
A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Massachusetts Buffer Zone From Inside Their Own Buffer Zone

Filed in National by on June 27, 2014 43 Comments
Supreme Court Strikes Down Massachusetts Buffer Zone From Inside Their Own Buffer Zone

Can we start making Supreme Court Justices go on field trips?  Because it’s obvious they have never witnessed what goes on outside of an abortion clinic.  Perhaps we can simply demand that they look in a mirror, since the buffer zone around the Supreme Court (one of the most publicly owned areas in the country) is massive.  Why does that buffer zone exist?  Why do they afford themselves and the people who work in that building protection from sidewalk counselors?  Why shouldn’t they be counseled when they arrive at work?  For that matter, why can’t we have sidewalk counselors at polling sites?  At military funerals?  Why are these petitioners/sidewalk counselors considered harassers and a threat when “pro-lifers” – who have a history of harassment and violence are not?  Consistency, please.

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Don’t Forget! Come Hang Out With Delaware Liberal

Filed in Delaware by on June 23, 2014 11 Comments
Don’t Forget!  Come Hang Out With Delaware Liberal

Can we get a head count?  Let us know in the comments.  Hoping for a good turnout!

Saturday, June 28th


Firestone’s (Wilmington Riverfront)

We’ll meet on the outside patio.  In case of rain, we’ll meet in the bar area.  There will be a DL sign!

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Delaware Liberal Liberally Drinking

Filed in Delaware by on June 18, 2014 2 Comments
Delaware Liberal Liberally Drinking

Come out and join us for an evening!

Saturday, June 28th


Firestone’s (Riverfront)

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these.  Hope to see everyone!

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Whoa! Cantor Stepping Down As House Majority Leader

Filed in National by on June 11, 2014 8 Comments
Whoa!  Cantor Stepping Down As House Majority Leader

What a roller coaster ride. Here’s a tweet from Chris Cillizza:

Eric Cantor will announce today he is stepping down as House Majority Leader effective July 31.

So, Eric Cantor says… ‘eff you?  Any theories on why he’s stepping down?  Other than… ‘eff you – which is my deep, political insight.

Meanwhile, David Brat can’t answer basic policy questions.

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AP: Eric Cantor Loses Primary To Tea Partier

Filed in National by on June 10, 2014 17 Comments
AP:  Eric Cantor Loses Primary To Tea Partier

This is stunning.  House Majority Leader Eric Cantor loses his primary?  (83% reporting: 56% Brat,  44% Cantor)  That’s not even close!  I feel like I’m being punked!

So much for all that “Moderates are back in charge of the Republican Party” and “The Tea Party has lost its power” talk.

Did anyone see this coming?  Not me.  Oh wow.

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Breaking: Reports Of Gunfire, Possible Active Shooter At Oregon High School

Filed in National by on June 10, 2014 8 Comments
Breaking: Reports Of Gunfire, Possible Active Shooter At Oregon High School

I’ve got nothing to add.

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Filed in National by on June 6, 2014 29 Comments
Can You Hear Me Now?

Last week Cassandra put up a post entitled #YesAllWomen and things got interesting.  The entire thread (and its evolution or… reduction?) is worth your time to read, but, for this post, I’m going to deal with my interactions with individual commenters – which means I’ll be taking the comments out of order to highlight the individual conversations.

I’ve debated on how to do this and decided to post comments in their entirety – which means this post will be ridiculously long, but quotes will not be taken out of context.  (FYI: I’ve placed the comments in blockquotes, so they can be easily identified.  Anything in blockquotes is a direct comment from the #YesAllWomen thread.  Everyone with me?)  Hey, look at this as your weekend reading!

Basically, I’m going to dissect these conversations.  I am also writing this post from my point of view (and only my point of view) – how I interpreted these responses as a women.

I was actually surprised by how frustrated I became writing this post, and I shudder when I think of the forthcoming comments.  Mainly because I’m not sure if we can have this discussion without getting defensive.  I’ll also point out that while I am calling out certain people’s comments I am doing so in a attempt to see if people can relate to my reactions to certain words, phrases, tone, etc.  Again, this post is about how I interpreted comments… and I didn’t always interpret them nicely, so feel free to call me out.  But once you do that… do you think you could comment on my point; do you think there’s a conversation to be had?  If you do, then after you call me out, could you address that?

