A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County
MJ's Latest Posts
Gun Nuts Gone Amok
A self-appointed border guard and racist is suspected in the murder of 4 people before he took the chickenshit coward’s way out and killed himself. Longtime white supremacist and border vigilante JT Ready saw himself as part of a war that few others would fight. He amassed weapons. He donned a uniform. He formed his […]
Time to Stop the Vultures
Yesterday, El Som had a post about pending legislation, including HB 289, which would put restrictions on payday lenders. It seems as though there is some push back from Democratic leaders who want nothing to do with this important and consumer-friendly legislation. As El Som wrote: Helene Keeley’s payday loans bill, HB 289, is on […]
Get Thee to a Nunnery
It seems as though it’s not just the GOP who is conducting a war against women. The Catholic Church has declared war on women religious. There were two Santa Maria! stories out of the Vatican this week. ….. Then there was the even worse news, by my votive lights, that the Vatican is cracking down […]
Yom Ha’Shoah

Never Again! Never again can we stand silent when a government decides that genocide is the way to deal with its citizens. Never again can we forget to keep the memories alive of the millions of Jews, Roma, Gays, political dissidents, liberals and conservatives who perished at the hands of the Nazis. I also honor […]
Campaign Debts – Who’s Responsible for Paying Them Off?

Many politicians rack up campaign debts, especially when running against well-healed opponents. Some even loan huge sums to their campaigns. My question is, when a candidate mortgages their home or empties their retirement account, possibly jeopardizing the financial future of their family, do they have an obligation to do everything they can to repay that […]
It’s About to Get A Bit Crazier in Sussex

Sheriff Woody is bringing in reinforcements. Hopefully they’ll have to check their guns at the door.
A Journalistic Titan Is Gone

Mike Wallace, one of the original hosts of 60 Minutes, has died. He was 93. In an essay for CBS News, Morley Safer, a “60 Minutes” correspondent, recounted his colleague’s career thusly: Wallace took to heart the old reporter’s pledge to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. He characterized himself as “nosy and insistent.” […]
Chag Kosher V’Sameach
That’s the traditional Passover greeting – a Happy, Kosher Passover. Tonight, Jews around the world will sit down with family and friends and recount the story of the Exodus from Egypt thousands of years ago. I’m not passing judgement on whether this is a true story or not (and I ask that you don’t either in the comments), but it is a typical Jewish holiday – they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.
This is How Republican Sheriffs End Up

A former elected Republican sheriff in Colorado was sentenced to 30 days in jail for possession of meth. And this one even had arrest powers. Maybe it’s better that they end up behind bars for meth instead of advocating sedition.
Kooky Talk in Sussex

Well, it must be Spring because it seems as though more crazy talk is filling the airwaves than usual. We now get to listen to Matt Walsh on WGMD in the evenings. Walsh was a DJ on 93.5 “The Beach,” until they tired of him and his nonsense. In 2010, he ran for mayor of Georgetown and took a whopping 25 votes out of the 455 cast. Yes, he took 5.5% of the vote. He probably got his butt kicked because instead of talking about issues that would affect the average Georgetown resident, he squawked about the Second Amendment, health care reform, and illegal aliens. Yeah, those would be my top choices if I was running for municipal office.
Well, tonight on his show, Walsh decided to talk about President Obama’s birth certificate. Or as he put it, his alleged birth certificate. He started off by saying “I’m not a birther, but……..”
Tomorrow’s Leaders
If you have some time tomorrow or Saturday, stop by Leg Hall to witness some of our future leaders in action. The 2012 Session of the Delaware YMCA’s Youth in Government Model Legislature will kick-off at 9:00 AM, but the real action doesn’t begin until 1:00 PM, when the delegates start debating the bills they have authored. No subject is taboo for these students. In the past, they have debated marijuana legalization, marriage equality, and even a clothing optional beach at Cape Henlopen State Park. The great thing about this program is that there are no Democrats or Republicans – just middle and high school students debating bills that they wrote on subjects of interest to them.
The New Kato Kaelin
Do you remember Kato Kaelin, the “friend” of OJ Simpson who supposedly witnessed “strange movements” by OJ that poked holes in his alibi? In the end, he was pretty much exposed as a publicity-seeking media whore who tried to make money off his connection to the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldberg.
Now we have Joe Oliver, the self-proclaimed “close friend” of George Zimmerman, the murderer of Trayvon Martin.
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