A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Plouffe on Daily Show Tonight
Delawarean David Plouffe, architect of Obama’s 2008 victory, will be the guest on John Stewart’s Daily Show tonight.
Rush Knows Something About Bestiality
I don’t know how many times we’ve declared that Rush has sunk to new all-time low, but let me do it again. Rush Limbaugh on Dede Scozzafava, ex-Republican candidate for the 23rd Congressional District in New York: Scozzafava has screwed every RINO in the coun — we can say that she’s guilty of widespread bestiality. […]
On the heels of Pandora’s Republican Woman post comes Fox “News” look at a little thing that says if you are critical of ex-governor Sarah Palin, you are just envious of her success. Success of what? Quitting?
Evening Read

No Phillies tonight, no problem. Three good articles to get those brain cells warmed up. The Nation: Why Reparations are good? It’s not what you think. The Daily Beast: The Left’s hero on Fox “News”: Shep Smith. Paul Krugman: Time to decide which side of history you are on.
Breaking: Sen. Venables Injured in Boating Accident
According to The News Journal, Sen. Robert Venables (D-Laurel) along with another man was injured in a boating accident. Senate Assistant Bonnie Wood said Venables had a cut over his eye and sore ribs after the 11 a.m. crash near Ragged Point, about 10 miles west of Cambridge.
The Dangers of Parsing Tuesday’s Elections

No matter how they are spun, rerun and overdone, the Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races are not national referenda. Even if the expected occurs — and Republican Bob McDonnell romps home in Virginia and New Jersey Democratic Gov. Jon Corzine wins a second term — it will be difficult to decipher an overarching message […]
Ethics Document Accidentally Released
A document from the US House Ethics Committee that details ongoing ethics investigations currently in play was inadvertently released reports The Washington Post. The 22-page “Committee on Standards Weekly Summary Report” gives brief summaries of ethics panel investigations of the conduct of 19 lawmakers and a few staff members. It also outlines the work of […]
Mitch Daniels Unable to Grasp Climate Change

Gov. Mitch Daniels (R-IN) does not know the definition of agnostic. While out stumping Indiana about job creation, Daniels was asked about climate change reports The Herald Bulletin. “I’m an agnostic,” he said. In response to a question on his view of cap-and-trade legislation that would penalize carbon-dioxide-emitting power plants, he said, “if we did […]
And The Winner Is . . .

. . . for the oddest speech on the House floor this year, Representative Steve LaTourette (R-OH).
Fox “News” Is . . . Gasp . . . Conservative

A Pew Research Center finds that Fox “News” is viewed as the most ideological of the six television news channels. Forty-seven percent of Americans think that Fox “News” is conservative, while 36% of Americans think that MSNBC is liberal. What’s interesting with this poll is that Americans thoughts regarding the news channels stay pretty consistent […]
QotD: A Touch Bookish

David Plouffe, Delawarean and mastermind of President Obama’s victory in 2008, has written a book, The Audacity to Win: The Inside Story and Lessons of Barack Obama’s Historic Victory. Failed Vice-Presidential candidate and chronic quitter Sarah Palin comes out with her story later this month, Going Rogue: An American Life. Which to you plan on […]
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