A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Proudly Speaking Ill of the Dead

Scalia is dead and, if I believed in Hell, may he burn there for eternity.
Antonin Scalia is Dead

Senior U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia has died. There is a special place for him.
Young Women Are Not So Impressed by Hillary

Running against the Clinton story that Bernie’s support comes mainly from only bros, women under 30 in Iowa voted overwhelmingly for Bernie Sanders.
Shame on the Joint Finance Commitee

My favorite politician in Delaware is disappointed and we should all be as well. Matt Denn, the Delaware Attorney General, posted this on Facebook this morning…..
Three-Peat Joe?

Imagine Joe Biden becoming Vice President for Life? Okay, not for life, but how about a third term?
The Internet Changed Everything
Max Frankel, a former editorial page editor, wrote a wonderful piece about Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, the New York Times publisher who recently passed away. The article talks how Sulzberger “never ordered an article to be printed or deleted from the news columns of his paper.” One of the most interesting tidbits in the article was […]
Fox News Performs Rare Triple Face Palm

Fox News out did itself yesterday and not in a good way.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans watched a man shoot himself in the head live on television on Friday as Fox News broadcast the final moments of a car chase in Arizona.
The cable news channel was playing live footage of the pursuit when the suspect leapt out of his car and began running away down a dirt track.
As producers and viewers watched, the man staggered away from his vehicle, ran a short distance into the grass and then produced a gun.
Shephard Smith, Fox News’s afternoon anchor, was providing a running commentary as the suspect lurched away from the vehicle and viewers could hear his producers gasping in horror as the man shot himself.
Mr Smith shouted “get off it, get off it” as it became clear the man intended to kill himself but the station did not cut away in time and broadcast the suspect crumpling to the ground.
Irony: The Fuel of the GOP

Republicans continue to look for new ways to manufacture angry white men, this time by committing voter fraud in Florida.
Romney: The Master Debater?
For years the Republicans have told all that will listen (Fox News and MSM) that Obama’s addiction to the teleprompter shows that he can’t think on his feet. But now the debates are upon us and the Republicans are changing their story,
Romney’s Base is Literally Dying
With the Republican base already shrinking, you know as the United States starts turning different shades of brown, there is more bad news for the GOP.
For generations of Americans, it was a given that children would live longer than their parents. But there is now mounting evidence that this enduring trend has reversed itself for the country’s least-educated whites, an increasingly troubled group whose life expectancy has fallen by four years since 1990.
I’m Part of the 53% and I’ll Be Voting for Obama
One of the funny things about the Mitt Romney’s brutal honesty is that some Romney supporters think that this will lock up 53% of the vote. Not so fast.
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