A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
LNV: She’s A Witch
Late Night Video: In honor of today’s news, here’s a great scene from The Holy Grail.
Readings for Wednesday Evening
Cozy up to your laptop or iPad and enjoy Wednesday night’s interesting reads
High Hopes and Not Enough Votes

How long will Tea Partiers allow their new Congress to steep before getting impatient and rambunctious?
Oberly Sworn In as US Attorney

Former Attorney General for Delaware Charles Oberly was sworn in as the US Attorney for the District of Delaware
Best Laid Plans Could Bring Cleaner Air

The New Republic explains that the Environmental Protection Agency would have broken the law if they did stood around and did nothing.
LNV: Captain Beefheart
Late Night Video: Don Van Vliet aka Captain Beefheart passed away early this month.
Readings for Tuesday Evening
Cozy up to your laptop or iPad and enjoy Tuesday night’s interesting reads
It’s Palin Hunting Season

As the GOP is wont to do, they’ve have begun turning on their own. Obama’s 14 point lead over Teapubican Sarah Palin must be scaring them.
Fearing for Science

If you forget about those that died on Deepwater Horizon, then you might think it was a cool explosion like the future chair of the House Science and Technology Committee. Oh yeah, that climate warming stuff, scientific fraud.
Mad Skillz Might Not Be Enuff

“. . . there’s a price to be paid for the excesses of the past decade; that the U.S. economy was profoundly out of whack before the recession hit; and that we need major changes in the kind of work people do.” – James Surowiecki in The New Yorker
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