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Republicans Cut Urban Kids Out Of Food Program

Filed in National by on May 21, 2014 4 Comments
Republicans Cut Urban Kids Out Of Food Program

I keep thinking this can’t be true. And in a surprising twist, the bill language specifies that only rural areas are to benefit in the future from funding requested by the administration this year to continue a modest summer demonstration program to help children from low-income households — both urban and rural — during those […]

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Girls Rationalize Sexual Assault As… Normal?

Filed in National by on April 15, 2014 21 Comments
Girls Rationalize Sexual Assault As… Normal?

First, let me start off by saying that I’ve witnessed the normalization of sexual assault first hand – through my experience and now through my 16 year old daughter.  It feels like an uphill battle.  My small victory?  Everyone at the Pandora household has stopped using gender specific words in a negative, and a positive, fashion.

But take a look at this study.  I doubt you’ll be surprised.

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Courtship Republican Style

Filed in National by on April 9, 2014 18 Comments
Courtship Republican Style

I don’t get it.  Seriously, I just don’t get it.  Republicans openly acknowledge that they have women issues.  They don’t pretend they don’t exist, so why in the world is their new “wooing women” strategy based on insulting women?  And the Republican statements over the gender pay gap give a stunning insight into how the GOP sees women.

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Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2014 37 Comments
Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Mike O., The Seventh Type blog, found an interesting document in his inbox.  Go over to his place and read the whole thing – the link to the entire document is at Mike O’s place.  I’ll post some of the highlights from this 1995 Delaware Senate debate on SB 200 (DE Charter School Law).  This document pretty much puts an end to the but, but… whocouldhaveknown debate.

Here’s part of the question and answer segment with Bill Manning (Red Clay’s School Board President at the time)

SENATOR MARSHALL: Understanding that the harshest critics of charter schools around the nation where they’ve been in place and operating, is the issue of the schools skimming off the top and creating an elitist academy with public money.
My concern is looking at the focus of the charter schools by attracting the best at times for a specific educational discipline offered by that charter school; and the concern of recruitment.

I looked at children throughout New Castle County in moderate low income neighborhoods, I looked at the City, the west side, the east side, hilltop, I need to understand how your board and how you will guarantee fairness and equal access to every student from every unit.

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If You Believe Corporations Have Religious Beliefs…

Filed in National by on March 25, 2014 18 Comments
If You Believe Corporations Have Religious Beliefs…

… then would you be okay with your employer paying you with a debit card that didn’t work at liquor stores, casinos, etc.?

I’m asking because the Supreme Court begins hearing the Hobby Lobby and Conestoga cases today.

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End Of Life Decisions

Filed in Delaware by on March 7, 2014 30 Comments
End Of Life Decisions

One of the things I value about Delaware Liberal is our community.  This isn’t the first time I’ve reached out, and I doubt it will be the last.  As I type this I am awaiting a call back from my father-in-law’s senior living apartment’s service coordinator.  It’s decision time, which means I’m scrambling for information.

My father-in-law took a fall about a month ago.  He seemed okay, and we were fortunate he was given a visiting nurse.  I LOVE Medicare!  Then yesterday, my phone rang.  It was the EMTs calling.  My FIL had fallen and was completely disoriented.  He was refusing treatment and the EMT called me before they had to call the police – because my FIL HAD to go to the hospital.  Of course, he did.  I spoke to my FIL on the phone – Luckily, he recognized me – but he still refused to go to the hospital.  I told him I was on my way over, then called my husband.  By the time we got there the EMTs had finally gotten him on the stretcher.  He’s now at the hospital and we’re awaiting test results.  Those that have come back have indicated he has shingles, a UTI, occasional cardiac atrial fibrillation and has suffered a series of mini strokes.  The hospital expects to keep him for three days.

So, here’s where I’m at, and where I turn to DL for advice. 

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