A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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New GOP House Leaders Dipping the Constitution in Tea

Filed in National by on December 30, 2010 9 Comments

It appears that the new GOP House majority is taking the Constitution “seriously.” I think we can now officially call the GOP the Teapublican Party. At the start of every Congress, each House must adopt rules which will govern how it will operate for the next two years. We’ve already heard that the Democrats in […]

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Celebrating Repeal of DADT – Updated

Filed in National by on December 22, 2010 3 Comments
Celebrating Repeal of DADT – Updated

Barney Frank explains it all.[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0h5Vtke3OA&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] Watch how Barney Frank pwns a “reporter.”

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Virginia is for Haters – UPDATED

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010 3 Comments

Ardent homophobe, Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall (Neanderthal-Manassas) is so pissed off about the repeal of DADT that he is planning to introduce his a ban on any “active homosexuals” from serving in the Virginia National Guard. Delegate Robert G. Marshall said the Constitution reserves states with the authority to do so and that he’ll introduce […]

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Congressional Oxymoron

Filed in National by on December 18, 2010 2 Comments
Congressional Oxymoron

Five words that should never be said in the same sentence – Michelle Bachmann – House Intelligence Committee. Hell, Bachmann and intelligence don’t even mix well. But we always knew the Crying Man was a bit of an idiot. This appointment just seals the deal.

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Music for the Eighth (and Final) Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 8, 2010 6 Comments

I started off this Chanukah music festival with Adam Sandler’s original Chanukah song, so I’m closing with his third installment of his song. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1sf5yqZX-k&feature=related[/youtube]

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Music for the Seventh Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 7, 2010 0 Comments

Here’s one from the Maccabeats, students at Yeshiva University in New York. Their video has gone viral on YouTube. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSJCSR4MuhU&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

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Music for the Sixth Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 6, 2010 0 Comments

Now, some of you might be wondering if there is a difference between “Chanukah” and “Hanukkah.” There isn’t. It just depends on how you were brought up spelling it. Some of the lyrics are a bit risque, so you might not want your kids to listen to this one. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoKG_4g5bNc&playnext=1&list=PL0573F95A49E38788&index=33[/youtube]

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Music for the Fifth Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 5, 2010 2 Comments

Here’s an old traditional Chanukah song, sung by a very unique group – elementary school students in NYC. My guess is that they were rehearsing for the school’s annual holiday show. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gMTvGmpVbI[/youtube]

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Music for the Fourth Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 4, 2010 2 Comments

We’re halfway through the holiday. So, just a quick explanation of Chanukah. It’s a typical Jewish holiday that can be summarized like this – they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat. Enjoy Matisyahu, who is an Orthodox Jewish rapper. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gv-7WdpB72o[/youtube]

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Music for the Third Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 3, 2010 0 Comments

We lit two of our Menorahs tonight with three candles each. And in celebration of this holiday, I give you this for your listening pleasure. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL7NZzVVXxg&feature=related[/youtube]

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Music for the Second Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 2, 2010 4 Comments

There aren’t too many Chanukah songs out there, but this is one of my favorites. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yZ1zxtbOJE[/youtube]

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Happy Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 1, 2010 3 Comments

Tonight is the first night of Chanukah, so for all of my Jewish and non-Jewish friends, i regale you with some Chanukah music. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vrd9p47MPHg[/youtube]

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Pre-Chanukah Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on November 30, 2010 5 Comments

So I’m sitting here chilling to some Celia Cruz (Azucar!) and thought, hey, I haven’t honored anyone lately with an asshat award. And today we have two winners. Our first winner is Eugene Delgaudio, a Republican representing Sterling on the Loudoun County (VA) Board of Supervisors. I think we all read about Pandora’s experience with […]

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