A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Waiting for Governor Milquetoast

The headline on DelawareOnline read, “Carney to worried Dems: ‘Keep doing the right thing’ “. This in itself should have raised some red flags.
Approaching Insanity

As the Days of Light dwindle down to the Days of Darkness, President Obama’s anger translator, Luther, translates Obama final address. Enjoy this moment to laugh, it might be our last.
Meyer Appoints Chairpersons to Transition Team

On January 3, 2017, Tom Gordon will be gone. He’ll be back like herpes, but in the meantime we can move forward the Matt Meyer, the New Castle County Executive-elect. Meyer has appointed Charles H. Toliver IV and Dan Freeman to head his transition team.
Who Shall Lead Us?

The next big election is already upon us — the race for the DNC Chair. Dems are already squaring off, sides are being drawn, expletives are being thrown. Elections are the best. This shouldn’t turn into a battle between Clinton and Sanders supporters, but it has.
Are Carper’s Empty Suit Days Over?

Other than being a US Senator, Tom Carper is also Delaware Liberal’s punching bag and for many a good reason. One aspect of Carper’s record that is kind of good, B minus good, is his environmental record. With Sen. Barbara Boxer’s retirement, Carper backs himself in as the ranking Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
How Many White Supremacists is Tom Carper Comfortable With?

After Senator Coons released a statement concerning the raging anti-Semite Stephen Bannon in the White House, a friend on Facebook asked Tom Carper what his position was. The DC office told my friend that there were no plans. My friend asked, “How many white supremacist the senator was comfortable with in the incoming administration?”
Good Riddance Sallies

The Sallies-Baynard Stadium deal is no longer and I say, “Hurrah!” When I first heard of Sallies proposal to take over Baynard Stadium, I was quite skeptical. Sallies has a history in Delaware high school sports that is not so sporting.
Please Welcome Evey to DL

We’ve known Evey for years. For some, she’s everything that is wrong with liberal women. For us, she’s everything that is right with liberal women. Please give her a warm welcome and enjoy her rants.
I’m Just a Citizen Standing in Front of a Politician

Are you a concerned citizen? Do you rant on Facebook? Would you like to change your representatives’ minds in DC, but you aren’t a bank or big pharma? What to do?
The Death of a Moderate

Most likely you have never heard of the writer Jake Hinkson, but that’s okay. He writes excellent crime fiction that is published by small and obscure book publisher, but that’s not important here. He recently wrote a short political essay entitled “The Death of a Moderate: My Radicalization”.
Brussel Sprout Derangement Syndrome

We were having this big family reunion and my mother decided she was going to make several brussel sprout casseroles for the dinner. The thing is I don’t like brussel sprouts, but if I have to, yeah, I’ll eat them. I talked to my mother and tried to get her to make her amazing kugel, a noodle casserole that is out of this world. You see the problem with brussel sprouts is that not many people like them, but people love some kugel.
Stop Slut-Shaming Melania Trump

There are times when our opponents will go low and we will go high. There are times that we will respond with a rage they have never seen. (Not going to happen, but a man can wish can’t he?) But slut-shaming Melania Trump is not a legitimate attack on her or her husband. You are mimicking the same misogynist behavior that other reprehensible people have.
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