A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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Tempers Flaring in Sussex? – UPDATED

Filed in Delaware by on October 26, 2011 124 Comments

We received a tip this evening that there was some sort of physical altercation at County Council between Councilman Vance Phillips and Sheriff Jeff Christopher. Georgetown Police were called to the County Council Building by the sheriff. The matter is under investigation by the police and no arrests have been made at this time. Note that during this altercation, one of the people was armed (guess who?).

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What’s A Governor to Do?

Filed in National by on October 22, 2011 7 Comments
What’s A Governor to Do?

Arizona governor Jan Brewer’s lawsuit against the Obama administration over the security of the border with Mexico has been tossed by the courts. Brewer’s suit was a counter-claim against the Administration’s suit over Arizona’s draconian immigration enforcement law.

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Koch-style Big Money Now in School Board Races

Filed in National by on October 22, 2011 42 Comments

I always like to check in on politics in Denver and Colorado, since that is where I cut my teeth in the political world. I’m still good friends with a number of elected officials out there and some of the Democratic Party officials. So I was surprised to read this today. My brother, who is a Denver Democratic Party officer sent it to me. It seems as though Koch-style big money has trickled down to the school board races.

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Filed in National by on October 20, 2011 3 Comments

Click through for Republican reaction to the “12 Monkeys” reenactment in Ohio, where our reality meets parody and vice versa.

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Something to Think About

Filed in National by on October 15, 2011 0 Comments
Something to Think About

Don’t need to add any commentary to this – the picture says enough by itself.

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Crossing the Line

Filed in National by on October 13, 2011 23 Comments

We’ve all done it. We here at DL, and our friends over at DP have both crossed the line from time to time when putting up posts. The most recent incident occurred a couple of weeks ago when Fay Voshell put up a post at DP that she thought was funny. The post included a video from a movie that included Hitler in it. Except in Fay’s version, Hitler was really President Obama and his advisors were telling him that the Attack Watch website was a failure.

I took exception to the video, in the comments section of Fay’s post and here. And we are not blameless, as back in 2008, we ran a blog post using the very same video to mock the downfall of the economy during W’s regime. (This was before my time here as a contributor).

I find any post that mock’s the Holocaust extremely unsettling. I lost relatives in the camps. My family only found out this information after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the opening of archives in East Germany and the old Soviet Union. Aunts, uncles, and cousins who decided to stay in Eastern Europe when the rest of my family immigrated between 1892-1907 perished.

And now, the Anti-Defamation League has weighed in. In a letter sent to David Anderson, the ADL has advised him that the use of the video was inappropriate.

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Remembering Matthew Shepard

Filed in National by on October 12, 2011 8 Comments
Remembering Matthew Shepard

Thirteen years ago tonight, Matthew Shepard died from a beating at the hands of two homophobes. Although both were convicted and faced the death penalty, it was through the grace of Judy and Dennis Shepard that their lives were spared. Matthew was targeted for this beating because he was gay. He was taken to a desolate spot outside of Laramie, Wyoming, tortured and beaten, and left for dead. When his body was discovered, the person finding him thought he was looking at a scarecrow.

On October 28, 2009, President Obama signed into law the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Hate Crimes Act, in memory of two victims of hate crimes that were murdered in 1998. For those who think the we’ve come a long way since Matthew’s death, you’re wrong. Hate crimes against gays, lesbians, and transgender individuals continue to rise, especially in major metropolitan areas. Just last month, a DC police officers was arrested for assaulting a transgender woman. We must never forget Matthew Shepard, James Byrd, and the hundreds of other victims of hate crimes that have been murdered. Never Again!!!

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The Loss of a Civil Rights Leader

Filed in National by on October 12, 2011 0 Comments

The gay community lost a hero and leader yesterday with the passing of Dr. Frank Kameny. It was fitting that he passed away on National Coming Out Day.

Kameny was the first person to challenge his firing from the Federal government because he was gay in the courts. He was an astronomer with the Department of the Army and was fired in 1957 for being gay. He could have just quietly walked away and found something else to do but he stood and fought, all the way to the Supreme Court. Even though he lost his case, he persevered to fight for what he believed in, equal rights for the gay community.

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Bodie and the Sheriff Shoot Themselves in the Foot

Filed in Delaware by on October 11, 2011 6 Comments

It seems as though there are a few Republicans down here in Sussex that are not towing the teabagger line. I know, it’s hard to believe but it’s true. At last night’s GOP Executive Committee meeting, Eric “St. Bodie Girl” Bodenweiser brought forth his resolution to support Sheriff Jeff Christopher’s request for “more training” for his deputies. The resolution was soundly defeated.

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This is the Face of Hate

Filed in National by on October 8, 2011 16 Comments
This is the Face of Hate

This is the face of pure evil. This is the face of pure hate. This man is not a Christian in any stretch of the word. I’m speaking about Bryan Fischer, a “conservative radio shock jock.” Click through to see what this “Christian” had to say today about Islam.

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Taking the Law into One’s Own Hands

Filed in Delaware by on October 5, 2011 22 Comments

Seems that some of the folks who work for the sheriff’s department down here in Sussex can’t get it through their thick heads that they are not law enforcement officers. I’ve received numerous reports of an incident that occurred last Friday near Lincoln. A sheriff’s deputy, in uniform and driving a sheriff’s vehicle, decided that […]

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Could This Happen in Sussex

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 28, 2011 16 Comments

When a person is elected to public office, the take an oath to uphold the laws and Constitution of the State. Unfortunately, some think they can pick and choose which laws to obey and enforce. Sussex County Clerk of Peace George Parrish isn’t sure how he will respond to the new Civil Unions bill.

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He Made Them an Offer They Couldn’t Refuse

Filed in National by on September 24, 2011 10 Comments

Former Godfather’s Pizza doughboy Herman Cain wins the Florida GOP/Teahadi straw poll.

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