A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Scott Bloch, Chutzpa is Thy Name

Filed in National by on May 12, 2011 6 Comments

A few years ago, I wrote about Scott Bloch, the former head of the Office of Special Counsel under the Bush administration. The OSC was set up to protect Federal government whistleblowers, investigate prohibited personnel practices, and prosecute violations of the Hatch Act. When Bloch was appointed, one of the first things he did was […]

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Is This an Attack on Traditional Marriage?

Filed in Delaware by on May 7, 2011 2 Comments

I’ve always heard that life was going to the dogs. Perhaps one of our learned friends over at that other political blog could tell us if this is an attack on traditional marriage. There was a full-page photo layout on page 90 of the May 5 edition of The Cape Gazette.

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No Promo Homo in Tennessee

Filed in National by on May 7, 2011 20 Comments

The Tennessee legislature is considering a bill that will prohibit teachers from discussing any sexuality except heterosexuality for kids in grades K-8. SB 49 is set for full Senate action on Monday, May 9. Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) is passionate about this legislation, which he previously sponsored unsuccessfully in the state House for six years. […]

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Holocaust Memorial Day

Filed in International by on May 1, 2011 2 Comments

Today is Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, the 27th Day of Nisan on the Jewish Calendar. It is a day that is set aside to remember the Six Million Jews that were slaughtered at the hands of Nazi Germany from 1933-1945. We also remember the millions of gays, Roma, political dissidents, and opponents of the […]

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The Wicked Witch of the West Gets Handed Her Head

Filed in National by on April 28, 2011 2 Comments

I want to see more journalists do this:[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB3W5NTAAAo&feature=share[/youtube] It’s about time someone has called these nut jobs out face to face (even if O’Donnell and Taitz were on different coasts). The next thing is for someone, anyone, to file a complaint with the California Bar Association to strip this nafka of her license to practice […]

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Call to Action

Filed in National by on April 22, 2011 45 Comments

Android has released a dog fighting app for its phones. Not only is this disgusting, but is wrong. As Sloan Quealy-Miner writes at BSL News Android who is owned by Google has come out with a new application game for your phone called DOG WARS (developed by Kage Games LLC). This game is a DOG […]

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Naughty Boy Senator to Resign

Filed in National by on April 21, 2011 7 Comments

Sen. John Ensign, who was caught screwing around with a campaign aide and then arranged for said aide’s husband to get some lobbying business, is reportedly going to resign. So, how many upright, Christian, family-values Republicans does this make in the past 5 years that have been forced from office?

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NYPD Blues

Filed in National by on April 16, 2011 3 Comments

Seems as though the NYPD over-reacted a bit in this situation. Glad I live in Delaware.

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Crossing the Line (Again)

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2011 43 Comments

It didn’t take long for some of our less informed denizens of Sussex County to blow a gasket over the passage of SB 30. Today, the Fatman over at WGMD was spitting nails. He adamant that SB 30 was “a gay marriage bill, let’s not fool ourselves. We need to call it what it is.” […]

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The Great Debate That Wasn’t

Filed in Delaware by on April 12, 2011 15 Comments

It was billed as a debate between Sussex County Council member Vance Phillips and Sheriff Jeff “Supercop” Christopher. One came armed with facts; the other with rhetoric. Phillips and Christopher are both conservatives. But Phillips, who’s been in office for 12 years, knows something about the Delaware Code. Christopher has been in office for a […]

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What the Government Shutdown Really Means

Filed in National by on April 7, 2011 32 Comments

There has so much back and forth about what the shutdown of the Federal government really means, that I figured that as someone who stands to be furloughed, I would add in my two cents. Besides the cancellation of the Cherry Blossom Parade, the shuttering of the Smithsonian, and the closing of parks and monuments, […]

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Leaders of the Future

Filed in Delaware by on March 31, 2011 1 Comment

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM, over 60 high school students will gather at Leg Hall for the 2011 edition of the Delaware YMCA’s Youth in Government Model Legislature. There have been instances where the bills these kids write, debate, and vote on actually get introduced in the General Assembly. If you have some time tomorrow or Saturday, stop by Leg Hall and watch these kids in action. You might be impressed. I always am.

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Triangle: Remembering the Fire

Filed in National by on March 25, 2011 6 Comments

That is the name of a HBO documentary about one of the worst factory disasters in American history. Today is the 100th anniversary of this tragedy. The New York Times has been running a series of articles all week on this tragedy. The Triangle Shirt Waist Factory was a sweatshop that employed hundreds of immigrant […]

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