A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Sanford Impeachment Nixed For Now
A South Carolina Republican state representative tried to introduce a resolution to impeach Appalachian Trail hiker Gov. Mark Sanford but was rebuffed on a procedural issue reports The State. Even though there is clear support in the South Carolina Republican Party to rid themselves of their lover of all things Argentine, they are preferring to […]
An Old Dog Learns A New Trick?

Senator Arlen Specter today called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act in Huffington Post reports The New York Times. The time has come to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Enacted 13 years ago when the idea of same sex marriage was struggling for acceptance, the Act is a relic […]
Something To Chew On

With the latest Gallop Poll out that Obama’s approval rating is at a “dismal” 53%, Republicans and media hacks are beginning to declare the end of the Obama Presidency. Media Matters puts this little spin on Obama’s approval rating: Not that anyone cares, but in October 1981, Ronald Reagan’s job approval rating stood at almost […]
Breaking: ING to sell Delaware-Based Bank

The News Journal is reporting that ING will be selling its Delaware-based bank in 2013. The sale announcement isn’t expected to have any immediate impact on Wilmington operations of ING Direct, but does add another element of uncertainty to an industry that is already contending with staff cuts, earnings slides and impending regulatory overhaul.
Silly Democrats, Tricks Are For GOPers

In Connecticut where it is more rare to meet a Republican than in Delaware, the CT GOP is up to their Lee Atwater in dirty tricks, reports the Hartford Advocate. The Democrats lead the Republicans in the state House, 114-27, and the state Senate, 24-12, thought it would be a good idea to create Twitter […]
Another Poll from The Fix

As we all know, Gov. Jack Markell won the Fix’s Most Underrated Governor poll last week. This week, The Fix is asking who the nation’s most overrated governor is. The choices are Ed Rendell (D-Pa.), Charlie Crist (R-Fla.), Mitch Daniels (R-Ind.), Martin O’Malley (D-Md.), Rick Perry (R-Texas) and Brian Schweitzer (D-Mont.). I’ve already put in […]
Dodd Pushes for Credit Card Law Sooner Than Later

The House Financial Services Committee has passed legislation that will push up the start date of the credit card law from February 22nd to December 1st, reports The New York Times. The credit card law is an attempt to regulate the fees charged and other practices implemented by credit card companies (let’s not call them […]
MADD Delaware Tapped Financially

Delaware MADD looks like it will be closing its doors unless it receives an influx of money by Oct. 31st according to the Community News. MADD has done a lot of good since its founding in 1980, however the story of a local MADD chapter making a very bad decision can seemingly doom an organization.
Official Fisker Announcement Today
As many of you know Vice President Joe Biden and Gov. Jack Markell will be at the Boxwood plant this morning to announce the Fisker deal. As the Philadelphia Inquirer wrote, “Delaware appears to be an early winner in the nation’s green-car movement . . .” According to Fisker, they will probably bring some 1,500 […]
A Quip Too Far?

Delaware Liberal favorite Rep. Alan Grayson might have gone a bit too far when talking about Linda Robertson, who is a lobbyist working for the Fed. Politico’s Glenn Thrush reports that the GOP has dug up a tape of Grayson saying of Robertson, “And she’s, this lobbyist, this K street whore is trying to teach […]
Pawlenty Goes Rogue

Republican Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota and virtual candidate for President, has come out to endorse Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in NY-23 according to reports. With Fred Thompson, Sarah Palin and now Pawlenty all endorsing Hoffman, could the Mayans be right and we don’t even have to worry about who the Republican nominee will […]
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