
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Resist Trump Action: January 26, 2017

Filed in National by on January 26, 2017 4 Comments
Resist Trump Action: January 26, 2017

Call our Senators to vote NO on H.R. 7 – No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2017. Call Tom Carper at (202) 224-2441. Call Chris Coons at (202) 224-5042.

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Delaware Republicans Don’t Like Clean Air and Clean Water

Filed in Delaware by on January 26, 2017 8 Comments
Delaware Republicans Don’t Like Clean Air and Clean Water

Senate Republicans hold up Carney’s nomination for Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) and they seem content in poisoning our air and water. Make no mistake of this, fighting against the Senate Republicans on Garvin’s appointment is a fight in the resistance to Trump.

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January 26, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 26, 2017 3 Comments
January 26, 2017 Open Thread

Wilmington Housing board, Shootings in Claymont and Wilmington, Edgemoor, US Service Academy nominations, some history, Central Delaware Habitat for Humanity

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January 26, 2017 Delagram

Filed in Delaware by on January 26, 2017 0 Comments
January 26, 2017 Delagram

The Daily Instagram of Delaware

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Gotta Have The Wawa

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2017 12 Comments
Gotta Have The Wawa

Given that Delawareans cannot cross streets properly and bad planning, it really doesn’t seem like a great idea to build a Wawa across the street from the Concord Mall. It’s like they want to create pedestrian traffic.

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New Teenage Tobacco Possession Bill Needs To Die

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2017 13 Comments
New Teenage Tobacco Possession Bill Needs To Die

Rep. Michael Ramone submitted a bill that will make it unlawful for those under 18 to possess, use or consume tobacco. Though doubtful this law will curtail smoking, it will make it easier to for teenagers’ to obtain a criminal record. So it has that going for it

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Comment Rescue: Read Carney’s Transition Team Report

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2017 2 Comments
Comment Rescue: Read Carney’s Transition Team Report

I’ve been meaning to get to Carney’s Transition Team Report: Action Plan for Delaware (pdf). Maybe now’s the time we should all read it. Thanks Stewball for the reminder.

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January 25, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 25, 2017 14 Comments
January 25, 2017 Open Thread

Dover City Hall, Schwartz Center for the Arts, Delaware Memorial Bridge, Policing Wilmington, Delaware inthe Super Bowl

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January 25, 2017 Delagram

Filed in Delaware by on January 25, 2017 1 Comment
January 25, 2017 Delagram

The Daily Instagram of Delaware

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Keystone and Dakota Access Are Back In Play

Filed in National by on January 24, 2017 0 Comments
Keystone and Dakota Access Are Back In Play

Trump plans to sign two executive actions on Tuesday to advance construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines.

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Should a 4-Year Degree Be A Requirement to Become Dover’s New Police Chief

Filed in Delaware by on January 24, 2017 22 Comments
Should a 4-Year Degree Be A Requirement to Become Dover’s New Police Chief

A bachelor’s degree should be a requirement for all police officer positions throughout Delaware

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January 24, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 24, 2017 3 Comments
January 24, 2017 Open Thread

Nuisance noise ordinance, trails closed, armed man killed in Wilmington, sidewalk for Claymont Train station, current Claymont Station, arson suspect indicted

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January 24, 2017 Delagram

Filed in Delaware by on January 24, 2017 0 Comments
January 24, 2017 Delagram

The Daily Instagram of Delaware

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