
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Please Sign The Petition – Let’s Make Priority Schools A Real PRIORITY

Filed in Delaware by on December 23, 2014 15 Comments
Please Sign The Petition – Let’s Make Priority Schools A Real PRIORITY

Via Exceptional Delaware:

A group of like-minded individuals who are against the priority schools initiative has created an iPetition to give to Governor Markell, Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Murphy and the Delaware Department of Education.  Please take a minute or two during the busy holiday season and make a difference!  The timing is crucial on this petition.

If you agree… please sign the petition then help spread the word by sharing the petition with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email, etc..

I’m counting on my DL community – you guys haven’t let me down before.  Let’s knock this out of the park! Come inside for the Petition Link.

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Screw It… It’s Time For Some Holiday Cheer

Filed in Delaware by on December 22, 2014 10 Comments
Screw It… It’s Time For Some Holiday Cheer

My gift to you is some really easy recipes!  Lemon Tea Cookies and Sugared Pecans! Not kidding, these recipes are super easy and delicious! Both of these recipes are extremely easy.  I’ve made mine, and will probably have to make more!  Then again, I am not cooking on Christmas Eve.  Merry Christmas to me!

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Red Clay’s Latest Idea Will Create More Hardship For City Parents, Or… Red Clay Demonstrates, once again, how Clueless They Are

Filed in Delaware by on December 14, 2014 7 Comments
Red Clay’s Latest Idea Will Create More Hardship For City Parents, Or… Red Clay Demonstrates, once again, how Clueless They Are

I had heard whispers about this for months.  Kilroy spells it out: Red Clay’s (RCCD) plan for two of its Priority Schools is to turn one (Shortlidge) into a K – 2 and the other one (Warner) into a 3 – 5 school.  And while I’m no fan of the Neighborhood Schools Act (NSA), Kilroy points out that this move violates the NSA.

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Ninth Street Book Shop: Bryan Stevenson To Speak At The Queen

Filed in Delaware by on December 9, 2014 3 Comments
Ninth Street Book Shop: Bryan Stevenson To Speak At The Queen

Via ninth street book shop – which you should totally shop at.

Bryan Stevenson, who was born in Milford, DE, will speak at a free public event at the Queen Theatre (500 N Market St) on Monday, Dec. 15th from 5:00–7:00 pm.  His memoir, “Just Mercy,” is a powerful indictement of the inequities of our justice system and a call for action.  Following his presentation, he will be autographing copies of his book ($28) that will be available for purchase either there or at our store.

500 N Market St
in the Olympia Room at the Queen Theatre
Wilmington, Delaware

The Pandora household is trying to clear our calendar to attend. Hope to see everyone!

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The Darren Wilson Interview

Filed in National by on November 26, 2014 107 Comments
The Darren Wilson Interview

I’ve watched the interview with Darren Wilson and George Stephanopoulos and all I got out of it was anger.  During the interview all I kept thinking was… Liar.  And while I get why he lied (Hello?  Ongoing Federal Investigation), what I don’t understand is why he gave the interview so soon.  Why not wait?  Did ABC pay him?  Payment is the only excuse I can think of for doing this interview so quickly.

Here’s why I think he’s lying in the interview.  I also think he lied to the Grand Jury, and I’ll get to that later.  Okay, here’s the big lie….

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New Blog In Town – Steve Newton Whiskey

Filed in Delaware by on November 20, 2014 0 Comments
New Blog In Town – Steve Newton Whiskey

Steve Newton has started a new blog.  Go read!

What’s interesting is this:

I’d rather have a system of ethics than an ideology.

So I’m starting over here, in a sense.  As a historian I know that all phenomena involve both continuity and change.  I’m still the same person, with the same background, the same interests, the same flaws, and the same leanings, that I was about seven years ago when I first started publishing The Delaware Libertarian.  I’m just unwilling to confine my ideas, my observations, or my potential solutions to that framework any more.

