comment

In another sign that the end of the world is at hand, the KKK decided to protest the Westboro Baptist Sect at Arlington National Cemetery. I’m going to start to pack a survival box for the end of the world. The KKK is on the same side of an issue as me.

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No Promo Homo in Tennessee – Updated

Filed in National by on May 22, 2011 9 Comments

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the “No Say Gay” bill wending it’s way through the Tennessee legislature. Well, George Takei, better known to those of us of a certain age as Mr. Sulu from the original Star Trek series, is taking on the homophobes and giving people a way around the bill, if it should become law.

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