A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
GOP Reeling From Catholic Bishops Rebuke

The Conference of Catholic Bishops called on Congress “to create a ‘circle of protection; around poor and vulnerable people and programs that meet their basic needs and protect their lives and dignity.” John Boehner replied, “But . . . but . . . but . . . . but . . “
Dreaded Details: On Chopping Away at the Federal Government

The Republicans find it difficult to campaign on chopping away at the Federal government. Let’s be honest here, Bush created one of the largest government agencies ever – the Depart of Homeland Security.
Gov. Markell Stop Executing People
Gov. Markell, it’s time for you to stop executing people in Delaware. Just stop it now. Shannon Johnson is scheduled to be executed on April 19, 2011. This will be Jack Markell’s second execution since taking office.
Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Rick Santorum sent out a campaign letter which just arrived to voters in Iowa that he is frightened of Mitt Romney. It truly frightens me to think what’ll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee. You can read the letter here. It should also be noted that as of Monday, Santorum has not endorsed Romney.
Dear Pennsylvania
Dear Pennsylvania: Okay, we toyed with filing a tax extension, you know to be like Mitt. However, better judgement took over and we electronically filed over the weekend. But Pennsylvania, did you have to text us at 5:22 AM that you “received” our taxes? Much Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Nemski
Book Review: Rachel Maddow’s “Drift”

I was lucky enough to carve out some time over the last week to read Rachel Maddow’s Drift. The book main thesis is about how the Executive Branch’s penchant for secrecy around military adventures – okay, let’s call them wars – is a real, real bad thing. And, more importantly, how the United States has […]
Obama Needs to Fire the Director of the Secret Service

In the wake of the latest scandal involving the Secret Service, President Obama needs to fire Mark Sullivan, the director of the Secret Service since 2006. If you’ve been following the news, the Colombia scandal is getting worse and worse. But this isn’t a one-off issue: think the White House Gate-crashers, the Bush twins evading […]
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: The Story of Mitt
Roger Cohen has a wonderful opinion piece on Mitt Romney’s ability to lie.
UPDATE: Brad Bennett’s Arrest for DUI
Q: What do you call a man who hits a parked police car, flees the scene and gets arrested for a DUI?
A: A Delaware State Representative
Highly Successful Tornado Warnings: Your Government At Work

Next time one of your Republican acquaintances tells you that the federal government cannot do anything right, tell them about this.
First Hearing Done, Three To Go

So the Congress in its infinite wisdom of investigating the GSA wasting hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars is holding four congressional hearings on the subject. That in itself is a waste of money. Monday’s hearing is just the start of Congress’s probe into dubious GSA spending. On Tuesday, the Transportation Committee’s subpanel on […]
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