A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
The Republican Primary Shuffle
If you thought Iowa and New Hampshire were going to be the first two primaries, you may be mistaken.
WikiLeaks Busts a Water Main

What happens WikiLeaks springs a leak? Do they call in Joe the Plumber?
Et Tu, Tea Party

It’s not her party and she’ll cry if she wants to as the Tea Party turns on Christine O’Donnell.
Tuesday Open Thread

So there’s a possible new hurricane on the horizon, actually it’s beyond the horizon, but you know what I mean.
Homeland $ecurity

After 9/11, the Bush Administration started one of the largest government agencies ever and we are spending some $75 billion dollars a year on security. Is it worth it?
Monday Open Thread

Well, we’ve survived an earthquake and a hurricane last week. What’s in store for this week?
The Possibilities of Waves

We’ve looked to the skies and now we are looking to the sea. As one entrepreneur says, ” “Wave energy has been talked about for hundreds of years. Now it’s actually starting to happen.”
What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Remember those career surveys you took in high school? Did anyone survey out be a no-bid defense contractor? If you did, congrats!
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