A Dad, a husband and a data guru
nemski's Latest Posts
Breaking: Delaware Legislative Travel
Update: The News Journal published Ginger Gibson’s article today, “Legislator’ travel tabs often missing”. State lawmakers can travel when and where they want on the taxpayer’s tab. snip Getting into a jet at taxpayers’ expense isn’t difficult in either chamber. In fact, no one interviewed for this article could recall a time when a travel […]
Mr. Blumenauer Goes To Washington

The New York Times has a great little piece about Earl Blumenauer, a liberal congressman from Portland, Oregon. Blumenauer was one of the earliest supporters of Senator Obama’s bid for the Presidency and he is one of the strongest supporters of the public option. In the article Blumenauer talks about his upcoming vote on health […]
Saturday’s Open Thread
Cold and rainy Saturday. A great day to watch some college football from the comfort of you living room. Or maybe you would like to discuss some of the following: Delaware gets smacked by a nor’easter (link) Pakistan starts military action against Al-Queda and the Taliban (link) James Monroe biographer says that Obama should take […]
Nope on Hope
Shepard Fairey is a dumbass. Fairey created the iconic image of Obama with one word, HOPE across the bottom. Turns out he lied about fair use and falsely sued the Associated Press. Fairey’s unfair use of “fair use” will probably set back the rights of emerging artists many years and just strengthen corporations’ stranglehold on […]
Delaware Prepares for Implementation of “National ID”
Delaware readies to implement Real ID which is just another name for a National ID.
One of World’s Richest — An Alledged Thief
Raj Rajaratnam is a Wall Street insider, fabulously wealthy, and, it turns out, an alleged criminal.
The Krugman Blues
The other night I saw Loudon Wainwright III at The Grand and he played this song, “The Krugman Blues”. Enjoy.
Biden as Vice-Pessimist
Interesting article in the NY Times regarding Vice President Joe Biden’s role in the White House in regards to Afghanistan. Mr. Biden does not favor abandoning Afghanistan, but his approach would reject the additional troops sought by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal and leave the American force in Afghanistan roughly the same, 68,000 troops. Rather than […]
Only Angry White Men Need Apply
The Los Angeles Times has an article about a recent poll of California politics and opened with this sentence: Republicans had to look for a very long time at last week’s Field Poll of California voters to find something remotely uplifting as they ponder the 2010 state elections. A few paragraphs into the article comes […]
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