A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Democrats To Get All Vincent Van Gogh About Earmarks

Ethically speaking it hasn’t been a great year for Democrats in Washington, but with the ouster of Massa and other corrections of mis-steps, Congressional Democrats are continuing down the path of ethics reform. One item ripe for massive reform are earmarks. House Democrat leaders are actively working on ways to reform —even temporarily halt — […]
Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out
Rush Limbaugh, the satirical twit of right-wing hate, is threatening — strike that — promising to leave the United States if health care reform is passed and fully implemented in the next five years. CALLER: If the health care bill passes, where would you go for health care yourself? And the second part of that is, what […]
Hitting Our Children; It’s What We Do

Sometimes I wonder why we keep on having the same discussions over and over again. For instance, Scientific American reports on a new study that says parents and caregivers should “eliminate their use of any physical punishment as a disciplinary measure.” The study by the American Psychological Association task force “found correlations between physical punishment […]
Darwin Trumps You, Mr. Freshwater

Meet John Freshwater, an eighth-grade school science teacher from Ohio who likes to play loose with the facts, use the Bible as a scientific resource, and, yes, torture children with electricity. The New York Times reports that the school district started the procedure to fire Freshwater back on June 2008 because he burned crosses into […]
Stars and Bars

Close to 150 years ago, the United States quelled a rebellion which cost the lives of 500,000 men and boys but which also led to the freedom of some 4,000,000 African Americans from the shackles of slavery. (Note that the number of slaves does not include the generations of African Americans who died in slavery’s […]
Delaware Beaches Can Go Pound Sand

After watching their beaches wiped out by the Great Nor’Easter of 2009 and wanting the State of Delaware to pay for beach replenishment, Rehoboth Beach now wants to pump treat wastewater into the ocean reports The News Journal. Each summer, the weekend population of Rehoboth Beach swells from 1,495 to 20,000, most drawn to the […]
DE Casinos Have A Bad Tell

The three Delaware casinos released a survey in December that states that Delaware voters think three casinos is just about right for the First State reports The News Journal. Dover Downs, Delaware Park and Harrington Raceway have launched a public relations campaign — including a Web site and a self-commissioned study — condemning the idea […]
A Swig and A Miss

The News Journal today covers the attempted resurgence of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) on the Delmarva peninsula. Or should I say that The News Journal miscovers MADD’s rebirth and history. Back in October of last year, Delaware Liberal posted about Delaware MADD’s financial trouble and we alluded to one of the main reasons why […]
Good News To Start New Year
For the first time ever . . . EVAH . . . since the ill conceived Iraq War began, the United States did not suffer any combat deaths in a calendar month reports CNN. December was the first month since the beginning of the Iraq war in which there were no U.S. combat deaths, the […]
2010: Prediction Thread

So, what’s going to happen this year in politics, sports, government, Delaware, etc. Do get things started, here are my predictions. Politics The Dems will lose a handful of seats in the House of Representatives and two in the Senate. There will actually be Tea Party candidates running for several federal offices. Delaware Christine O’Donnell […]
The Mighty Blue Hen is Soaring
Ryan Cormier has a great piece in The News Journal today about how Delaware’s stock has risen dramatically in 2009. The article starts off with a joke about Delaware from a Hollywood movie — not Wayne’s World II — and takes off from there. When it comes to Delaware’s 2009 coming-out party, Biden’s success was […]
The White House Smacks Dick Around

After Dick Cheney emerged from Potterville to chime in about the attempted terrorist attack on Flight 253, the White House responded on its blog. To put it simply: this President is not interested in bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on action. Seven years of bellicose rhetoric failed to reduce the threat from al Qaeda and […]
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