
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Another Bomb Threat at Siegel JCC

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2017 44 Comments
Another Bomb Threat at Siegel JCC

Two weeks, two bomb threats at the Siegel JCC. Welcome to Trump’s America.

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Question of Day

Filed in National by on January 18, 2017 3 Comments
Question of Day

Without googling, what do DJ Ravidrums and The Piano Guys have in common?

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Carney’s Inaugural Address

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2017 3 Comments
Carney’s Inaugural Address

Carney’s Inaugural Speech as written.

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And The Ignorant Shall Inherit the United States

Filed in National by on January 18, 2017 3 Comments
And The Ignorant Shall Inherit the United States

When Donald Trump bragged that he just grabs them by the pussy, we all thought he was done. Sadly, this wasn’t a deal breaker and his racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia and other phobias have become a template for the ignorant to emulate.

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Call Lisa Blunt Rochester

Filed in Delaware by on January 18, 2017 58 Comments
Call Lisa Blunt Rochester

Your job today is to call Lisa Blunt Rochester and tell her that you would like her to boycott Trump’s Inauguration. Call her office at (202) 225-4165.

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UD President Absent from Presidents’ Letter to Trump

Filed in Delaware, Education by on January 18, 2017 4 Comments
UD President Absent from Presidents’ Letter to Trump

A letter from college and university presidents to President-Elect Trump asks Trump “to condemn and work to prevent the harassment, hate, and acts of violence that are being perpetrated across our nation”.

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January 18, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 18, 2017 3 Comments
January 18, 2017 Open Thread

Richard Gregg to lead Christina School District, more homicides in Wilmington, Delaware has never seen a piece of land that shouldn’t be developed

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Delaware’s Roadways Are Deadlier Than Most

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2017 14 Comments
Delaware’s Roadways Are Deadlier Than Most

It’s official, Delaware drives (and walks) like shit.

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Matt Meyer to Focus on Transparency in New Castle County

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2017 0 Comments
Matt Meyer to Focus on Transparency in New Castle County

In a nice piece on new county executive Matt Meyer, the Delaware Business Times said that he will be focusing on transparency. Something that the residents of New Castle County have not seen in 4 long years. More than a specific to-do list, Meyer prefers to review and collaborate to develop solid policies that will […]

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Carper Will Actively Fight Against Trump’s EPA Pick

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 17, 2017 2 Comments
Carper Will Actively Fight Against Trump’s EPA Pick

Trump’s pick to head the EPA is not so surprisingly a fan of the environment. Carper will lead the charge against Scott Pruitt.

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Trump’s Inauguration: Who’s In, Who’s Out

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2017 23 Comments
Trump’s Inauguration: Who’s In, Who’s Out

Coons is all in, Carper gives himself a escape clause, and no word still from Lisa Blunt Rochester

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Purzycki Announces Actions Against Shootings

Filed in Delaware by on January 17, 2017 1 Comment
Purzycki Announces Actions Against Shootings

Mayor Mike Purzycki and Police Chief Bobby Cumming announced on Monday a step-up in police actions in Wilmington to combat the uptick in shootings in Wilmington.

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January 17, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on January 17, 2017 20 Comments
January 17, 2017 Open Thread

Lisa Blunt Rochester talks about Martin Luther King Jr, Chis Coons says that Flynn’s call with Russia ‘very suspicious’ , Kent County could by looking at tax increases, 34th annual MLK Prayer Breakfast

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