A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Why Allen West Will NOT Be Romney’s Running Mate
The Fix has an interesting post cataloging the reasons why Rep. Allen West (R-Florida) will not be Romney’s pick as his vice-presidential candidate. There are many, but probably the most damning is the one that got West relieve of his command in the Army.
Della Donne Throws Out First Pitch
And with the ceremonial first pitch at the Phillies game, the University of Delaware’s Women’s basketball season comes to an end.
Cantor Exacts His Revenge
Is the Party of the Failed Confederate States beginning to thin its ranks?
Instant News Also Means Instant Lies
It must be true since I read it on TwitterFacebookG+Pintinterest.
No Bananas For You
If you live in northern New Castle, you saw plumes of black smoke billowing out from near the Port of Wilmington on Sunday. Well, it’s Tuesday, and firefighters are still fighting this fire. Work has come to a standstill as they still try to contain and put out this fire.
Obama’s Approval Rating Up Slightly

Though, it’s not very much, it appears as if there is a trend here as Obama’s numbers continue to move up. I guess we need to that the Republican War on Women and the Democrats finally fighting back.
The One Where The Liberals Blame Obama For Everything

President Obama may have many faults, but not being a spokesperson for Liberalism is not one of them. Three years later, Eric Alterman forgets everything Obama has done and blames him for everything he hasn’t done.
Who Are The Centrists?
In Paul Krugman’s column today on the fallacy of Paul Ryan,Krugman asks, “Who are the centrists?”.
Derbyshire Fired for Racist Rant

The National Review, the paragon of level-headed thinking and non-racist writing, has fired John Derbyshire for his racist rant, The Talk. Here’s a snippet from horrible piece: (10a) Avoid concentrations of blacks not all known to you personally. (10b) Stay out of heavily black neighborhoods. (10c) If planning a trip to a beach or amusement […]
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