A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Black Player Scores Winning Goal; Racists Hit Twitter

The other night, Joel Ward of the Washington Capitals scored the winning goal against the Boston Bruins, and then the knuckleheads came out on Twitter.
House to Vote on Student Loan Relief Today

The House will be voting for the Republican version of student loan relief which will be rejected by the Senate as the GOP bill takes money from the Affordable Care Act to pay for it.
31 Republican Men Vote Against Reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act
The reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act passed the Senate 68 to 31 with one abstention.
CISPA Passes House; Carney Votes With Darkside

House Speaker Boehner rushed through the CISPA bill late Thursday and it passed.. And what could only be considered a major disappointment is that not only did John Carney vote with the Republicans in its passage, Carney voted to curtail our rights.
Boehner Blissfully Blathers On

If there is one thing I’ve learned over the last few years, if John Boehner is against it, I’m for it.
Health Insurers to Pay Back America $1.3 Billion
The Affordable Care Act has a provision in it that requires health insurance companies to only spend at least 80-85% of earnings toward actual health care, if not, then the companies need to reimburse the those that paid in to the health plans.
Romney’s Campaign: A Trojan Horse
Today brings us another wonderful article by Charles M. Blow that breaks down Mitt Romney’s campaign, and it’s not about the economy, stupid.
The Cesspool That Is Debt Collection
Remember yesterday, we were discussing the ethics of debt collectors at the bedside in hospitals? Yeah, turns out debt collecting companies aren’t very honest. They may be one step above payday loan companies.
The Slow and Tragic Death of Gingrich’s Campaign
Gail Collins’ op-ed in today’s New York Times is a slightly funny look at the end of the Gingrich campaign, a look at the state of the Presidential race today and what Romney will be doing in 2013. Hint, it’s not sitting in the White House. Oh yeah, there’s an interesting quip about Delaware in […]
Romney’s Honeymoon Coming to an End
Republican strategist and Washington Post blogger Ed Rogers is not confident that Mitt Romney’s current honeymoon with the national press will continue much longer.
Delaware Receives F in Air Quality

In unsurprising news, sadly, Delaware receives a grade of F from the American Lung Association’s State of the Air 2012 report card.
Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primary

Congressmen Tim Holden and Jason Altmire of Pennsylvania, both proud members of the Blue Dog Coalition, were defeated in Tuesday’s Pennsylvania primary. The Nation writes that they were swept out “by Democratic primary voters who opted for candidates who were more clearly critical of corporate abuses and right-wing policies.”
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