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“Concerned Neighbors Of Cooke Elementary School” VS The Red Clay School Board

Filed in Delaware by on November 18, 2014 92 Comments
“Concerned Neighbors Of Cooke Elementary School” VS The Red Clay School Board

I plan on attending the RCCD school board meeting tomorrow night (7pm at Brandywine Springs Elementary School).  This is going to be interesting, mainly because the Concerned Neighbors of Cooke Elementary School’s stated concerns regarding the addition of Lancaster Court Apartments to Cooke’s feeder don’t hold water – they also keep changing.  If you haven’t […]

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State Of Emergency Declared – Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Coming Soon

Filed in National by on November 18, 2014 14 Comments
State Of Emergency Declared – Ferguson Grand Jury Decision Coming Soon

Via TPM: Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) declared a state of emergency Monday, preempting a grand jury decision in the Ferguson shooting of Michael Brown that is expected to be delivered any day. The order establishes that the St. Louis County police will be in charge of law enforcement in Ferguson in response to any […]

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Attendance Zone Decision for Cooke Elementary School Results In A Protest

Filed in Delaware by on November 10, 2014 98 Comments
Attendance Zone Decision for Cooke Elementary School Results In A Protest

An ipetition landed in my email.  Here’s what it says:

Protest of Red Clay School Board’s Attendance Zone Decision for Cooke Elementary School

We demand that the Red Clay Consolidated School District School Board reverse their October 15 decision to deviate from the Attendance Zone feeder pattern that had been presented by the Attendance Zone Committee and accepted by the community. This last-minute decision undermined six months of work by the Attendance Zone Committee and did not give the community an opportunity to voice concerns. The students of Lancaster Court Apartments will not benefit from this decision, and the decision contradicts the Neighborhood Schools Act. The Board’s action was not ethical and the decision is not acceptable.

So… I made some calls to try and figure out what happened.  I’m piecing this together from various conversations, so if anyone has additional insight please let me know.  Here’s what I heard….

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About Last Night…

Filed in National by on November 5, 2014 52 Comments
About Last Night…

I haven’t blogged about the 2014 election… until now.  Am I disappointed Republicans now control the House and the Senate.  Yes.  Am I devastated?  No.  And here’s why.

Since 2010 the Republican battle cry has been that the House can’t get its crazy past the D controlled Senate.  This worked for them – it was like a constant campaign commercial.  It worked for the so-called “sane” Republicans as well.  Vote to repeal the ACA for the gazillionth time?  Sure.  Why not.  The D controlled Senate would block it and the Rs would get to keep their Conservative street cred while doing nothing.  It’s why there were so many votes taken to repeal the ACA – every Republican wanted a chance (or two, or forty) to go on the record with that meaningless vote.

But now that vote isn’t meaningless, and I’m seeing problems on the horizon.

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YWCA Delaware: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Filed in Delaware by on October 11, 2014 0 Comments

FYI… Important info below.  Please spread the word.     YWCA Delaware Promotes Domestic Violence Awareness Month WILMINGTON, DE – YWCA Delaware commemorates Domestic Violence Awareness Month with free workshops and additional support group meetings during the month of October. YWCA will host workshops at high schools and community based organizations throughout Delaware to teach […]

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Wilmington City Council’s Meeting On Priority Schools

Filed in Delaware by on October 10, 2014 35 Comments
Wilmington City Council’s Meeting On Priority Schools

Last night I attended the City Council Meeting on Priority Schools.

I’ve stared at the above sentence for quite a while, not sure how to proceed.  Mainly because I think last night was simply window dressing, a box checked off… the deal is done.  These schools, imo, are headed for charter conversion, privatization or closure.  The only question is when this will happen.  Shortly after the December 31, 2014 Plan deadline? Or after the specified four year, approximately 6 million Plan doesn’t meet the standardized test bar?

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Wilmington City Council To Hold Meeting On Priority Schools “Plan”

Filed in Delaware by on October 8, 2014 8 Comments
Wilmington City Council To Hold Meeting On Priority Schools “Plan”

If you’re free on Thursday, you may want to attend this: WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL NEWS AND INFORMATION News Release Wednesday, September 24, 2014 Wilmington City Council’s Education, Youth and Families Committee to Focus on the State’s Priority Schools Plan     Public is Invited to the Thursday, October 9 at 6 p.m. Meeting Featuring a Priority […]

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