A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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This is What the Election was Actually All About

Filed in National by on November 24, 2010 1 Comment


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Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

Filed in National by on November 23, 2010 101 Comments
Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

Well, Chanukah starts next Wednesday at sundown, so I thought the email with this gift information was just in time. NOT! Here’s the text from the email: With the holiday season quickly approaching, there’s no better time to visit the GOP Store and find truly unique and inspiring gifts for all the commonsense conservative Republicans […]

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Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on November 22, 2010 1 Comment

Numerous winners today, so I’ll get right to it. First winner, that lard ass of a NJ governor Chris Christie, for demanding that the Delaware River and Bay Authority stop letting employees and retirees get free tolls if they use EZ Pass when crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Only problem is, DRBA doesn’t have such […]

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Sometimes We Just Have to Laugh At Ourselves

Filed in National by on November 17, 2010 0 Comments

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on November 17, 2010 14 Comments

I’ve been away on special assignment (actually, just been busy putting together my agency’s annual financial report to Congress), but Asshat returns. Like mother, like daughter, today’s winner is a bit of a loose canon, especially with her mouth. It seems that Willow Palin was upset that some stranger on Facebook dissed her mama’s show […]

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Saying Stupid Things

Filed in National by on November 10, 2010 13 Comments

So, St. Sarah got caught saying something totally stupid again today (something about how PA was becoming a nanny state because they were going to regulate the amount of sugar school kids got). If you could say anything you wanted to St. Sarah, without retribution, what would it be?

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Night of the Long Knives and Pitchforks

Filed in Delaware by on November 9, 2010 33 Comments

Well, it didn’t take long for the O’Donnell faction of the GOP to begin the civil war. At last night’s meeting of the Sussex County GOP Committee, Don Ayotte, who is a contributor over at that other political blog (you know the one, the one run by Delusional David) demanded Tom Ross’ head. According to […]

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Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on November 5, 2010 4 Comments

Feeling newly empowered, head House teabbagger Michelle Bachmann has been demanding a position in the House GOP leadership. She’s going to be disappointed, because I doubt that The Orange Man wants her to be the spokesperson for the party going into the 2012 election cycle. Anyway, she’ll be gone after 2012 as her district will […]

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Rocky Mountain High

Filed in National by on November 3, 2010 1 Comment

So elsewhere in the country: In Colorado, Sen. Michael Bennet has won reelection over teabagger Ken Buck. This race was reminiscent of the Gary Hart’s 1980 reelection campaign. Running in the year of the “Reagan Revolution,” Hart was running against the popular Secretary of State, Mary Estill Buchanan. Hart only won by 19,000 votes out […]

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Another Republican Getting Desperate

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2010 3 Comments

Seems that desperation and worry are besieging the GOP. We reported earlier today on No-Show Bonini’s letter to state employees, which totally misrepresented Chip Flowers’ position on issues. And Bonini lived up to his name by bailing out on another debate this afternoon at UD. Now, Rep. Dave Wilson must really be worried about Jim […]

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I Remember Why I’m Not Voting Republican

Filed in National by on November 1, 2010 22 Comments


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No-Show Bonini Getting Desperate

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2010 31 Comments

Colin “No-Show” Bonini must be getting desperate. Apparently he has sent a letter to state employees making some false claims about Chip Flowers (which is nothing new for Bonono). One of these claims is that Flowers will, if elected, not pay vendors or state employees based on his personal opinion. This has some state employees […]

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Happy Halloween

Filed in National by on October 31, 2010 3 Comments


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