
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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What We Have Here Is A Failure To Educate

Filed in National by on July 16, 2010 48 Comments

Delaware’s public education system could possibly be considered a failure. No new magic bullet is going to fix the problem. It’s time for parents, teachers the legislature and the Governor to get the job done.

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Can The Palestinians Get Their Shit Together?

Filed in International by on July 12, 2010 74 Comments
Can The Palestinians Get Their Shit Together?

Nicholas Kristof has an interesting column questioning whether the Palestinians can organize a non-violent protest against Israel. Turns out from the Palestinian perspective, youths throwing rocks is a non-violent protest. Kristof writes: Despite being stoned and tear-gassed on this trip, I find a reed of hope here. It’s that some Palestinians are dabbling in a […]

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Blevins – The LOLCats Version

Filed in Delaware by on July 2, 2010 11 Comments
Blevins – The LOLCats Version

Making Delaware stupider every day, the LOLcats edition.

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Latin America Welcomes Our Chinese Overlords

Filed in International by on July 2, 2010 1 Comment
Latin America Welcomes Our Chinese Overlords

When the Council of Americas warns us that we should beware of Chinese influence and investment in Latin America, it gives one pause. Pause to collect your thoughts and say, “Please invest more.” You see, the Council of Americas believes that the United States can do no wrong, and, well, that China is filled with […]

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Austerity is a Bitch

Filed in International by on July 2, 2010 21 Comments
Austerity is a Bitch

What president believed in his heart and soul that austerity was the answer to pull America out of its economic mess? Herbert Hoover. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Hoover wasn’t a great man, he was just a shitty president. The work Hoover did in feeding millions of people during the Great War and […]

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Getting Better with Age

Filed in National by on July 1, 2010 8 Comments
Getting Better with Age

Sometimes people do get better with age while others getting older ain’t much fun. Look at Melville whose Moby Dick was published when he was 32 and that was about it. Or on the flip side, look at Clint Eastwood who has directed several masterpieces after  the age of 60. Timothy Eagan, a political writer, […]

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A Blog Post About Nothing

Filed in International by on June 30, 2010 7 Comments
A Blog Post About Nothing

Remember a few days ago when the FBI caught a ring of Russian spies. I’m sure Fox News was all a twitter over it. Actually, according to espionage journalist Davie Wise, it was much ado about nothing. And how many secrets from the White House, the Pentagon or the C.I.A. could a Russian spy living […]

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The Oprah Presidency?

Filed in National by on June 30, 2010 13 Comments
The Oprah Presidency?

Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker must hate that she doesn’t have a penis. What else could I infer from her vapid column in today’s Washington Post, “Obama: Our first female president”. The premise of the piece is interesting, take Toni Morrison’s famous analogy that Bill Clinton was our first black president, and turn it on its […]

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Boehner Can’t Relate to SPF 35 and Above Americans

Filed in National by on June 29, 2010 7 Comments
Boehner Can’t Relate to SPF 35 and Above Americans

As The Orange One (aka Jim Boehner) comes out swinging against the financial reform package, the White House hit back. Robert Gibbs said that Boehner is out of touch with regular Americans. At his daily briefing, Mr. Gibbs said Mr. Boehner was “opening one’s mouth and removing most of the doubt that you’re completely out […]

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Vulcans Rule, Klingons Drool

Filed in Science and Health by on June 29, 2010 5 Comments
Vulcans Rule, Klingons Drool

The Obama Administration has set a new course for US Space policy that embraces arms control. Actually the arms control policy is an old course favored by Reagan, Bush I and Clinton, but not Bush II (is anyone surprised?). President Obama’s team will look to international cooperation instead of the “Go it alone” attitude favored by Bush and Cheney.

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Three Is The Magic Number

Filed in National by on June 28, 2010 23 Comments
Three Is The Magic Number

Paul Krugman opines that we might be well on our way to a third depression.

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The Politics of Science

Filed in National, Science and Health by on June 28, 2010 11 Comments
The Politics of Science

Science writer Chris Mooney (Unscientific America and The Republican War on Science) has a recent column in The Washington Post about how scientists need to approach the general populous in getting their facts heard and understood. Mooney looks at climate change denialism, anti-vaccine hysteria and Yucca Mountain. (He doesn’t include opposition to evolution or denial […]

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Death by iPhone?

Filed in National by on June 27, 2010 12 Comments
Death by iPhone?

Admittedly, I find Maureen Dowd as useless as Christine O’Donnell. Her column today, “Are Cells the New Cigarettes”, begs the question, Is Dowd the new David Broder? I’ll skip all of Dowd’s references to bad science, but the one item she stumbles upon I found quite interesting. As San Francisco was debating whether or not […]

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