
A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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Problems In Looking for a new Dover Police Chief

Filed in Delaware by on February 3, 2017 1 Comment
Problems In Looking for a new Dover Police Chief

The purpose of the committee, from what I can tell, is to craft and write a job description so that the city of Dover can hire a new police chief. The problem is that this committee nowhere resembles the demographics of Dover which 42% African-American.

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Chris Coons’ Media Tour of Lameness

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 3, 2017 14 Comments
Chris Coons’ Media Tour of Lameness

There are times when I get frustrated by Delaware Democrats not acting like Democrats. But there are times that warm the cockles of my heart when the national press calls out Chris Coons for his media tour of lameness.

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Should Delaware Consolidate Its School Districts

Filed in Delaware, Education by on February 3, 2017 14 Comments
Should Delaware Consolidate Its School Districts

The Joint Finance Committee met the other day to discuss Delaware’s Department of Education budget, the Delaware State News reported. Sadly, even though Delaware spends over $1 billion dollars on education, it doesn’t seem like much happened.

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February 3, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 3, 2017 6 Comments
February 3, 2017 Open Thread

Remembering Sgt. Steven Floyd, Salesianum grad not guilty, Wilmington to pay $625K, 25 shootings in January, Company fined $3.5M, Elena Delle Donne, New-home bonanza at beach

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Question of the Day

Filed in National by on February 3, 2017 4 Comments
Question of the Day

Which upcoming war are you most excited about?
1 – Australia
2 – China
3 – Iran
4 – Mexico

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SD 10 Special Election Debate Recap

Filed in Delaware by on February 2, 2017 18 Comments
SD 10 Special Election Debate Recap

SD 10 Special Election debate was last night. Here are my takeaways.

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What Fresh Hell Is This?

Filed in National by on February 2, 2017 7 Comments
What Fresh Hell Is This?

The February 2nd edition of Alby Damned’s “What Fresh Hell is This?”

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Chris Coons: I’m Not Really A Democrat, But I Play One On TV

Filed in Delaware by on February 2, 2017 25 Comments
Chris Coons: I’m Not Really A Democrat, But I Play One On TV

The headline from Delaware Public Radio says it all: “Sen. Coons will give SCOTUS pick fair shake”. I guess this is appropriate given that today is Groundhog Day.

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February 2, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on February 2, 2017 15 Comments
February 2, 2017 Open Thread

A lot of important news happened in Delaware yesterday, hopefully we will get a chance to get to some of it in other posts.

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Vaughn Correctional Siege Over; One DOC Employee Dead

Filed in Delaware by on February 2, 2017 11 Comments
Vaughn Correctional Siege Over; One DOC Employee Dead

Mainstream media news reports on what is happening in Vaughn Correctional Center in Smyrna, Delaware.

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BREAKING: Guards Taken Hostage at Vaughn Correctional Center

Filed in Delaware by on February 1, 2017 86 Comments
BREAKING: Guards Taken Hostage at Vaughn Correctional Center

Updates from Twitter in comments.

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What Fresh Hell Is This?

Filed in National by on February 1, 2017 7 Comments
What Fresh Hell Is This?

The February 1st edition of Alby Damned’s “What Fresh Hell is This?”

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How To Donate To Stephanie Hansen’s Campaign

Filed in Delaware by on February 1, 2017 6 Comments
How To Donate To Stephanie Hansen’s Campaign

The special election for SD 10 is quickly approaching and money is needed. As a matter of fact, a reader asked us how to donate to Stephanie Hansen’s campaign.

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